WIP : improved HUD & sliding in curves

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain PILLOT 2022-05-31 21:25:52 +02:00
parent 8b64a2db55
commit a421c6186f
2 changed files with 109 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -2,24 +2,34 @@
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View File

@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ void initEverything( void )
float timepressed = 0.0f;
float timeunpressed = 0.0f;
int directionPressed = 0;
bool CarIsSliding = false;
uint16_t framesmoke = 0;
@ -247,6 +248,8 @@ static void get_inputs( float dt, int index )
if (directionPressed!=-1) directionPressed=-1, timepressed = 0.0f;
else if (directionPressed==-1 && CC<0) timepressed += dt;
timeunpressed = 0.0f;
if (CC<0) viewside=-2; // We are in a curve and turning
if (CC>0) viewside=0;
@ -259,6 +262,8 @@ static void get_inputs( float dt, int index )
if (directionPressed!=1) directionPressed=1, timepressed = 0.0f;
else if (directionPressed==1 && CC>0) timepressed += dt;
timeunpressed = 0.0f;
if (CC>0) viewside=+2;
if (CC<0) viewside=0;
@ -266,6 +271,7 @@ static void get_inputs( float dt, int index )
else if (!keydown(KEY_RIGHT) && !keydown(KEY_F6) && !keydown(KEY_LEFT) && !keydown(KEY_F5))
directionPressed=0, timepressed = 0.0f;
timeunpressed += dt;
if(keydown(KEY_SHIFT) || keydown(KEY_XOT) || keydown(KEY_F1)) // Accelerates
@ -357,20 +363,39 @@ static void get_inputs( float dt, int index )
if (timepressed>=300.0f) // was 500.0f
CarIsSliding = true;
cam->decX( CC*dt*speed/50 );
cam->decX( CC*dt*speed/30.0f ); // was 50.0f
speed = speed * 0.975;
else if (timeunpressed>=200.0f)
CarIsSliding = false;
framesmoke = 0;
static void get_minimum_inputs( void )
static void get_inputs_start( void )
key_event_t ev;
while((ev = pollevent()).type != KEYEV_NONE)
if(keydown(KEY_EXIT)) drawPauseQuit();
if(keydown(KEY_OPTN)) drawOptions();
#if IS_FXLIB==1
if(keydown(KEY_7)) screenshot = true;
if(keydown(KEY_8)) record = !record;
#endif // IS_FXLIB
static void get_inputs_finish_fail( void )
key_event_t ev;
while((ev = pollevent()).type != KEYEV_NONE)
@ -389,7 +414,6 @@ static void get_minimum_inputs( void )
int main(void)
@ -693,7 +717,9 @@ int main(void)
if (!initiateStart && !finishSequence && !failSequence) get_inputs( dt, indexstart ); // The racer is not started : no need to get inputs and we are not in fail or finish sequence
else get_minimum_inputs(); // the we can just have minimum inputs
else if (initiateStart) get_inputs_start(); // If we are in the start sequence, not need to check for restart we can just have minimum inputs
else if (finishSequence || failSequence) get_inputs_finish_fail();
//former position
@ -1077,11 +1103,11 @@ int main(void)
dprint_opt(390,3, C_RGB(0,0,0), C_NONE, DTEXT_RIGHT, DTEXT_TOP, "%.3D", score );
dprint_opt(388,1, C_RGB(255,255,0), C_NONE, DTEXT_RIGHT, DTEXT_TOP, "%.3D", score ); // the ';' char corresponds to "s"
dprint_opt(390,23, C_RGB(0,0,0), C_NONE, DTEXT_RIGHT, DTEXT_TOP, "%.3D", stage );
dprint_opt(388,21, C_RGB(255,255,0), C_NONE, DTEXT_RIGHT, DTEXT_TOP, "%.3D", stage ); // the ';' char corresponds to "s"
dprint_opt(390,23, C_RGB(0,0,0), C_NONE, DTEXT_RIGHT, DTEXT_TOP, "%.3D/%d", stage, jalons.size() );
dprint_opt(388,21, C_RGB(255,255,0), C_NONE, DTEXT_RIGHT, DTEXT_TOP, "%.3D/%d", stage, jalons.size() ); // the ';' char corresponds to "s"
if (multilap)
//if (multilap)
dsubimage( 135, 25, &speedhud, 28, 143, 27, 13, DIMAGE_NONE); // Lap logo