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from PIL import Image
from zopfli.zlib import compress
import sys
# Read track.dat
with open("track.dat", "rb") as f:
track =
# Compress it
zopfli_encoded = compress(track, numiterations=20)
print(f"Zopfli length: {len(zopfli_encoded)}")
compressedTrack = "const unsigned char compressedTrack[] = {"
for byte in zopfli_encoded:
compressedTrack += f"0x{byte:02x}, "
compressedTrack = compressedTrack[:-2] + "};"
compressedTrack += "\n"
compressedTrack += f"const int compressedTrackSize = {len(zopfli_encoded)};"
# Open tileset.png
tileset ="tileset.png")
# Round the width down to a multiple of 8 and crop it
tileset = tileset.crop((0, 0, tileset.width - (tileset.width % 8), tileset.height))
# Split it into widthx8 strips and make them into one long image
tileset_strips = []
for i in range(0, tileset.height, 8):
tileset_strips.append(tileset.crop((0, i, tileset.width, i + 8)))
longImage ="RGBA", (tileset.width * len(tileset_strips), 8))
for i in range(len(tileset_strips)):
longImage.paste(tileset_strips[i], (i * tileset.width, 0))
# Crop starting at tile number 512 and make it 256*8 wide
longImage = longImage.crop((512 * 8, 0, 512 * 8 + 256 * 8, 8))
# Save it as tileset_long.png"tileset_long.png")
2022-07-24 19:20:39 +02:00
# Reformat it into a 128x128 image, with 16 tiles per row
squareImage ="RGBA", (128, 128))
for i in range(16):
# Paste a 128x8 tile at the correct position
squareImage.paste(longImage.crop((i * 128, 0, i * 128 + 128, 8)), (0, i * 8))
# Save it as tileset_square.png"tileset_square.png")
# Now save the 240th tile of the tileset as tile_240.png
tileNum = 240
tile_240 = longImage.crop((tileNum * 8, 0, tileNum * 8 + 8, 8))"tile_240.png")
# Split into a 256x256 array of tiles
tiles = []
for i in range(0, len(track), 256):
# Create the image
img ="RGB", (256 * 8, 256 * 8))
# Fill in the tiles
for x in range(256):
for y in range(256):
tile = tiles[x][y]
# Get the tile from the tileset
tileImg = longImage.crop((tile * 8, 0, tile * 8 + 8, 8))
# Rotate it by 90 degrees and flip it
tileImg = tileImg.transpose(Image.Transpose.ROTATE_90)
tileImg = tileImg.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
# Paste it into the image
img.paste(tileImg, (x * 8, y * 8))
# Save the image"track.png")
track = "const unsigned short tileData[256][256] = {\n"
for tileNum in range(256):
track += " {"
# Get the tile from the tileset
tileImg = longImage.crop((tileNum * 8, 0, tileNum * 8 + 8, 8))
# Rotate it by 90 degrees and flip it
tileImg = tileImg.transpose(Image.Transpose.ROTATE_90)
tileImg = tileImg.transpose(Image.Transpose.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
# Loop over the pixels
for x in range(8):
for y in range(8):
# Get the pixel colour
r, g, b, a = tileImg.getpixel((x, y))
# Convert to RGB565.
rgb = ((r & 0b11111000) << 8) | ((g & 0b11111100) << 3) | (b >> 3)
# Add it to the track
track += f"0x{rgb:04x}, "
track = track[:-2] + "},\n"
track += "};\n"
track += "#define trackImageWidth 256 * 8\n"
track += "#define trackImageHeight 256 * 8\n"
with open("track.h", "w") as f: