
72 lines
1.8 KiB

with open("rom.gba", "rb") as f:
romBytes =
trackNames = []
offsets = []
attributes = {
0x10: "Jump bar",
0x12: "Bump edge",
0x14: "Item block",
0x16: "Zipper",
0x18: "Oil slick",
0x1A: "Coin",
0x1C: "Bump",
0x1E: "Wood plank",
0x20: "Empty",
0x22: "Water",
0x24: "Lava",
0x26: "Out of bounds",
0x28: "Empty border",
0x40: "Road",
0x42: "Plank junction",
0x44: "Brick road",
0x46: "Clay",
0x48: "Wet sand",
0x4A: "Soft sand",
0x4C: "Rough clay",
0x4E: "Flat surface",
0x50: "Bridge",
0x52: "Slippery road",
0x54: "Sand",
0x56: "Offroad",
0x58: "Snow",
0x5A: "Grass",
0x5C: "Shallow water",
0x5E: "Mud",
0x80: "Solid block",
0x82: "Frail block",
0x84: "Ice block"
with open("offsets.csv") as f:
for line in f:
# Offset is in hex
offsets.append(int(line.split(",")[1].strip(), 16))
index = 40
print("Getting attributes for track " + trackNames[index])
# Read 4 bytes at the offset + 136
trackAttributesOffset = romBytes[offsets[index] + 136:offsets[index] + 140]
# Convert to int (little endian)
trackAttributesOffset = int.from_bytes(trackAttributesOffset, byteorder="little")
trackAttributesOffset += offsets[index]
# Get 256 bytes at the offset + 256
trackAttributes = romBytes[trackAttributesOffset:trackAttributesOffset + 256]
taBytes = trackAttributes
# Convert to array of ints (one byte per int)
trackAttributes = [trackAttributes[i] for i in range(len(trackAttributes))]
# Print them as hex
print([hex(x) for x in trackAttributes])
# Count the number of unique numbers in the list
uniqueNumbers = set()
for n in trackAttributes:
# Write taBytes to a file
with open("trackAttributes.dat", "wb") as f: