# Builder A little game like Minecraft or Terraria. This fork aims at "cross compiling" Builder for the CG architecture. The code and assets are 100% coming from Mb88 repositerory. Not even a single line has been changed. # Build an install Install gint if you have not already installed it. ##If you are targeting the fx9860g serie (Graph35/75/85/90 in all versions), simply do : ``` $ fxsdk build-fx ``` Copy `Builder.g1a` to the main folder of your calculator. ##if you are targeting to use a fx-CG10/20/50/Graph 90+E (Prizm serie), a upscaling is then achievable using : ``` $ fxsdk build-fx-as-cg ``` Copy `Builder.g3a` to the main folder of your calculator. # Gameplay ## When playing 1 - Break a block. EXE - Add a block. MENU - Detailled inventory. 8,4,5,6 - Select blocks. 0 - Select something in the inventory. Right, Left - Move. SHIFT - Jump. ## In the detailled inventory SHIFT - Select a stack. 0 - Move the cursor. ALPHA - Transfer the blocks from the stack to the cursor. X² - Transfer a block from the stack to the cursor. EXE - Quit this menu. MENU - Go to the crafting menu. ## In the crafting SHIFT - Build the selected block. Right, Left - Choose another block to build. EXE - Quit crafting. ## Incinerator SHIFT - Burn an item from the selected stack. DEL - Burn the selected stack. EXE - Quit this menu. ## Everywhere EXIT - Quit the game. # Missing features - [ ] Survival. - [ ] Mobs. - [ ] Save. - [ ] Included help. - [ ] Water and lava. - [ ] Leafs. - [ ] Many blocks (see `./assets-fx/tiles/blocks/`). - [ ] Portals ? - [ ] Boss ? - [ ] Multiplayer ? # Issues See tickets. # Topics The initial topic by Mb88: https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/topic17108-last-builder-un-jeu-de-construction-comme-minecraft-et-terraria.html#188890 The automated conversion topic by SlyVTT : https://www.planet-casio.com/Fr/forums/topic17296-1-conversion-automatique-des-projets-gintfxsdk-mono-vers-prizm-cg102050g90e.html#191066 # Testing You can get the latest build in the root directory (Builder.g1a for monocolor Graphs and Builder.g3a for color fxCGs) If you find an issue, please write a ticket !