
376 lines
11 KiB

#include "./3d.h"
#include "./platform.h"
#include "./main.h"
#include "./tilemap.h"
#include "./maths.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "../data-headers/generated_lut.h"
#include "platforms/gint.h"
// #include "./3d-bg-dat.h"
// #include "libprof.h"
// #endif
#define lowResCutoff (LCD_HEIGHT_PX * 3 / 4) - 30
inline void setPixel(int x, int y, color_t color) {
VRAM[y * LCD_WIDTH_PX + x] = color;
int hFovModifier = 1 << 12;
// void __attribute__ ((noinline, hot)) normalFov() {
// int angleCos = fpcos(angle);
// int angleSin = fpsin(angle);
// for (unsigned short y = horizon + 2; y < /*LCD_HEIGHT_PX*/lowResCutoff; y++) {
// int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
// int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist;
// for (unsigned short x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x++) {
// int x2 = wx >> 6;
// int y2 = dist;
// // Rotate by angle
// int newX = ((x2 * angleCos) >> 15) + ((y2 * angleSin) >> 15);
// int newY = ((y2 * angleCos) >> 15) - ((x2 * angleSin) >> 15);
// color_t col = samplePixel(newX >> 1, newY >> 1);
// // if (col == 0) {
// // color_t* img_data = (color_t*) data_3d_bg + 4;
// // col = img_data[(LCD_WIDTH_PX * (y - (horizon + 2))) + (x << 1)];
// // }
// // setPixel(x * 2, y, col);
// // setPixel(x * 2 + 1, y, col);
// // Cast to an unsigned int array so two pixels are stored at once.
// ((unsigned int *)VRAM)[y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
// wx += dist;
// }
// }
// // Fill in the low resolution area at half vertical resolution.
// // TODO: remove duplicate code
// for (unsigned short y = lowResCutoff; y < LCD_HEIGHT_PX; y += 2) {
// int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
// int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist;
// for (unsigned short x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x++) {
// int x2 = wx >> 6;
// int y2 = dist;
// // Rotate by angle
// int newX = ((x2 * angleCos) >> 15) + ((y2 * angleSin) >> 15);
// int newY = ((y2 * angleCos) >> 15) - ((x2 * angleSin) >> 15);
// color_t col = samplePixel(newX >> 1, newY >> 1);
// // if (col == 0) {
// // color_t* img_data = (color_t*) data_3d_bg + 4;
// // col = img_data[(LCD_WIDTH_PX * (y - (horizon + 2))) + (x << 1)];
// // }
// // setPixel(x * 2, y, col);
// // setPixel(x * 2 + 1, y, col);
// // Cast to an unsigned int array so two pixels are stored at once.
// ((unsigned int *)VRAM)[y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
// ((unsigned int *)VRAM)[(y + 1) * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
// wx += dist;
// }
// }
// }
// void normalFov() {
// for (unsigned short y = horizon + 2; y < LCD_HEIGHT_PX; y++) {
// for (unsigned short x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x++) {
// int wx;
// int wy;
// screenToWorldSpace(x, y, &wx, &wy);
// color_t col = samplePixel(wx, wy);
// ((unsigned int *)VRAM)[y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
// }
// }
// }
void screenToWorldSpace(int x, int y, int* worldX, int* worldY) {
int angleCos = fpcos(angle);
int angleSin = fpsin(angle);
x /= 2;
int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist;
wx += dist * x;
int x2 = wx >> 6;
int y2 = dist;
// Rotate by angle
int newX = ((x2 * angleCos) >> 15) + ((y2 * angleSin) >> 15);
int newY = ((y2 * angleCos) >> 15) - ((x2 * angleSin) >> 15);
*worldX = newX >> 1;
*worldY = newY >> 1;
*worldX += xOffset;
*worldY += yOffset;
*worldX >>= 2;
*worldY >>= 2;
#define abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
// void worldToScreenSpace(int worldX, int worldY, int* x, int* y) {
// // RIDICULOUSLY inefficient way of doing this for testing purposes:
// // Loop through all the pixels on the screen and find the one that
// // is closest to the world coordinates.
// int minDist = INT_MAX;
// for (int i = 0; i < LCD_WIDTH_PX; i++) {
// for (int j = horizon + 2; j < LCD_HEIGHT_PX; j++) {
// int wx;
// int wy;
// screenToWorldSpace(i, j, &wx, &wy);
// int dist = abs(worldX - wx) + abs(worldY - wy);
// if (dist < minDist) {
// minDist = dist;
// *x = i;
// *y = j;
// }
// }
// }
// printf("minDist: %d\n", minDist);
// }
// TODO: Take FOV into account
void worldToScreenSpace(int worldX, int worldY, int* x, int* y, int* dist) {
worldX <<= 2;
worldY <<= 2;
worldX -= xOffset;
worldY -= yOffset;
worldX <<= 1;
worldY <<= 1;
// Undo the rotation
int angleCos = fpcos(-angle);
int angleSin = fpsin(-angle);
int x2 = ((worldX * angleCos) >> 15) + ((worldY * angleSin) >> 15);
int y2 = ((worldY * angleCos) >> 15) - ((worldX * angleSin) >> 15);
// Find the closest distance in the lookup table
int minDist = INT_MAX;
int minDistIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < LCD_HEIGHT_PX - horizon - 2; i++) {
int dist = abs(newLut[i] - y2);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
minDistIndex = i;
*y = minDistIndex + horizon;
// int dist2 = newLut[minDistIndex];
int dist2 = y2;
*dist = dist2;
// *x = LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2;
minDist = INT_MAX;
minDistIndex = 0;
// Find the closest x value
// int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist2;
// for (int i = 0; i < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; i++) {
// int dist = abs((wx >> 6) - x2);
// if (dist < minDist) {
// minDist = dist;
// minDistIndex = i;
// }
// wx += dist2;
// }
// Better way to do it:
int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist2;
// We are asking how many dist2s you need to wx add to get to x2 from wx
// So just directly calculate that instead of doing the loop
if ((dist2 >> 1) == 0) {
*x = INT_MAX;
// int numDist2s = (x2 - (wx >> 6)) / (dist2 >> 6);
// Do the division before the shift for increased precision
// int numDist2s = ((x2 << 6) - wx) / (dist2 >> 6);
// numDist2s >>= 6;
// int numDist2s = ((x2 << 6) - wx) / dist2;
// minDistIndex = numDist2s /*- 1*/;
// *x = minDistIndex * 2;
// TODO: Division is slow on the SH4 CPU as there's no hardware divider
// Can this be optimized? Or is the division just necessary?
// Or is this done infrequently enough that it doesn't matter?
*x = ((x2 << 6) - wx) / (dist2 >> 1);
printf("x: %d\n", *x);
// Original
// void __attribute__ ((noinline)) fullRes() {
// int angleCos = fpcos(angle);
// int angleSin = fpsin(angle);
// for (unsigned short y = horizon + 2; y < LCD_HEIGHT_PX; y++) {
// int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
// int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist;
// for (unsigned short x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x++) {
// int x2 = wx >> 6;
// int y2 = dist;
// // Rotate by angle
// int newX = ((x2 * angleCos) >> 15) + ((y2 * angleSin) >> 15);
// int newY = ((y2 * angleCos) >> 15) - ((x2 * angleSin) >> 15);
// color_t col = samplePixel(newX >> 1, newY >> 1);
// // if (col == 0) {
// // color_t* img_data = (color_t*) data_3d_bg + 4;
// // col = img_data[(LCD_WIDTH_PX * (y - (horizon + 2))) + (x << 1)];
// // }
// // setPixel(x * 2, y, col);
// // setPixel(x * 2 + 1, y, col);
// // Cast to an unsigned int array so two pixels are stored at once.
// ((unsigned int *)VRAM)[y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
// wx += dist;
// }
// }
// }
// dx/dy version
// void __attribute__ ((noinline)) fullRes() {
// int angleCos = fpcos(angle);
// int angleSin = fpsin(angle);
// for (unsigned short y = horizon + 2; y < LCD_HEIGHT_PX; y++) {
// int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
// int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist;
// int y2 = dist;
// int newX = (wx * (angleCos >> 6)) + (y2 * angleSin);
// int newY = (y2 * angleCos) - (wx * (angleSin >> 6));
// int dx = (dist * (angleCos >> 6));
// int dy = -(dist * (angleSin >> 6));
// for (unsigned short x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x++) {
// color_t col = samplePixel(newX >> 16, newY >> 16);
// ((unsigned int *)VRAM)[y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
// newX += dx;
// newY += dy;
// }
// }
// }
// TODO: Put this in fast on-chip memory?
unsigned int* vramLine;
#ifndef USE_ASM
void draw3DLine(int x, int y, int dx, int dy/*, unsigned int* vramLine*/) {
for (unsigned short x2 = 0; x2 < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x2++) {
color_t col = samplePixel(x >> 16, y >> 16);
*vramLine = (col << 16 | col);
x += dx;
y += dy;
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) fullRes() {
int angleCos = fpcos(angle);
int angleSin = fpsin(angle);
for (unsigned short y = horizon + 2; y < LCD_HEIGHT_PX; y++) {
int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2 * dist;
int y2 = dist;
int newX = (wx * (angleCos >> 6)) + (y2 * angleSin);
int newY = (y2 * angleCos) - (wx * (angleSin >> 6));
int dx = (dist * (angleCos >> 6));
int dy = -(dist * (angleSin >> 6));
vramLine = (unsigned int *)VRAM + y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2);
draw3DLine(newX, newY, dx, dy/*, vramLine*/);
#define normalFov fullRes
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) changedFov() {
int angleCos = fpcos(angle);
int angleSin = fpsin(angle);
for (unsigned short y = horizon + 2; y < /*LCD_HEIGHT_PX*/lowResCutoff; y++) {
int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
int dx = (dist * hFovModifier) >> 12;
int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2;
wx *= dx;
for (unsigned short x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x++) {
int x2 = wx >> 6;
int y2 = dist;
// Rotate by angle
int newX = ((x2 * angleCos) >> 15) + ((y2 * angleSin) >> 15);
int newY = ((y2 * angleCos) >> 15) - ((x2 * angleSin) >> 15);
color_t col = samplePixel(newX >> 1, newY >> 1);
// if (col == 0) {
// color_t* img_data = (color_t*) data_3d_bg + 4;
// col = img_data[(LCD_WIDTH_PX * (y - (horizon + 2))) + (x << 1)];
// } // setPixel(x * 2, y, col);
// setPixel(x * 2 + 1, y, col);
// Cast to an unsigned int array so two pixels are stored at once.
((unsigned int *)VRAM)[y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
wx += dx;
// Fill in the low resolution area at half vertical resolution.
// TODO: remove duplicate code
for (unsigned short y = lowResCutoff; y < LCD_HEIGHT_PX; y += 2) {
int dist = newLut[y - horizon];
int dx = (dist * hFovModifier) >> 12;
int wx = -(LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) / 2;
wx *= dx;
for (unsigned short x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2; x++) {
int x2 = wx >> 6;
int y2 = dist;
// Rotate by angle
int newX = ((x2 * angleCos) >> 15) + ((y2 * angleSin) >> 15);
int newY = ((y2 * angleCos) >> 15) - ((x2 * angleSin) >> 15);
color_t col = samplePixel(newX >> 1, newY >> 1);
// if (col == 0) {
// color_t* img_data = (color_t*) data_3d_bg + 4;
// col = img_data[(LCD_WIDTH_PX * (y - (horizon + 2))) + (x << 1)];
// }
// setPixel(x * 2, y, col);
// setPixel(x * 2 + 1, y, col);
// Cast to an unsigned int array so two pixels are stored at once.
((unsigned int *)VRAM)[y * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
((unsigned int *)VRAM)[(y + 1) * (LCD_WIDTH_PX / 2) + x] = (col << 16 | col);
wx += dx;
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) draw3D(bool highQuality) {
if (hFovModifier == 1 << 12) {
if (highQuality) {
} else {
} else {