#include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct { vkey_event_t keycache[96]; struct { vkey_event_t *list; int nb_evt_max; int idx; } queue; struct { tid_t id; volatile uint16_t counter; } timer; } keyinfo; //--- // kernel-level API //--- static int __sh7305_keycache_keyframe(volatile uint16_t *counter) { *counter += 1; return TIMER_CONTINUE; } /* sh7305_keycache_init() : initialise the keycache information */ int sh7305_keycache_init(void) { for (int i = 0; i < 96 ; ++i) { keyinfo.keycache[i].rep_type = VKEYEV_REP_NONE; keyinfo.keycache[i].type = VKEYEV_UP; keyinfo.keycache[i].key = i; } keyinfo.queue.idx = -1; keyinfo.queue.nb_evt_max = 16; keyinfo.queue.list = calloc( keyinfo.queue.nb_evt_max, sizeof(vkey_event_t) ); keyinfo.timer.id = sh7305_tmu_configure( 7215, VHEX_CALL( &__sh7305_keycache_keyframe, &keyinfo.timer.counter ) ); sh7305_tmu_start(keyinfo.timer.id); } /* sh7305_keycache_quit() : quit the keycache */ int sh7305_keycache_quit(void) { sh7305_tmu_stop(keyinfo.timer.id); free(keyinfo.queue.list); keyinfo.queue.idx = -1; keyinfo.queue.nb_evt_max = 0; } //--- // driver-level API //--- /* sh7305_keycache_keydown() : return the key status */ int sh7305_keycache_keydown(vkey_t key) { int info; cpu_atomic_start(); info = keyinfo.keycache[key].type; cpu_atomic_end(); return info == VKEYEV_DOWN; } /* sh7305_keycache_event_push() : push event on the keycache */ int sh7305_keycache_event_push(vkey_event_t *event) { if (event == NULL) return -1; cpu_atomic_start(); keyinfo.queue.idx += 1; if (keyinfo.queue.idx >= keyinfo.queue.nb_evt_max) { keyinfo.queue.nb_evt_max += keyinfo.queue.nb_evt_max; keyinfo.queue.list = reallocarray( keyinfo.queue.list, keyinfo.queue.nb_evt_max, sizeof(vkey_event_t) ); } keyinfo.queue.list[keyinfo.queue.idx].time = keyinfo.timer.counter; keyinfo.queue.list[keyinfo.queue.idx].type = event->type; keyinfo.queue.list[keyinfo.queue.idx].key = event->key; cpu_atomic_end(); return 0; } /* sh7305_keycache_event_push() : pop event from the keycache */ int sh7305_keycache_event_pop(vkey_event_t *event) { int ret; cpu_atomic_start(); if (keyinfo.queue.idx < 0) { if (event != NULL) { event->key = VKEY_NONE; event->type = VKEYEV_NONE; } ret = 0; } else { if (event != NULL) { event->time = keyinfo.queue.list[0].time; event->type = keyinfo.queue.list[0].type; event->key = keyinfo.queue.list[0].key; } memcpy( &keyinfo.queue.list[0], &keyinfo.queue.list[1], sizeof(vkey_event_t) * keyinfo.queue.idx ); keyinfo.queue.idx -= 1; ret = 1; } cpu_atomic_end(); return ret; } /* sh7305_keycache_event_wait() : wait event or timeout != 0 */ int sh7305_keycache_event_wait(vkey_event_t *event, volatile int *timeout) { do { if (sh7305_keycache_event_pop(event)) return 1; if (timeout != NULL && timeout != 0) { if (event != NULL) { event->type = VKEYEV_NONE; event->key = VKEY_NONE; } return 0; } __asm__("sleep"); } while (1); } /* sh7305_keycache_update() : involved by the interrupt handler Note : this function SHOULD be involved with atomic context !! */ void sh7305_keycache_update(vkey_t key, int status) { status = (status != 0) ? VKEYEV_DOWN : VKEYEV_UP; if (keyinfo.keycache[key].type == status) return; keyinfo.keycache[key].type = status; sh7305_keycache_event_push(&keyinfo.keycache[key]); }