fxconv: support Unicode fonts

This commit adds the Unicode input feature where fonts are defined by a
set of block files under a common directory.
This commit is contained in:
Lephenixnoir 2020-07-14 15:29:41 +02:00
parent 77c277721f
commit 84f77c3136
Signed by untrusted user: Lephenixnoir
GPG Key ID: 1BBA026E13FC0495
1 changed files with 106 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Convert data files into gint formats or object files
import os
import tempfile
import subprocess
import re
from PIL import Image
@ -118,36 +119,22 @@ LIBIMG_FLAG_RO = 2
# Character sets
class Charset:
def __init__(self, name, blocks):
self.name = name
self.blocks = blocks
def count(self):
return sum(length for start, length in self.blocks)
def find(name):
"""Find a charset by name."""
for charset in FX_CHARSETS:
if charset.name == name:
return charset
return None
# Digits 0...9
Charset("numeric", [ (ord('0'), 10) ]),
"numeric": [ (ord('0'), 10) ],
# Uppercase letters A...Z
Charset("upper", [ (ord('A'), 26) ]),
"upper": [ (ord('A'), 26) ],
# Upper and lowercase letters A..Z, a..z
Charset("alpha", [ (ord('A'), 26), (ord('a'), 26) ]),
"alpha": [ (ord('A'), 26), (ord('a'), 26) ],
# Letters and digits A..Z, a..z, 0..9
Charset("alnum", [ (ord('A'), 26), (ord('a'), 26), (ord('0'), 10) ]),
"alnum": [ (ord('A'), 26), (ord('a'), 26), (ord('0'), 10) ],
# All printable characters from 0x20 to 0x7e
Charset("print", [ (0x20, 95) ]),
"print": [ (0x20, 95) ],
# All 128 ASII characters
Charset("ascii", [ (0x00, 128) ]),
"ascii": [ (0x00, 128) ],
# Custom Unicode block intervals
"unicode": [],
# Area specifications
@ -155,7 +142,7 @@ FX_CHARSETS = [
class Area:
A subrectangle of an image, typicall used for pre-conversion cropping.
A subrectangle of an image, typically used for pre-conversion cropping.
def __init__(self, area, img):
@ -418,26 +405,18 @@ def _trim(img):
return img.crop((left, 0, right, img.height))
def _blockstart(name):
m = re.match(r'(?:U\+)?([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\.', name)
if m is None:
return None
return int(m[1], base=16)
except Exception as e:
return None
def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
# Image area and grid
if isinstance(input, Image.Image):
img = input.copy()
img = Image.open(input)
area = Area(params.get("area", {}), img)
img = img.crop(area.tuple())
grid = Grid(params.get("grid", {}))
# Quantize image. (Profile doesn't matter here; only black pixels will be
# encoded into glyphs. White pixels are used to separate entries and gray
# pixels can be used to forcefully insert spacing on the sides.)
img = quantize(img, dither=False)
# Character set
@ -445,15 +424,68 @@ def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
if "charset" not in params:
raise FxconvError("'charset' attribute is required and missing")
charset_name = params["charset"]
charset = Charset.find(charset_name)
if charset is None:
raise FxconvError(f"unknown character set '{charset_name}'")
if charset.count() > grid.size(img):
raise FxconvError(f"not enough elements in grid (got {grid.size(img)}, "+
f"need {charset.count()} for '{charset.name}')")
charset = params["charset"]
blocks = FX_CHARSETS.get(charset, None)
if blocks is None:
raise FxconvError(f"unknown character set '{charset}'")
# Will be recomputed later for Unicode fonts
glyph_count = sum(length for start, length in blocks)
# Image input
grid = Grid(params.get("grid", {}))
# When using predefined charsets with a single image, apply the area and
# check that the number of glyphs is correct
if charset != "unicode":
if isinstance(input, Image.Image):
img = input.copy()
img = Image.open(input)
area = Area(params.get("area", {}), img)
img = img.crop(area.tuple())
# Quantize it (only black pixels will be encoded into glyphs)
img = quantize(img, dither=False)
if glyph_count > grid.size(img):
raise FxconvError(
f"not enough elements in grid (got {grid.size(img)}, "+
f"need {glyph_count} for '{charset}')")
inputs = [ img ]
# In Unicode mode, load images for the provided directory, but don't apply
# the area (this makes no sense since the sizes are different)
files = os.listdir(input)
except Exception as e:
raise FxconvError(
f"cannot scan directory '{input}' to discover blocks for the"+
f"unicode charset: {str(e)}")
# Keep only files with basenames like "<hexa>" or "U+<hexa>" and sort
# them by code point order (for consistency)
files = [e for e in files if _blockstart(e) is not None]
files = sorted(files, key=_blockstart)
# Open all images and guess the block size
inputs = []
for file in files:
img = Image.open(os.path.join(input, file))
img = quantize(img, dither=False)
blocks = [(_blockstart(e), grid.size(img))
for e, img in zip(files, inputs)]
# Recompute the total glyph count
glyph_count = sum(length for start, length in blocks)
blocks = charset.blocks
# Proportionality and metadata
@ -498,31 +530,32 @@ def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
data_width = bytearray()
data_index = bytearray()
for (number, region) in enumerate(grid.iter(img)):
# Upate index
if not (number % 8):
idx = total_glyphs // 4
data_index += _encode_word(idx)
for img in inputs:
for (number, region) in enumerate(grid.iter(img)):
# Upate index
if not (number % 8):
idx = total_glyphs // 4
data_index += _encode_word(idx)
# Get glyph area
glyph = img.crop(region)
if proportional:
glyph = _trim(glyph)
# Get glyph area
glyph = img.crop(region)
if proportional:
glyph = _trim(glyph)
length = 4 * ((glyph.width * glyph.height + 31) >> 5)
bits = bytearray(length)
offset = 0
px = glyph.load()
length = 4 * ((glyph.width * glyph.height + 31) >> 5)
bits = bytearray(length)
offset = 0
px = glyph.load()
for y in range(glyph.size[1]):
for x in range(glyph.size[0]):
color = (px[x,y] == FX_BLACK)
bits[offset >> 3] |= ((color * 0x80) >> (offset & 7))
offset += 1
for y in range(glyph.size[1]):
for x in range(glyph.size[0]):
color = (px[x,y] == FX_BLACK)
bits[offset >> 3] |= ((color * 0x80) >> (offset & 7))
offset += 1
total_glyphs += length
total_glyphs += length
data_glyphs = b''.join(data_glyphs)
@ -572,7 +605,7 @@ def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
.byte {line_height}
.byte {grid.h}
.byte {len(blocks)}
.long {charset.count()}
.long {glyph_count}
.long _{params["name"]}_data + {off_blocks}
.long _{params["name"]}_data
""" + assembly2