Commit Graph

4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Yann MAGNIN 14db2abf33 sh-elf-vhex - v1.2.0-rc0 : Update vxSDK integration
<> [patchs/gcc/11.2.0/gcc/config.gcc]
  | force-provide the stdint-gcc.h needed by the fxlibc
<> Makefile
  | prepare circular dependency workaround (WIP)
  | change build design : first build binutils then GCC (stage1,fxlibc,stage2)
  | proper export the first rule (all)
  | proper fix circular dependencies with fxlibc and openlibm
<> [scripts/binutils]
  | [build] add sysroot support
  | [configure] add sysroot support
  | [configure] proper setup archive cache
  | [configure] add cmake as legits dependency (fxlibc)
  | [configure] remove untested android fix
  | [install] support sysroot
<> [scripts/gcc]
  | [build] add sysroot support
  | [configure] add sysroot support
  | [configure] proper setup archive cache
<> [scripts]
  | [install] isolate installation step for binutils and gcc
  | [uninstall] isolate uninstallation step for binutils and gcc
2023-01-08 16:59:05 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN 882e3eaceb sh-elf-vhex - v1.0.3 : vxSDK update
> Makefile: rename giteapc.make (broke the giteapc compatibility)
> script/gcc/build : use Vhex's OpenLibm fork instead of Lephenixnoir's fork
> vxsdk.toml :
	| section title
	| project version
	| project compilation step

> script/binutils/install : symbolic link
> script/gcc/install : symbolic link
> script/gcc/build :
	| force the PIC compilation for the OpenLibm lib
	| force the PIC compilation for the fxlibc lib
	| clone only the last commit for the fxlibc lib
2022-05-14 11:07:16 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 648fdbf86f add README + fix compile script + add GCC's dependencies installation 2021-11-17 19:41:16 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN d4b8b52af7 fix comments 2021-11-16 17:43:29 +01:00
Renamed from scripts/ (Browse further)