
445 lines
12 KiB

#include "../stdio_p.h"
#include "../../stdlib/stdlib_p.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
void __scanf_start(struct __scanf_input *in)
in->buffer = fgetc(in->fp);
else {
in->buffer = (*in->str ? *in->str : EOF);
in->str += (in->buffer != EOF);
int __scanf_fetch(struct __scanf_input *in)
return fgetc(in->fp);
int c = *in->str;
if(c == 0)
return EOF;
return c;
void __scanf_end(struct __scanf_input *in)
if(in->buffer == EOF)
ungetc(in->buffer, in->fp);
void __purge_space( struct __scanf_input * __restrict__ in )
while (isspace(__scanf_peek(in))) __scanf_in(in);
void __scanf_store_i(int64_t value, int size, va_list *args)
if(size == 1)
*va_arg(*args, int8_t *) = value;
else if(size == 2)
*va_arg(*args, int16_t *) = value;
else if(size == 4)
*va_arg(*args, int32_t *) = value;
else if(size == 8)
*va_arg(*args, int64_t *) = value;
void __scanf_store_d(long double value, int size, va_list *args)
if(size == sizeof(float))
*va_arg(*args, float *) = value;
else if(size == sizeof(double))
*va_arg(*args, double *) = value;
else if(size == sizeof(long double))
*va_arg(*args, long double *) = value;
// XX = not done yet (but will be done)
// OK = OK, done and tested
// -- = not applicable
// NO = not supported (and will not be done) only for %lc as long char are not supported by gint
/* Specifier * Explanation * num * hh * h *none* l * ll * j * z * t * L */
/* % * Parse literal '%' * -- * -- * -- * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- */
/* c * match a char or several char * OK * -- * -- * OK * NO * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- */
/* s * match a string * OK * -- * -- * OK * NO * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- */
/* [set] * match a set of char * OK * -- * -- * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- */
/* d * match a decimal integer * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * -- */
/* i * match an integer * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * -- */
/* d * match an unsigned decimal integer * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * -- */
/* o * match a unsigned octal integer * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * -- */
/* x,X * match a unsigned hexadecimal integer * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * OK * -- */
/* n * return the nb of chars read so far * -- * -- * -- * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- */
/* a,A * match a floating point number * OK * -- * -- * OK * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * OK */
/* e,E * match a floating point number * OK * -- * -- * OK * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * OK */
/* f,F * match a floating point number * OK * -- * -- * OK * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * OK */
/* g,G * match a floating point number * OK * -- * -- * OK * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * OK */
/* p * match a pointer * -- * -- * -- * OK * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- * -- */
// %ms and %m[set] are not implemented (with memory allocation while parsing a chain or a set of characters)
struct scanf_format {
/* Maximum field width */
int field_width;
/* Size of the assigned (integer or floating-point) type, in bytes */
uint8_t size;
/* Whether to skip assignment */
bool skip;
/* Set of bytes allowed for bracket sets in %[] */
uint8_t bracket_set[32];
/* Allow/disallow the entire set */
static void bracket_set_init(uint8_t *set, bool allow)
memset(set, allow ? 0xff : 0x00, 32);
/* Allow/disallow a range of characters. Both ends are included. */
static void bracket_set_range(
uint8_t *set, uint8_t start, uint8_t end, bool allow)
for(int u = start; u <= end; u++) {
int byte = u >> 3;
int bit = 1 << (u & 7);
set[byte] |= bit;
set[byte] &= ~bit;
/* Check whether a byte is allowed by the bracket set. */
static bool bracket_set_test(uint8_t *set, int c)
return (c != EOF) && (set[c >> 3] & (1 << (c & 7)));
/* Parse a bracket set from a format string. Returns true on success. */
static bool bracket_set_parse(uint8_t *set, char const *format, int *pos)
int last = 0;
bool allow = true;
bracket_set_init(set, false);
/* '^' denotes a negated set */
if(format[*pos] == '^') {
allow = false;
bracket_set_init(set, true);
/* ']' as the first character adds ']' to the set */
if(format[*pos] == ']' ) {
bracket_set_range(set, ']', ']', allow);
for(; format[*pos] && format[*pos] != ']'; (*pos)++) {
/* '-' as the last character, thus explicitly in the set */
if(format[*pos] == '-' && format[*pos + 1] == ']')
bracket_set_range(set, '-', '-', allow);
/* '-' as denoting a range */
else if(format[*pos] == '-') {
bracket_set_range(set, last, format[*pos], allow);
/* Any other character */
else {
last = format[*pos];
bracket_set_range(set, last, last, allow);
return (format[*pos] == ']');
static int parse_fmt(char const *fmt, int *pos, struct scanf_format *opt)
opt->field_width = INT_MAX;
opt->size = sizeof(int);
opt->skip = false;
int width = 0;
char size_letter = 0;
while(1) {
switch(fmt[*pos]) {
case '*':
opt->skip = true;
case 'h':
opt->size = (size_letter=='h') ? sizeof(char) : sizeof(short);
size_letter = 'h';
case 'l':
opt->size = (size_letter=='l') ? sizeof(long long) : sizeof(long);
size_letter = 'l';
case 'L':
opt->size = sizeof(long double);
size_letter = 'L';
case 'j':
opt->size = sizeof(intmax_t);
case 'z':
opt->size = sizeof(size_t);
case 't':
opt->size = sizeof(ptrdiff_t);
case '0' ... '9':
width = width * 10 + (fmt[*pos] - '0');
opt->field_width = width;
case '[':
return bracket_set_parse(opt->bracket_set, fmt, pos) ? '[' : 0;
case 'd':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u':
case 'x':
case 'X':
case 'p':
case 's':
case 'n':
return fmt[*pos];
case 'a':
case 'A':
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G':
/* Adjust interpretation of no size / 'l' size */
if(size_letter == 0)
opt->size = sizeof(float);
if(size_letter == 'l')
opt->size = sizeof(double);
return fmt[*pos];
case 'c':
if(opt->field_width == INT_MAX)
opt->field_width = 1;
return 'c';
return 0;
return 0;
int __scanf(
struct __scanf_input * __restrict__ in,
char const * __restrict__ format,
va_list *args)
in->bytes_read = 0; // we haven't started to read char from the input stream
int validrets = 0; // to be incremented each time we successfully read and store an input as per the format
int err = 0; // err control on __strto_xx( ) functions
int pos = 0; // current pos in the format string
__scanf_start( in );
// TODO: No __scanf_end() in any of the "return validrets"!!
for(; format[pos]; pos++) {
if(format[pos] == ' ') {
else if(format[pos] != '%') {
// if the next char of the stream is corresponding, we validate the read and go to the following char
if(format[pos] == __scanf_peek( in )) {
__scanf_in( in );
else return validrets; // else we return the number of valid read
else if(format[pos + 1] == '%') {
if(__scanf_peek(in) != '%') return validrets;
else __scanf_in( in );
/* Perform a conversion */
else {
struct scanf_format opt;
int spec = parse_fmt(format, &pos, &opt);
if(spec == 0)
return validrets;
switch(spec) {
// we need to decrypt the corresponding scanf set of character
case '[': {
int currentlength = 0;
// we need to assign the read char to the corresponding pointer
char *c = opt.skip ? NULL : va_arg(*args, char *);
for(int u=0; u<opt.field_width; u++) {
int temp = __scanf_peek(in);
if(bracket_set_test(opt.bracket_set, temp)) {
if(c) *c++ = temp;
else if(temp==EOF && !currentlength && !validrets)
return EOF;
else break;
return validrets;
*c = '\0';
validrets += !opt.skip;
// return the number of char read so far (cannot be skipped %*n is not valid)
case 'n':
*va_arg(*args, int *) = in->bytes_read;
case 'd':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u':
case 'x':
case 'X': {
int f = format[pos];
int base = (f == 'd' || f == 'u') ? 10 :
(f == 'o') ? 8:
(f == 'x' || f == 'X') ? 16 : 0;
bool use_unsigned = (f == 'o' || f == 'x' || f == 'X');
long long int temp;
err = __strto_int(in, base, NULL, &temp, use_unsigned,
if (err == EOF && validrets == 0) return EOF;
if (err != 0) return validrets;
__scanf_store_i( temp, opt.size, args );
case 'a':
case 'A':
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G': {
// read a double from the current input stream
// and store in the corresponding arg as a char by reference
long double temp;
err = __strto_fp( in, NULL, NULL, &temp,
if (err == EOF && validrets == 0) return EOF;
if (err != 0) return validrets;
__scanf_store_d( temp, opt.size, args );
case 'p': {
long int temp;
if (!opt.skip) {
void *p = (void *) va_arg( *args, void** ); // get the adress of the target pointer (void**)
err = __strto_int( in, 0, p, NULL, true,
else err = __strto_int( in, 0, &temp, NULL, true,
if (err == 0) validrets++;
else return validrets;
case 'c': {
char *c = opt.skip ? NULL : va_arg(*args, char *);
for(int u = 0; u < opt.field_width; u++) {
int temp = __scanf_in(in);
if(temp==EOF) return EOF;
else if(c) *c++ = temp;
validrets += !opt.skip;
case 's': {
char temp;
int curstrlength = 0;
char *c = opt.skip ? NULL : va_arg(*args, char *);
for(int u = 0; u < opt.field_width; u++) {
temp = __scanf_peek(in);
if(temp==EOF && curstrlength==0) return validrets;
if(isspace(temp) || ((temp==EOF && curstrlength!=0))) {
if(c) {
*c = 0;
else {
int temp = __scanf_in( in );
*c++ = temp;
__scanf_end( in );
return validrets;