#include "vxBoot/gui.h" #include "vxBoot/loader.h" #include "vxBoot/config.h" #include /* fxcg50_display() : Hardcoded display for the fxcg50 */ void gui_fxcg50_display(struct gui_meta *disp) { char const * name; int posy; int tmp; int sy; int i; dprint_opt( DWIDTH / 2, 5, C_WHITE, C_BLACK, DTEXT_CENTER, DTEXT_TOP, "VxBoot version %s", VXBOOT_VERSION ); drect_border(17, 18, 378, 189, C_NONE, 1, C_WHITE); if (disp->scroll.offset > 0) { sy = disp->scroll.y + (disp->list.anchor * disp->scroll.offset); dline(375, sy, 375, sy + disp->scroll.width, C_WHITE); } i = disp->list.anchor - 1; while (++i < disp->list.count && i - disp->list.anchor < 11) { posy = 22 + ((i - disp->list.anchor) * 15); name = loader_kernel_img_get(i)->inode->name; dtext(22, posy + 2, C_WHITE, name); if (i != disp->list.select) continue; tmp = (disp->scroll.offset > 0) ? 373 : 375; drect(20, posy, tmp, posy + 13, C_INVERT); } dprint_opt( DWIDTH / 2, 200, C_WHITE, C_BLACK, DTEXT_CENTER, DTEXT_MIDDLE, "Use arrows keys to select entry" ); dprint_opt( DWIDTH / 2, 212, C_WHITE, C_BLACK, DTEXT_CENTER, DTEXT_MIDDLE, "Press [EXE] to boot the selected OS" ); }