Commit Graph

39 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Yann MAGNIN 7713e5e059 vxkernel - v0.7.0 : SDL2 and FXCG90 support
> full project architecture update
> support the new vxSDK integration
> support 64bits architectures
> support SLD2 "fake" board
> add DMA driver and API
> add Timer driver and API
> update configuration script (now called "vxdev")
> rework Keyboard API
> rework scripts isolation
> many fixes
> many "early-optimisations"
> explicit neovim ALE linter configuration
2023-01-18 20:20:49 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN 0ac038e1e2 vxkernel - v0.7.0-rc0 : candidate release for the v0.7.0
> [.nvimrc]
  | add minimal ALE configuration for neovim
2023-01-18 19:59:06 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN d59a8c986f vxkernel - v0.6.0-31 : fix vxdev + fix FPS synchronization API + disable DMA
> [vxdev]
  | proper send script arguments
  | proper boards scanning
> [src/driver/screen/r61524]
  | disable double buffering per default
> [FPS]
  | fix FPS sync
2023-01-17 22:13:43 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN 3fb1bb296e vxkernel - v0.6.0-30 : switch tab to 4 spaces (oskour) + update scripts
> [common]
  | switch tab to 4 spaces
> [scripts]
  | isolate vxdev scripts
  | add small script for switching tabs to 4 spaces
2023-01-17 21:10:51 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN d656a04385 vxkernel - v0.6.0-29 : fix fxcg50 support
> [board/fxcg50]
  | [fxcg50.ld] add ".dynamic" section support
> [kernel/src/module/kalloc]
  | [area_vhex] force first alloc block to NULL
> [vxsdk.toml]
  | [fxcg50] force little endian
  | [fxcg50] force SH4A with no-FPU instruction generation
  | [fxcg50] add missing lib dependencies (libgcc and libc)
  | [fxcg50] proper export linker flags for GCC
  | [sdl2] proper export linker script
2023-01-15 18:16:48 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN c7baead8b3 vxkernel - v0.6.0-28 : update vxSDK integration + "on-the-fly" kernel sources fix
> [boards]
  | [fxcg50] update board-specific header path
> [scripts/core]
  | [cmake] proper support toolchain indication (vxSDK integration)
> [vxsdk.toml]
  | disable verbose per default
  | update exported flags (WIP)
  | update linker script dependency for fxcg50 (WIP)

> [kernel/src]
  | missing return values
> [vxsdk.toml]
  | force expose libmath for SDL2
  | fix ENV variable name for linker script
2023-01-14 14:57:20 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN 735c8b4103 vxkernel 0.6.0-27 : Fix assets generation
> [CMakeLists.txt]
  ¦ support extra file installation request (like linker script)
> [boards]
  ¦ [sdl2] indicate that the sdl2.ld file (linker script) should be installed
> [scripts/core/board]
  ¦ support extra file installation indication
  ¦ remove useless toolchain information (handled by the vxSDK)
> [vxsdk.toml]
  ¦ indicate converter asset prefix
  ¦ use the new ENV handling
  ¦ indicate SDL2 linker script
  ¦ indicate SLD2 correct flags information
2022-12-10 13:30:44 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN 20536b601b vxkernel 0.6.0-26 : fonctional CMake build system! (candidate)
> [vxdev] && [scripts]
  ¦ refacto the configuration script, now handle all compilation step
  ¦ proper cmake abstraction
  ¦ proper isolation between "core" and "command"

> [CMakeLists.txt]
  ¦ support extra C flags configuration
  ¦ support installation request
  ¦ proper remove useless explicit path information
> [boards]
  ¦ [sdl2] move "toolchain" information in the vxsdk.toml (handled by vxSDK)
  ¦ [fxcg50] move "toolchain" information in the vxsdk.toml (handled by vxSDK)
> [vxsdk.toml]
  ¦ proper use of the new ENV configuration protocol
  ¦ isolate toolchain information of each board

> [.gitignore]
  ¦ use explicit exclusion instead of explicit inclusion
  ¦ add missing kernel source files (!)
2022-12-03 16:50:02 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN 693d9b0d8f vxkernel 0.6.0-25 : switch to CMake ! (WIP)
  This commit doesn't provide the complet CMake support, because many
  improvements need to be done in the vxSDK. You can only build the SDL2 board
  by hardcoding environment variables (the `vxsdk.toml file is not fonctional`)
  The "shared" forms of the library will be handled as a Virtual Dynamic Shared
  Object (vDSO) and will be common for all board. This is not supported yet.

> [CMakeLists.txt]
  ¦ support project architecture
  ¦ support project configuration file
  ¦ support SDL2 board (static-only)
> [scripts]
  ¦ provide proper API
  ¦ proper isolate the board manipulation
  ¦ proper isolate the "library format" selection (static or vdso)
  ¦ generate a CMake file instead of Makefile one

> [common]
  ¦ rename 'board/' to 'boards/'
  ¦ move 'assets/', 'src/' and 'include' in 'kernel/'
  ¦ remove old makefile
  ¦ in 'boards/<board-name>' proper isolate :
    ¦ board description : `board.toml`
    ¦ board file to install : e.i `fxcg50.ld`
    ¦ board source file : `src`
    ¦ board include : `include`
> [configure]
  ¦ proper refacto the script
  ¦ proper isolation between vxSDK use and user

> [kernel/src]
  ¦ [drivers/common/sdl2]
    ¦ [keyboard] remove unused object
    ¦ [keyboard] proper table size declaration
    ¦ [sdl2] fix return value
    ¦ [timer] fix return value
  ¦ [modules]
    ¦ [dstack] fix return value
    ¦ [hypervisor] fix return value
2022-11-27 10:39:06 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN ca4e598d28 VxKernel 0.6.0-24 : Add SDL2 support (fake board)
<> board/sdl2
  | [board] add DMA module support
  | [board] add RTC module support
<> src/driver/mpu/x86/sdl2
  | [dma] add fake DMA driver
  | [rtc] add fake RTC driver

<> driver/mpu/x86/sdl2
  | [keyboard] add key more information
  | [keyboard] display keymap when the driver is installed
  | [keyboard] allow event pop even if the `event` argument is NULL
  | [timer] display driver installation logs
  | [window] display driver installation logs
  | [window] display VRAM in x2
<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/
  | [keysc] allow event pop even if the `event` argument is NULL

<> board/sdl2
  | [initialize] fix constructor priority
  | [initialize] fix constructor logs
<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/
  | [keysc] fix safety with event NULL
  | [rtc] fix file organization
2022-08-26 10:30:46 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 176f4cb9d1 VxKernel 0.6.0-23 : Add SDL2 support (fake board) (WIP) + update keyboard API
<> board/sdl2
  | [board] add keyboard module support
<> src/driver/mpu/x86/sdl2
  | [keyboard] add fake keyboard driver

<> include/vhex/keyboard
  | new keyboard API based on SDL2 event handling
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [keysc] update keysc API

<> include/vhex/keyboard
  | fix type collision with key_t
2022-08-25 20:11:32 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 9e1ed3cf58 VxKernel 0.6.0-22 : Add SDL2 support (fake board) (WIP)
<> src/driver/mpu/x86/sdl2
  | [sdl2] move SDL2 initialisation
  | [timer] add fake timer driver

<> src/driver/mpu/x86/sdl2
  | [window] remove SDL2 initialisation

<> include/vhex/defs
  | [call] fix 64bits support
<> src/timer
  | [fps] fix negative margin
  | [fps] fix named fields
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | [fps] fix elapsed time calculation
  | [fps] fix syncronisation waiting
  | [profiling] fix hardware time search
  | [profiling] fix safety guard for all primitives
  | [profiling] fix tmu_prof_quit()
  | [tmu] fix power symbols
  | [tmu] fix power primitives
<> src/display
  | [dtext] fix text register invalid write
2022-08-25 13:03:55 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 2a107ad5b9 VxKernel 0.6.0-21 : Add SDL2 support (fake board) (WIP)
<> board/
  | [sdl2] add fake board for the SDL2 wrapper
  | [sdl2] fake CPU atomic operation
  | [sdl2] fake hypervisor world-switch
  | [sdl2] fake kernel init
  | [sdl2] use a modified Linux linker script for adding our Vhex special sections
<> src/driver/mpu/x86/sdl2
  | add fake window driver (simple wrapper around SDL2 surface)

<> vxsdk.toml
  | move board specification to the user project
  | remove the SH compiler dependency

<> board/
  | [fxcg50] move all "flags-specific" of the board in the board description file
<> src/display
  | [common] support 64-bits API!
<> src/hypervisor
  | [table] fix world initialization
<> src/timer
  | [profiling] init default structure
2022-08-25 12:51:14 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 0bf4f487c7 VxKernel 0.6.0-20 : Add POWER management
<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [power] add power hardware module
<> driver/screen
  | [r61524] add triple buffering (DMA)

<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [dma] proper power handling
  | [intc] proper power handling
  | [keysc] proper power handling
  | [intc] proper power handling
  | [tmu] proper power handling
  | [tmu] isolate FPS API
  | [tmu] isolate profiling API

<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [tmu] proper expose FPS functions
2022-08-24 10:17:50 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN b8abc2eae7 VxKernel 0.6.0-19 : Add DMA driver
<> board/fxcg50/board
  | add DMA module support
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/dma
  | add async transfer primitives
  | add DMA memcpy algorithm
  | add DMA memset algorithm
  | add DMA wait primitives

<> vhex/dma
  | [types] change dma_id_t type
  | [interface] add dma_spinwait primitives
<> vhex/driver
  | add DMA flags for driver interface
<> vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/dma
  | expose kernel-level primitives
  | add internal types definitions
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/dma
  | proper channel cache
  | proper channel interrupt handler
  | proper channel error handler
  | proper address translation
  | proper driver installation (context save/restore)
  | proper driver interface exposition

<> vhex/keyboard/keycode
  | fix typedef again
<> src/dma
  | fix driver exposition
  | fix driver interface link dump
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc
  | fix generic handler installation
2022-08-17 13:23:28 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 7e01fb8444 VxKernel 0.6.0-18 : Add Vhex indirect call + prepare DMA driver
<> vhex/defs/call
  | add common `vhex_call_t` which allow indirect call invocation
  | add default helper macros to generate internal struct
  | add default helper macros to involve manually the vhex call
<> vhex/dma
  | add DMA user-level API
  | add DMA user-level types
  | add DNA driver-level interface
<> vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [dma] add hardware definition
  | [dma] prepare DMA driver definition (WIP)
  | [dma] add DMA driver declaration (WIP)
  | [dma] prepare DMA primitives     (WIP)
<> src/dma
  | wrap the DMA driver
  | expose the DMA user-level API
  | expose the DMA module

<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld
  | expose the two VRAM for the future frame render which use the triple
     buffering. For now, this method add ~347ko in the generated ELF, but it's a
<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [intc] rename some kernel-level function
  | [intc] use the new vhex call mechanism instead of timer-specific indirect call
  | [intc] update the generic interrupt handler installation
  | [intc] isolate the generic interrupt handler
  | [rtc] use the new vhex call mechanism instead of rtc-specific indirect call
  | [keysc] use the new vhex call mechanism

<> src
  | [keyboard] fix key_t type definition
  | [keyboard] fix the driver priority
  | [timer] fix the driver priority
2022-08-11 19:21:02 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN e8e63016d5 VxKernel 0.6.0-17 : Add RTC driver + prepare FS support
<> include/vhex/display/draw/rect
  | add filled rectangle API
<> src/display/draw/drect
  | add filled rectangle drawing API
<> board/fxcg50/
  | add devices special section (WIP)
<> include/vhex/device
  | add device structure (WIP)
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/
  | [intc] add primitive which allow dummy default interrupt handler
  | [rtc]  add complete RTC hardware structure
  | [rtc]  add hardware-level kernel API
<> include/vhex/fs
  | add file system abstraction API (WIP)
  | add Fugue FAT file system abstraction API (WIP)
<> include/vhex/rtc
  | add RTC user-level API
  | add driver-level interface
  | add kernel-level types
<> src/fs
  | add base Fugue abstraction (WIP)
  | add libc functions (WIP)

<> include/vhex/display/draw/text
  | merge halign and valign argument
  | add special alignment flags
<> include/vhex/driver
  | add RTC driver flags
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpg
  | rename weird field
  | add Spread Spectrum emulator field
  | properly expand LSTATS register
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [intc] allow user-level interrupt handler installation
  | [intc] expose common interrupt handler
  | [rtc] add RTC entire driver
<> src/driver/scree/r61524
  | use complete VRAM instead of fragmented render

<> src/display
  | [text] fix height for text display geometry
  | [text] fix alignment calculation
  | [dclear] fix geometry support
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305
  | [cpg] fix driver installation
  | [cpg] fix driver spread spectrum
  | [cpg] fix driver declaration
  | [tmu] fix exception with the profiling primitives
2022-08-08 20:19:00 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 585254cb2e hotfix for the vxSDK 2022-08-02 14:59:03 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 674d4b382c VxKernel 0.6.0-16 : Add rectangle API + fix horizontal line
<> include/vhex/display/draw/rect
  | add filled rectangle API
<> src/display/draw/drect
  | add filled rectangle drawing API

<> include/vhex/display/draw/text
  | merge halign and valign argument
  | add special alignment flags

<> src/display/font
  | fix height for text display geometry
<> src/display/text
  | fix alignment calculation
2022-06-28 17:34:00 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 70d31c5268 VxKernel 0.6.0-15 : Add FPS API
<> include/timer
  | add FPS primitives
  | update driver interface (link FPS primitives)
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | add hardware-specific primitive for FPS handling
  | add CPU atomic security

<> src/display/image/shader/shadow
  | finish approximately the algorithm
  | support X/Y offset
<> src/timer
  | isolate timer API, profiling API and FPS API

<> include/timer/types
  | fix special attribute declaration
  | fix types definition
2022-06-25 16:48:44 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN d48e09cb38 VxKernel 0.6.0-14 : Update whole project architecture
<> configure
  | use TOML file format instead of INI for board description
  | block configuration script if it's not involved by the vxSDK
  | comment code and write documentation (WIP)
  | allow kernel module selection
<> Makefile
  | block compilation step if it's not involved by the vxSDK
  | remove the "build/" directory creation
  | moved to the root directory of the project
<> src/modules -> src
  | moved all "kernel modules" in the root directory
  | remove "kernel/" part of the project : now linked to the interrupt controller
<> vxsdk.toml
  | change compilation steps

<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc
  | fix TLB interrupt handler freeze
  | link kernel panic (exception/TLB)
<> include/vhex/display
  | add image API by default
2022-06-25 11:26:15 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 752757e0ef VxKernel 0.6.0-13 : Add keyboard API + update timer API
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/keysc
  | add internal driver primitives
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | add internal driver primitives
<> include/vhex/keyboard
  | add getkey* (high-level) API
  | add key event API
  | add key status API
  | add keycode information
  | add keyboard driver interface

<> include/vhex/driver
  | add KEYBOARD driver flags
<> include/vhex/keyboard
  | isolate each part of the keyboard module
  | link the keycache part with the driver-provided keycache information
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/keysc
  | use the new keycache API (high-level interrupt handler)
  | update keycache API
  | link the new API in the driver device
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | add timer reservation (WIP)
  | use a "reservation" cache to known which timer is free instead of hardware
  | rename internal functions
<> src/module/display
  | Now, by default, DSTACK_CALL() create a pointer on a dstack_call_t
  | use dsubimage dstack primitive in dimage()

<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld
  | remove the IL-memory and allow only the X-memory area. This because the
      bootloader uses the IL-memory for DMA transfer and other "low-level"
      routine used by Gint.
      Moreover, I originally try to move each "display-driver" in this place,
      but after some profiling and tests, the dclear()/dupdate() combo went from
      9155us up to 33250us (for many reason). So, I keep this area free, but I
      moved-back from RAM display routines.
<> board/fxcg50/initialize
  | remove "section" copy. This role has been delegated to the bootload (vxBoot)
      because, in the final ELF file generated by GCC, many relocalization
      information for the IL/X memory has been set and the bootloader cannot
      performs general relocalization.
      So, all "special section/memory" displacement has been moved in the
      bootloader and we don't have to worrying about the section copy.
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | fix delay calculation in timer reload primitive
  | disable interruption for profiling timer
<> src/module/dislay/
  | fix shader index used during the dstack_render()
  | fix many errors in dimage() shadow render (WIP)
2022-06-24 15:33:36 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN c966807cd7 VxKernel 0.6.0-12 : Fix image rendering + fix shader crash
<> include/display/image/render
  | update dimage_* prototype to force return the display ID
  | update dimage_* prototype to change the arguments order
  | isolate "render" part of the API and the "shader" part
  | prepare shadow shader primitives
<> include/display/shader
  | change routine prototype (remove routine status)
  | update macros, to generate directly usable dshader_call_t pointer
  | add shader primitives to add shader on some display action
<> src/modules/display/stack
  | update shader allocation sizeof for more visibility
  | isolate shader adding
<> src/modules/display/image
  | isolate each render primitive in "render/" sub-folder
  | isolate each shader primitive in "shader/" sub-folder
  | prepare shadow shader code (WIP)
  | enable image rendering for image with no alpha channel

<> src/modules/display/stack
  | remove memset() which removed shader table allocation
2022-06-21 18:43:11 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN b2fc0db544 VxKernel 0.6.0-11 : Update text/font architecture
<> board/fxcg50.ld
  | add on-chip IL memory information
  | add ".vhex.ilram" section
<> board/initialize
  | relocalize IL memory code
<> include/vhex/display && src/modules/display
  | update color information
  | use only "dsurface_t" type
  | isolate the dsurface_t types
  | isolate interface structure information
  | isolate shader structure information
  | remove dstack configuration structure
  | remove draw/frag information and use only one VRAM information
<> include/vhex/display/font
  | isolate structure-oriented information in <vhex/display/font/types.h>
  | isolate render API information in <vhex/display/font/render.h>
  | isolate information API in <vhex/display/font/information.h>
<> include/vhex/display/text
  | isolate render API information in <vhex/display/text/render.h>
  | isolate information API in <vhex/display/text/information.h>
<> make/Makefile
  | enable DSP instructions
<> src/drivers/screen/r61524
  | try to use the DSP instruction for the sending loop, but seems to be a bit
    too slow instead of the "full-CPU" version generated by GCC
2022-06-20 16:29:28 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 1ebab24090 VxKernel 0.6.0-10 : Add image API
<> include/vhex/display/image && src/modules/display/draw
  | add image "types" information
  | add image "object" manipulation API
  | add image "render" API (first version)

<> include/vhex/display/shader.h
  | update surface structure to add some precalculated information
<> src/drivers/screen/r61524
  | precalculate some surface geometry information
  | remove useless code
<> src/module/display
  | use the new surface precalculated information

<> include/display/draw/circle
  | fix DCIRCLE_* flags value
<> src/modules/display/draw
  | fix dhline culling check
  | fix dvline culling check
  | fix circle position
  | fix circle render freeze
2022-06-19 20:11:52 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 221dacae2e VxKernel 0.6.0-9 : Add line API + circle API
<> include/vhex/display/draw
  | add circle drawing primitive
  | add line drawing primitives
<> src/drivers/screen/r61524
  | add assembly version of the "frame_frag_send" (WIP)
<> src/modules/display/draw
  | add filled circle algorithm
  | add line algorithm

<> include/vhex/display
  | use "dsurface_t" instead of "struct dshader_surface"
  | rename pixel dstack primitives
<> src/drivers/screen/r61524
  | clear proper zone of the surface
  | avoid unused area wiping
  | remove (temporary) surface merging
<> src/module/display/dclear
  | clear proper zone of the surface
  | rename internal primitives
2022-06-15 20:40:43 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 392925ac3e VxKernel 0.6.0-8 : Add profiling primitives in timer API
<> include/vhex/timer
  | add profiling API
  | add the profiling primitives in driver interface
  | add profiling type
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | add profiling primitives
  | add profiling information in driver definition
<> src/module/timer
  | add profiling driver binding
2022-06-15 12:03:21 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 7aada07d23 VxKernel 0.6.0-7 : First version of the timer API + update INTC API
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc
  | add interruption priority primitives
  | add all interruption configuration available
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc
  | remove the install.c source file (merge its content in driver definition)
  | add proper priority primitive
  | add priority information

<> include/vhex/timer
  | force TIMER_CONTINUE at 0
  | force TIMER_STOP at 1
<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/keysc
  | use the new interrupt priority primitives

<> src/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | fix interrupt handler assembly crash for ETMUx
  | fix timer ID check security
  | fix timer available check
  | fix ETMUx interrupt handlers installation runtime patch
  | add timer interrupt level (enable interrupt)
<> src/modules/display/text/dtext
  | fix string cache reallocation
<> src/module/timer
  | fix driver flag check
  | fix module definition
2022-06-14 21:56:06 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 0c50357b7d VxKernel 0.6.0-6 : Add exception/kernel panic screen + add assets
<> assets
  | add default font assets (project)
  | add default font assets (image)
  | add default fotn assets (vxsdk conv information)
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50
  | add kernel relocation start symbols for the kernel panic screen

<> kernel/exch
  | reactivate the kernel panic screen
  | add relocation information
  | isolate the PC address properly

<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | fix interrupt handler configuration crash
  | enable the TMU/ETMU driver
2022-06-14 10:51:23 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN cb4af4f7bb VxKernel 0.6.0-5 : Clock driver + TMU/ETMU driver (WIP) + timer API
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpg
  | add hardware description
  | add kernel-level API to fetch clocks information
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | add hardware description
<> include/vhex/timer
  | add timer API
  | add timer callback definition
  | add timer types information
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpg
  | add CPG driver declaration
  | add CPG driver kernel-API
  | prepare "real" driver installation hook
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpu/sleep
  | add CPU sleep primitives
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/inth_callback
  | add special interrupt handler callback manager
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/tmu
  | add TMU interrupt handlers
  | add ETMU interrupt handlers
  | add TMU/ETMU driver-level API code
<> src/modules/timer
  | add timer API code (simply a binding to the TMU/ETMU driver)

<> include/vhex/driver
  | add TIMER flags information
<> include/vhex/driver/cpu
  | add sleep primitive
<> include/vhex/driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc
  | return the address where the handle has been installed
<> src/driver/screen/r61524
  | perform the "sprite" VRAM merging before sending all pixel on screen

<> include/vhex/hardware
  | add workaround to allow this header to be included in ASM source file (.S)
<> src/modules/display/text/dfont
  | fix line discipline with \n
  | fix string size when a bad character is detected
2022-06-13 21:15:36 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN dca07d7f06 VxKernel 0.6.0-4 : Support the text API
<> src/modules/display/text/dascii
  | proof-of-concept of "one-char" drawing API (used for kernel debug)
<> src/modules/fs
  | empty File System module used to expose some primitives used by the libc:
  |  write(), read(), lseek() and close() which there have been removed from the
  |  `fxlibc` project which used an old / deprecated ABI/sycall interface that
  | doesn't exist in this version of Vhex

<> include/display/draw/pixel
  | remove the display ID returned by dpixel(). All primitives that support
  |  shaders must provide explicit API. This to allow fast-optimized API and
  |  polyvalence API for shadering which impact the performance
<> src/modules/display/dclear
  | isolate tree level for this primitive:
  |  - kernel  : direct fragment drawing primitive (by-pass dstack)
  |  - dstack  : dstack drawing primitive
  |  - user    : user drawing primitive (dstack-API)
  | invalidate automatically the dstack each time the primitive (user-level) is
  |  involved
<> src/modules/display/dstack
  | isolate the dstack invalidate part in a specific primitive

<> make/Makefile
  | proper support of the OpenLibm header path
<> src/drivers/screen/r61524
  | proper support of the last data fragment size. This caused an override on
  |  the first X line of the screen
<> src/modules/display/dstack
  | fix a crash when the number of action is full
  | fix a crash with the default index used for action cache
  | fix a crash with the default index used for shader cache
  | fix action initialization
  | fix action quit primitive
<> src/modules/display/text/dfont
  | fix the character drawing algorithm
  | proper support of the character drawing color (foreground/background)
  | fix the kernel-level primitive used to display a Unicode string
<> src/modules/display/text/dtext
  | fix a crash with the internal index counter
  | fix a crash in the internal cache
  | fix the quit function
2022-06-10 21:28:51 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN eb9b0078c2 VxKernel 0.6.0-3 : Fix dstack crash + pixel API + support assets generation
<> include/vhex/display/draw/pixel :
   | add pixel drawing API
<> modules/display/draw/dpixel
   | add pixel drawing API code

<> board/fxcg50/board :
   | remove old DWIDTH/DHEIGHT display API dependencies (use the new driver
   | interface instead).
<> include/vhex/display/font :
   | update the font structure information
<> include/vhex/display/shader :
   | switch x/y to unsigned int to signed int to avoid many cast in render
   | primitives
<> make/Makefile
   | support header modification detection (header dependencies)
   | support assets generation
<> modules/display/text/font
<> modules/display/text/text
   | prepare drawing algorithm (WIP)

<> kernel/drivers/screen/r61524/r61524
   | proper handle geometry of each drawing area
   | fix clear loop boundary
   | fix render loop boundary
<> modules/display/dstack
   | fix shader index
   | remove useless extern keyword
2022-06-02 10:16:25 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN 510c4f1f86 VxKernel 0.6.0-2 : Prepare font and text API (WIP)
<> include/vhex/display :
   | add dwidth() primitive
   | add dheight() primitive
<> include/vhex/display/font :
   | create a font structure that support proportional font
   | expose font primitives API (WIP)
<> vhex/module/display/text/dfont:
   | support utf8 string format
   | add geometry font information (WIP)
<> vhex/module/display/text/dtext:
   | write most of the API primitive (WIP)
   | proper isolation between font <-> text API

<> include/vhex/display/shader :
   | add a quit() routine that will be involved at the end of dupdate()
   | add display_[width/height] in driver interface
   | add display screen information primitives
<> vhex/drivers/screen/r61524/r61524.c
   | add display driver interface screen information
<> vhex/module/display/dclear:
   | use the 32-bits arguments instead of the broken dshader_call_arg_t
   | support the new API with quit() routine
<> vhex/module/display/dstack:
   | support the new display screen information
   | support the quit() routine at the end of the dupdate()

<> include/vhex/display/shader :
   | remove broken transparent-union implicit cast
   | fix argument transmitted to drawing routine (only 32bit arguments supported)
2022-05-28 21:55:48 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN a916120d66 VxKernel 0.6.0-1 : Rework the graphic pipeline
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50-dynamic.ld : add the "user/addin" linker script
<> include/vhex/display* : rework the graphic API/pipeline
<> include/vhex/driver/scree/r61524 : add hardware description and API
<> drivers/screen/r61524 : add r61524 driver
<> module/display/dstack : new pipeline

<> board/fxcg50/board : explicitly set the DWIDTH/DHEIGHT define
<> board/fxcg50/hypervisor : API update (WIP)
<> include/vhex/driver :
   | update driver information (use bitfield instead of define and macros)
   | configure driver's primitive cannot be NULL
   | driver can embed module data (ex: r61524 embed display module primitives)
<> include/vhex/hypervisor :
   | update driver information (use bitfield instead of define and macros)
   | update world information (use bitfield instead of define and macros)
   | remove useless "restricted" keyword in prototype
<> make/Makefile : add the support of the vxSDK (0.12.0)
<> module/display/dclear  : support of the new pipeline
<> module/display/display : support of the new pipeline
<> module/display/dupdate : support of the new pipeline
<> module/hypervisor/switch : support new driver/world structure
<> module/hypervisor/table  : support new driver/world structure
<> vxsdk.toml : support of the vxSDK 0.12.0

<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpu/cpu : mask interrupt by default (cpu_atomic_end)
2022-05-27 11:57:55 +02:00
Yann MAGNIN f851b73cba VxKernel 0.5.0 : Modules + project architecture update
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : module section
<> board/fxcg50/hypervisor : board-specific hypervisor init/quit primitives
<> board/fxcg50/kmalloc : board-specific kmalloc init/quit primitives
<> vhex/module.h : module information
<> modules/display/display.c : add "display" module
<> modules/keyboard/keyboard.c : add "keyboard" module
<> modules/hypervisor/hypervisor.c : add "hypervisor" module
<> modules/kmalloc/kmalloc.c : add "kmalloc" module

<> vxsdk.toml : update the project version
<> GLOBAL : change the "src/" architecture
<> board/fxcg50/initialize.c : isolate kmalloc part
<> kernel/kernel.c : initialize all modules
2022-03-04 17:37:38 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN ef2632b5dc VxKernel 0.4.0 : Interrupt handling + KEYSC driver
<> vhex/arch/sh7305/keysc.h : KEYSC module definition
<> vhex/drivers/keyboard.h : keyboard API
<> vhex/arch/sh7305/intc.h : provide hardware-specific primitive (inth install)
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/exch.S : hardware-specific exception handler
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/inth.S : hardware-specific interrupt handler
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/tlbh.S : hardware-specific TLB exception handler
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/install.c : interrupt handle installer
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/intc.c : rename the exposed INTC module
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/keysc/intc.c : rename the exposed INTC module
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/inth.S : rename the exposed INTC module
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/keysc/handler.c : user-level KEYSC handler
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/keysc/inth.S : kernel-level KEYSC handler
<> drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/keysc/keysc.c : define the KEYSC module and driver
<> keyboard/keycache.c : user-level KEYSC abstraction (key event list)

<> vxsdk.toml : update the project version
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : rename interrupt section
<> hypervisor/switch.c : remove debug log
<> kernel/exch.c : common exception handler
<> kernel/tlbh.c : common TLB exception handler
<> kernel/kernel.c : add keyboard initialization

<> vhex/arch/sh7305/intc.h : fix types and names
<> render/dclear.c : remove vram definition (defined manually in the linker)
2022-03-04 11:28:32 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN df8d26ecca VxKernel 0.3.0 : Worlds
<> include/vhex/arch/sh7305/cpu : add CPU hardware information
<> include/vhex/arch/sh7305/intc : add INTC hardware information
<> include/vhex/driver : add driver information
<> include/vhex/hypervisor : add hypervisor API
<> include/vhex/drivers/cpu : add CPU API
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpu/atomic : add CPU atomic primitives
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpu/cpu : add CPU driver for the hypervisor
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/cpu/register : add CPU registers abstraction
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/intc/intc : add INTC driver for the hypervisor
<> src/hypervisor/switch : add world switch
<> src/hypervisor/table : add world management

<> vxsdk.toml : update the project version
<> src/kernel/kernel : hypervisor bootstrap (worlds switch between Casio / Vhex)
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : drivers blocks

<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : generate the VRAM information (300ko -> 130ko)
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : isolate BSS information
<> board/fxcg50/initialize : comments indentation
<> config : board and arch detection (os.walk())
<> gitignore : allow vxsdk.toml update
2022-02-13 15:01:01 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN 2fbee9cdeb VxKernel 0.2.0 : kmalloc + startup + display
<> include/vhex/config.h : add configuration header (only for kmalloc for now)
<> include/vhex/defs/util.h : add common MACROS utilities
<> src/render : add display primitives (text and draw for now)
<> src/kmalloc : add kmalloc module

<> board/fxcg50/hardware : add RAM (physical) information
<> board/fxcg50/initialize : add kmalloc initialization
<> driver/mpu/sh/sh7305/mmu : add MMU primitive to get area size using the UTLB

<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : fix executable size
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : fix GOT/PLT and relocation information
<> make/Makefile : fix verbose option + change the library name
<> config : fix verbose option
2022-02-05 15:47:32 +01:00
Yann MAGNIN f38bea7024 VxKernel - 0.1.0 : Base
<> board/fx9860g/board : board description for the fx9860G device
<> board/fx9860g/fx9860g.ld : linker script for the fx9860G device
<> board/fx9860g/initialize : device-specific entry for the fx9860g device
<> board/fxcg50/_Exit : define our own _Exit() function for the fxlibc
<> board/fxcg50/board : board description for the fxcg50 device
<> board/fxcg50/fxcg50.ld : linker script for the fxcg50 device
<> board/fxcg50/hardware : hardware detection for the fxcg50 device
<> board/fxcg50/initialize : device-specific entry for the fxcg50 device
<> config : configuration script for the vxKernel build system
<> make/Makefile : initial Makefile (must be used with the vxsdk)
<> include/vhex/arch/fxcg50/hardware : hardware definition for the fxcg50 device
<> include/vhex/defs/attributes : define common attributes macros
<> include/vhex/defs/types : define all types information
<> include/vhex/hardware : expose hardware "module" API
<> include/vhex/kernel : expose kernel "module" API
<> include/vhex/mmu : expose MMU "module" API
<> include/vhex/mpu/sh7305/mmu : MMU hardware definition
<> include/vhex/mpu/sh7305/pfc : PFC hardware definition
<> src/drivers/mpu/sh/sh7305/mmu : MMU driver definition
<> src/kernel/kernel : kinit() and kquit() definition
2022-01-08 11:49:29 +01:00