
212 lines
5.8 KiB

#include <gint/display.h>
#include <gint/keyboard.h>
#include <gint/exc.h>
#include <justui/jscene.h>
#include <justui/jlabel.h>
#include <justui/jfkeys.h>
#include <justui/jinput.h>
#include <justui/jpainted.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct view {
uint32_t base;
bool ascii;
int lines;
/* Code of exception that occurs during a memory access */
static uint32_t exception = 0;
/* Exception-catching function */
static int catch_exc(uint32_t code)
if(code == 0x040 || code == 0x0e0) {
exception = code;
return 0;
return 1;
int line(uint8_t *mem, char *header, char *bytes, char *ascii, int n)
/* First do a naive access to the first byte, and record possible
exceptions - TLB miss read and CPU read error.
I use a volatile asm statement so that the read can't be optimized
away or moved by the compiler. */
exception = 0;
uint8_t z;
__asm__ volatile("mov.l %1, %0" : "=r"(z) : "m"(*mem));
sprintf(header, "%08X:", (uint32_t)mem);
if(exception == 0x040) {
sprintf(bytes, "TLB error");
memset(ascii, 0, n);
return 1;
if(exception == 0x0e0) {
sprintf(bytes, "Read error");
memset(ascii, 0, n);
return 1;
/* Read single bytes when possible, but longwords when in SPU memory */
for(int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)mem;
int c = 0x11;
if((addr & 0xffc00000) == 0xfe000000) {
uint32_t l = *(uint32_t *)(addr & ~3);
c = (l << (addr & 3) * 8) >> 24;
else c = mem[k];
ascii[k] = (c >= 0x20 && c < 0x7f) ? c : '.';
ascii[n] = 0;
for(int k = 0; 2 * k < n; k++)
sprintf(bytes + 5 * k, "%02X%02X ", mem[2*k], mem[2*k+1]);
return 0;
static void paint_mem(int x, int y, struct view *v)
char header[12], bytes[48], ascii[24];
uint32_t addr = v->base;
uint8_t *mem = (void *)addr;
for(int i = 0; i < v->lines; i++, mem += 8, addr += 8) {
int status = line(mem, header, bytes, ascii, 8);
dtext(x, y + 12*i, C_BLACK, header);
dtext(x + 85, y + 12*i, status ? C_RED : C_BLACK, bytes);
for(int k = 7; k >= 0; k--) {
ascii[k+1] = 0;
dtext(x + 250 + 9*k, y + 12*i, C_BLACK, ascii+k);
static void update_status_bar(jlabel *status, struct view *v)
jlabel_asprintf(status, "%X/%X", v->base, 8*v->lines);
void hex_view(void)
struct view v = { .base = 0x88000000, .ascii = false, .lines = 13 };
jscene *scene = jscene_create_fullscreen(NULL);
jlabel *title = jlabel_create("Hex Editor", scene);
jwidget *stack = jwidget_create(scene);
jfkeys *fkeys = jfkeys_create("@JUMP;;#ROM;#RAM;#ILRAM;#ADDIN", scene);
if(!scene || !title || !stack || !fkeys) {
jwidget_set_background(title, C_BLACK);
jlabel_set_text_color(title, C_WHITE);
jwidget_set_stretch(title, 1, 0, false);
jwidget_set_padding(title, 3, 6, 3, 6);
jlayout_set_vbox(scene)->spacing = 3;
jwidget_set_padding(stack, 0, 6, 0, 6);
jwidget_set_stretch(stack, 1, 1, false);
// Main tab //
jwidget *tab = jwidget_create(NULL);
jpainted *mem = jpainted_create(paint_mem, &v, 321, 12*v.lines-3, tab);
jlabel *status = jlabel_create("", tab);
jinput *input = jinput_create("Go to: ", 12, tab);
jwidget_set_margin(mem, 4, 0, 4, 0);
jwidget_set_stretch(mem, 1, 0, false);
jwidget_set_stretch(status, 1, 0, false);
jwidget_set_margin(input, 0, 0, 0, 4);
jwidget_set_stretch(input, 1, 0, false);
jwidget_set_visible(input, false);
jlayout_set_vbox(tab)->spacing = 4;
jwidget_add_child(stack, tab);
jwidget_set_stretch(tab, 1, 1, false);
update_status_bar(status, &v);
// Event handling //
int key = 0;
while(key != KEY_EXIT)
bool input_focus = (jscene_focused_widget(scene) == input);
jevent e = jscene_run(scene);
if(e.type == JSCENE_PAINT) {
if(e.type == JINPUT_VALIDATED) {
/* Parse string into hexa */
uint32_t target = 0;
char const *str = jinput_value(input);
for(int k = 0; k < str[k]; k++)
target <<= 4;
if(str[k] <= '9') target += (str[k] - '0');
else target += ((str[k]|0x20) - 'a' + 10);
v.base = target & ~7;
if(e.type == JINPUT_VALIDATED || e.type == JINPUT_CANCELED) {
jwidget_set_visible(input, false);
jwidget_set_visible(fkeys, true);
jscene_set_focused_widget(scene, NULL);
if(e.type != JSCENE_KEY || e.key.type == KEYEV_UP) continue;
key = e.key.key;
int move_speed = (e.key.shift ? 8 : 1);
if(key == KEY_UP) v.base -= move_speed * 8 * v.lines;
if(key == KEY_DOWN) v.base += move_speed * 8 * v.lines;
if(key == KEY_F1 && !input_focus) {
jwidget_set_visible(input, true);
jwidget_set_visible(fkeys, false);
jscene_set_focused_widget(scene, input);
if(key == KEY_F3 && !input_focus) v.base = 0x80000000;
if(key == KEY_F4 && !input_focus) v.base = 0x88000000;
if(key == KEY_F5 && !input_focus) v.base = 0xe5200000;
if(key == KEY_F6 && !input_focus) v.base = 0x00300000;
mem->widget.update = 1;
update_status_bar(status, &v);
int main(void)
return 1;