Merge branch 'dev'

This commit is contained in:
Shadow15510 2022-02-27 09:58:40 +01:00
commit 8eb6ff15cc
3 changed files with 65 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
# Asci (1.7.2)
# Asci (1.7.3)
class Asci:
def __init__(self, maps, events_mapping, keys_mapping, behaviors=None, screen_width=21, screen_height=6):
# Load maps
self.maps = [Map(*i) for i in maps]
# Load maps and entities
self.maps = []
self.entities = {}
for index, raw_map in [(i, maps[i]) for i in range(len(maps))]:
for j in raw_map[1]:
if j[0] in self.entities: raise KeyError("'{}' is already a registered entities".format(j[0]))
else: self.entities[j[0]] = Entity(index, *j)
raw_map = list(raw_map)
# Custom functions
self._legend = list(events_mapping.keys())
self._game_events_mapping = [events_mapping[i] for i in self._legend]
@ -89,18 +97,17 @@ class Asci:
def _change_map(self, new_map):
# Update entities
if self.current_map:
for i in self.current_map.entities.copy():
entity = self.current_map.entities[i]
if entity.behavior == "follow":
entity.pos_x = entity.pos_y = -1
self.maps[new_map].entities[entity.entity_id] = entity
# Update current map[1] = new_map
# Update map id and data
old_map,[1] =[1], new_map
self.current_map = self.maps[[1]]
# Update entities
for i in self.entities:
entity = self.entities[i]
if entity.map_id == old_map and entity.behavior == "follow":
entity.pos_x = entity.pos_y = -1
entity.map_id = new_map
if entity.map_id == new_map: self.current_map.entities[i] = entity
# Update screen configuration
@ -173,7 +180,7 @@ class Asci:
data_copy =[:]
for entity in self.current_map.entities.values():
self._behaviors[entity.behavior](entity, data_copy, self.stat, self.screen, walkable)
if (0 <= entity.pos_x -[2] + 10 < self.screen.screen_width) and (0 <= entity.pos_y -[3] + 3 < self.screen.screen_height):
if entity.map_id ==[1] and (0 <= entity.pos_x -[2] + 10 < self.screen.screen_width) and (0 <= entity.pos_y -[3] + 3 < self.screen.screen_height):
self.screen.set_cell(entity.pos_x, entity.pos_y, entity.symbol)
self.screen.set_cell([2],[3], player)
@ -274,16 +281,16 @@ class Event:
class Map:
def __init__(self, map_data, entities, *coords):
def __init__(self, map_data, *coords):
self.map_data = map_data
if entities: self.entities = {i[0]: Entity(*i) for i in entities}
else: self.entities = {}
self.coords = coords
self.entities = {}
class Entity:
def __init__(self, entity_id, symbol, x, y, behavior, *args):
def __init__(self, map_id, entity_id, symbol, x, y, behavior, *args):
self.entity_id = entity_id
self.symbol = symbol
self.map_id = map_id
self.pos_x = x
self.pos_y = y
self.behavior = behavior
@ -292,6 +299,9 @@ class Entity:
def change_behavior(self, new_behavior):
if self.behavior != "permanent": self.behavior = new_behavior
def teleport(self, map_id, x, y):
self.map_id, self.pos_x, self.pos_y = map_id, x, y
# Functions used by Asci
def convert(string, force_int=False):

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from asci import *
maison = (r"""
exterieur = (r"""
_ ###
/o\__ #####
|_ <>\ ###
@ -13,27 +13,51 @@ maison = (r"""
# Entités
("sdf", "*", 2, 5, "stand by")
# Points de passage
(1, 3, 1, 3, 5))
carte_monde = (maison,)
interieur = (r"""
| |
| |
| |
| |
# Entités
# Points de passage
(3, 5, 0, 1, 3))
carte_monde = (exterieur, interieur)
def pnj(data, stat, entites, identifiant):
xp = data[0]["main"]
if identifiant == "sdf":
if xp == 2: entites["sdf"].change_behavior("follow")
if xp in (2, 7): entites["sdf"].change_behavior("follow")
elif xp == 4: entites["sdf"].change_behavior("stand by")
elif xp == 6:
entites["sdf"].change_behavior("stand by")
entites["sdf"].teleport(1, 2, 2)
return {
0: [0, "Mon bon monsieur, vous n'auriez pas quelques sous pour moi ?\n1. He non mon brave...\n2. Mais si, bien sur, tenez.", 2],
1: [5, "Radin !"],
2: [1, "Merci !", 0, (1, -1)], # 0 réponse possibles, -1 Argent
3: [0, "Hmm ?\n1. Arretez de me suivre !\n2. Non rien.", 2],
3: [0, "Hmm ?\n1.Arretez de me suivre !\n2.Non rien.\n3.Attendez-moi a l'intérieur, j'en ai pour une minute.", 3],
4: [2, "Soit..."],
5: [-2, "Bien"],
5: [-2, "Bien."],
6: [1, "Soit."],
7: [-4, "Je vous suis !"],
"base": [0, "Hmm ?"]
@ -56,4 +80,4 @@ touche = {6: affichage_stat}
def mon_jeu():
rpg_python = Asci(carte_monde, evenements, touche)
rpg_python.mainloop(7, stat=[100, 5], data=[{"main": 0}, 0, 10, 3])
rpg_python.mainloop(10, stat=[100, 5], data=[{"main": 0}, 0, 10, 3])

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@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
mkdir map_python
for i in $(ls -X *.tmx)
for i in *.tmx
echo "$i -> ${i%%.*}.py"
echo "$i -> ${i%.*}.py"
python converter "$i" doors=^ entities=?*
cp "${i%%.*}.py" map_python/
rm "${i%%.*}.py"
cp "${i%.*}.py" map_python/
rm "${i%.*}.py"