
28 lines
754 B

#ifndef _DEF_PLAYER
#define _DEF_PLAYER
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "vec.h"
typedef struct Player {
Vec pos;
Vec spd; /* velocity */
Vec hbox; /* the bottom left corner of the player's hitbox */
Vec vbox; /* the bottom left corner of the player's visual box */
Vec origin; /* the origin of the sprite (offset) */
uint grace; /* coyot jump */
bool jump_held; /* used to control jump height */
} Player;
#include "level.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "input.h"
void player_move(Player *player, const Level *level);
void player_step(Player *player, Input *input, const Level *level, uint step);
void player_draw(Player *player, Camera *camera);
void player_draw_debug(Player *player, uint step, const Level *level);
#endif /* _DEF_PLAYER */