
445 lines
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#include <keyboard.h>
#include <mpu.h>
// Keyboard variables.
volatile unsigned char keyboard_state[10] = { 0 };
static int repeat_first = 10, repeat_next = 2;
static int last_key = KEY_NONE, last_repeats = 0, last_events = 0;
static volatile int interrupt_flag = 0;
// Auxiliary functions.
Puts the CPU in sleep mode and waits for an interrupt to return.
void sleep(void)
Finds a pressed key in the keyboard state and returns it.
@return A pressed key.
int getPressedKey(void)
int row = 1, column = 0;
int state;
if(keyboard_state[0] & 1) return KEY_AC_ON;
while(row <= 9 && !keyboard_state[row]) row++;
if(row > 9) return KEY_NONE;
state = keyboard_state[row];
while(!(state & 1))
state >>= 1;
return (column << 4) | row;
Find 'count' pressed keys in the keyboard state.
@arg keys Will be filled.
@arg count Size of array.
@return Number of actual pressed keys found.
int getPressedKeys(int *keys, int count)
int row = 1, column;
int found = 0, actually_pressed;
int state;
if(count <= 0) return 0;
if(keyboard_state[0] & 1)
keys[found++] = KEY_AC_ON;
while(count && row <= 9)
while(row <= 9 && !keyboard_state[row]) row++;
if(row > 9) break;
state = keyboard_state[row];
column = 0;
while(count && column < 8)
if(state & 1)
keys[found++] = (column << 4) | row;
state >>= 1;
actually_pressed = found;
keys[found++] = KEY_NONE;
return actually_pressed;
Callback for keyboard update. Allows keyboard analysis functions to
wake only when RTC interrupts happen.
void keyboard_interrupt(void)
interrupt_flag = 1;
// Keyboard configuration.
Sets the keyboard frequency. Does nothing when the argument is not a
valid KeyboardFrequency value.
@arg frequency
void keyboard_setFrequency(enum KeyboardFrequency frequency)
volatile unsigned char *rcr2;
if(frequency < 1 || frequency > 7) return;
rcr2 = (unsigned char *)(isSH3() ? 0xfffffede : 0xa413fede);
frequency <<= 4;
*rcr2 = (*rcr2 & 0x8f) | frequency;
Sets the default repeat rate for key events. The unit for the argument
is the keyboard period.
For example at 16 Hz, values of (10, 2) will imitate the system
@arg first Delay before first repeat, in keyboard period units.
@arg next Delay before following repeats, in keyboard period
void keyboard_setRepeatRate(int first, int next)
if(first < 0) first = 0;
if(next < 0) next = 0;
repeat_first = first;
repeat_next = next;
// Keyboard access.
Returns the matrix code of the last pressed key. If repeat_count is
non-NULL, it is set to the number of repetitions.
@arg repeat_count
@return Key matrix code.
int keylast(int *repeat_count)
if(repeat_count) *repeat_count = last_repeats;
return last_key;
Blocking function with auto-repeat and SHIFT modifying functionalities.
Roughly reproduces the behavior of the system's GetKey().
@return Pressed key matrix code.
int getkey(void)
return getkey_opt(
Getkey_ShiftModifier |
Getkey_AlphaModifier |
Enhances getkey() with most general functionalities.
If max_cycles is non-zero and positive, getkey_opt() will return
KEY_NOEVENT if no event occurs during max_cycle analysis.
@arg options OR-combination of GetkeyOpt values.
@arg max_cycles
@return Pressed key matrix code.
int getkey_opt(enum GetkeyOpt options, int max_cycles)
int key;
enum KeyType type;
int modifier = 0, last_modifier = KEY_NONE;
int r;
if(!max_cycles) max_cycles = -1;
while(max_cycles != 0)
while(!interrupt_flag) sleep();
interrupt_flag = 0;
if(max_cycles > 0) max_cycles--;
// Getting key and adding modifiers.
key = getPressedKey();
// Handling "no_key" event;
if(key == KEY_NONE)
// Condition for returning.
r = (last_key != KEY_NONE &&
options & Getkey_ReleaseEvent);
last_key = KEY_NONE;
last_modifier = KEY_NONE;
last_repeats = 0;
last_events = 0;
if(r) return KEY_NONE;
// Handling "new key" events.
else if(key != last_key)
if(options & Getkey_ShiftModifier && key == KEY_SHIFT)
if(last_modifier != KEY_SHIFT)
modifier ^= MOD_SHIFT;
last_modifier = KEY_SHIFT;
if(options & Getkey_AlphaModifier && key == KEY_ALPHA)
if(last_modifier != KEY_ALPHA)
modifier ^= MOD_ALPHA;
last_modifier = KEY_ALPHA;
last_key = key;
last_repeats = 0;
last_events = 0;
return key | modifier;
// Handling key repetitions.
type = keytype(key);
// Checking whether this key type is repeated.
if(options & (type << 4))
r = last_repeats ? repeat_next : repeat_first;
if(last_events >= r)
last_events = 0;
return key;
// When no key was pressed during the given delay...
Listens the keyboard for simultaneous key hits. Uses the same options
as getkey_opt().
multigetkey() fills the 'keys' array with 'count' key codes, adding
KEY_NOKEY if less than 'count' keys are pressed.
Be aware that rectangle and column effects can make multigetkey() read
unpressed keys as pressed (see documentation for more information).
Setting count = 3 is generally safe.
@arg keys Key code array.
@arg count Maximum number of keys that will be read.
@arg max_cycles
void multigetkey(int *keys, int count, int max_cycles)
int number;
if(!max_cycles) max_cycles = -1;
while(max_cycles != 0)
while(!interrupt_flag) sleep();
interrupt_flag = 0;
if(max_cycles > 0) max_cycles--;
number = getPressedKeys(keys, count);
if(number) return;
// Handle key repetitions.
type = keytype(key);
// Checking whether this key type is repeated.
if(options & (type << 4))
r = last_repeats ? repeat_next : repeat_first;
if(last_events >= r)
last_events = 0;
return key;
// When no key was pressed during the given delay... (no need to fill
// the array, it has already been done by getPressedKeys()).
// Key analysis.
Returns a non-matrix key code that can be used for array subscript.
Ignores modifiers.
@arg key
@return Modified keycode.
int keyid(int key)
if(key < 0) return -1;
key &= MOD_CLEAR;
int row = 9 - (key & 0x0f);
int column = 6 - ((key & 0xf0) >> 4);
return 6 * row + column;
Returns the ASCII character associated with a key, or 0 for control
@arg key
int keychar(int key)
char flat[] = {
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x0, '2', '^', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
'X', 'l', 'l', 's', 'c', 't',
0x0, 0x0, '(', ')', ',', '>',
'7', '8', '9', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
'4', '5', '6', '*', '/', 0x0,
'1', '2', '3', '+', '-', 0x0,
'0', '.', 'e', '-', 0x0, 0x0
char alpha[] = {
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x0, 'r', 'o', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L',
'M', 'N', 'O', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 0x0,
'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 0x0,
'Z', ' ', '"', 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
int id = keyid(key);
if(key & MOD_ALPHA) return alpha[id];
return flat[id];
Returns a key's type. Ignores modifiers.
@arg key
@return Key type.
enum KeyType keytype(int key)
key &= MOD_CLEAR;
if(key == KEY_UP || key == KEY_RIGHT || key == KEY_DOWN ||
key == KEY_LEFT) return KeyType_Arrow;
if((key & 0x0f) == 0x09) return KeyType_Function;
return keychar(key) ? KeyType_Character : KeyType_Control;