2022-02-28 20:08:14 +01:00

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// This file is part of the uSTL library, an STL implementation.
// Copyright (c) 2005 by Mike Sharov <>
// This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License.
#pragma once
#include "unew.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "uiterator.h"
#include "ulimits.h"
#include "upair.h"
#define alloca(size) __builtin_alloca (size)
namespace ustl {
/// \class auto_ptr umemory.h ustl.h
/// \ingroup MemoryManagement
/// \brief A smart pointer.
/// Calls delete in the destructor; assignment transfers ownership.
/// This class does not work with void pointers due to the absence
/// of the required dereference operator.
template <typename T>
class auto_ptr {
typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;
/// Takes ownership of \p p.
inline explicit auto_ptr (pointer p = NULL) : m_p (p) {}
/// Takes ownership of pointer in \p p. \p p relinquishes ownership.
inline auto_ptr (auto_ptr<T>& p) : m_p (p.release()) {}
/// Deletes the owned pointer.
inline ~auto_ptr (void) { delete m_p; }
/// Returns the pointer without relinquishing ownership.
inline pointer get (void) const { return (m_p); }
/// Returns the pointer and gives up ownership.
inline pointer release (void) { pointer rv (m_p); m_p = NULL; return (rv); }
/// Deletes the pointer and sets it equal to \p p.
inline void reset (pointer p) { if (p != m_p) { delete m_p; m_p = p; } }
/// Takes ownership of \p p.
inline auto_ptr<T>& operator= (pointer p) { reset (p); return (*this); }
/// Takes ownership of pointer in \p p. \p p relinquishes ownership.
inline auto_ptr<T>& operator= (auto_ptr<T>& p) { reset (p.release()); return (*this); }
inline reference operator* (void) const { return (*m_p); }
inline pointer operator-> (void) const { return (m_p); }
inline bool operator== (const pointer p) const { return (m_p == p); }
inline bool operator== (const auto_ptr<T>& p) const { return (m_p == p.m_p); }
inline bool operator< (const auto_ptr<T>& p) const { return (p.m_p < m_p); }
pointer m_p;
/// Calls the placement new on \p p.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename T>
inline void construct (T* p)
new (p) T;
/// Calls the placement new on \p p.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename ForwardIterator>
inline void construct (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last)
typedef typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
if (numeric_limits<value_type>::is_integral)
memset ((void*) first, 0, max(distance(first,last),0)*sizeof(value_type));
for (--last; intptr_t(first) <= intptr_t(last); ++first)
construct (&*first);
/// Calls the placement new on \p p.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename T>
inline void construct (T* p, const T& value)
new (p) T (value);
/// Calls the destructor of \p p without calling delete.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename T>
inline void destroy (T* p) noexcept
// Helper templates to not instantiate anything for integral types.
template <typename T>
void dtors (T first, T last) noexcept
{ for (--last; intptr_t(first) <= intptr_t(last); ++first) destroy (&*first); }
template <typename T, bool bIntegral>
struct Sdtorsr {
inline void operator()(T first, T last) noexcept { dtors (first, last); }
template <typename T>
struct Sdtorsr<T,true> {
inline void operator()(T, T) noexcept {}
/// Calls the destructor on elements in range [first, last) without calling delete.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename ForwardIterator>
inline void destroy (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) noexcept
typedef typename iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
Sdtorsr<ForwardIterator,numeric_limits<value_type>::is_integral>()(first, last);
/// Casts \p p to the type of the second pointer argument.
template <typename T> inline T* cast_to_type (void* p, const T*) { return ((T*) p); }
/// \brief Creates a temporary buffer pair from \p p and \p n
/// This is intended to be used with alloca to create temporary buffers.
/// The size in the returned pair is set to 0 if the allocation is unsuccessful.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename T>
inline pair<T*, ptrdiff_t> make_temporary_buffer (void* p, size_t n, const T* ptype)
return (make_pair (cast_to_type(p,ptype), ptrdiff_t(p ? n : 0)));
/// \brief Allocates a temporary buffer, if possible.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
#define get_temporary_buffer(size, ptype) make_temporary_buffer (alloca(size_of_elements(size, ptype)), size, ptype)
#define return_temporary_buffer(p)
#define get_temporary_buffer(size, ptype) make_temporary_buffer (malloc(size_of_elements(size, ptype)), size, ptype)
#define return_temporary_buffer(p) if (p) free (p), p = NULL
/// Copies [first, last) into result by calling copy constructors in result.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename InputIterator, typename ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator uninitialized_copy (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, ForwardIterator result)
for (; first < last; ++result, ++first)
construct (&*result, *first);
return (result);
/// Copies [first, first + n) into result by calling copy constructors in result.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename InputIterator, typename ForwardIterator>
ForwardIterator uninitialized_copy_n (InputIterator first, size_t n, ForwardIterator result)
for (++n; --n; ++result, ++first)
construct (&*result, *first);
return (result);
/// Calls construct on all elements in [first, last) with value \p v.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename ForwardIterator, typename T>
void uninitialized_fill (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& v)
for (; first < last; ++first)
construct (&*first, v);
/// Calls construct on all elements in [first, first + n) with value \p v.
/// \ingroup RawStorageAlgorithms
template <typename ForwardIterator, typename T>
ForwardIterator uninitialized_fill_n (ForwardIterator first, size_t n, const T& v)
for (++n; --n; ++first)
construct (&*first, v);
return (first);
} // namespace ustl
namespace std { // Internal stuff must be in std::
/// Internal class for compiler support of C++11 initializer lists
template <typename T>
class initializer_list {
typedef T value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef const_reference reference;
typedef const T* const_iterator;
typedef const_iterator iterator;
iterator m_Data;
size_type m_Size;
/// This object is only constructed by the compiler when the {1,2,3}
/// syntax is used, so the constructor must be private
inline constexpr initializer_list (const_iterator p, size_type sz) noexcept : m_Data(p), m_Size(sz) {}
inline constexpr initializer_list (void)noexcept : m_Data(NULL), m_Size(0) {}
inline constexpr size_type size (void) const noexcept { return (m_Size); }
inline constexpr const_iterator begin() const noexcept { return (m_Data); }
inline constexpr const_iterator end() const noexcept { return (begin()+size()); }
template <typename T>
inline constexpr const T* begin (initializer_list<T> il) noexcept { return (il.begin()); }
template <typename T>
inline constexpr const T* end (initializer_list<T> il) noexcept { return (il.end()); }
} // namespace std