
103 lines
2.9 KiB

core.font.generator.bootloader - bootloader font generator
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
# Internals
def _u32_conv_little_endian(x32):
# return ((x32 & 0xff000000) >> 24) \
# | ((x32 & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) \
# | ((x32 & 0x0000ff00) << 8) \
# | ((x32 & 0x000000ff) << 24)
return x32
def _u32_conv_big_endian(x32):
return x32
def _font_generate_normal_source(asset, font_info, endianness):
""" Print chaset is a image file
Generate a C font file content based on bootloader font internal
structure and header declaration.
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> info (dict) - hold font information
> endianness (str) - selected endianness encoding
> complet font file content
# generate basic header
content = '#include "bootloader/display.h"\n'
content += '\n'
content += f"/* {asset.name} - Vhex asset\n"
content += ' This object has been converted by using the vxSDK '
content += 'converter */\n'
content += f"struct font const {asset.name} = " + "{\n"
# handle endianness
u32 = _u32_conv_little_endian
if endianness != 'little':
u32 = _u32_conv_big_endian
# encode font bitmap
line = 0
log.debug(f"data = {font_info['data']}")
content += " .data = (uint32_t[]){\n"
for pixel in font_info['data']:
if line == 0:
content += ' '
if line >= 1:
content += ' '
content += f"{u32(pixel):#010x},"
if (line := line + 1) == 6:
content += '\n'
line = 0
if line != 0:
content += '\n'
content += ' },\n'
# indicate other font information
content += f" .count = {font_info['glyph_count']},\n"
content += f" .height = {font_info['glyph_height']},\n"
content += f" .width = {font_info['grid_size_x']},\n"
content += f" .line_height = {font_info['line_height']},\n"
content += f" .char_block_size = {font_info['glyph_size']},\n"
# closure and return
content += '};\n'
return content
# Public
def font_generate_bootloader_source_file(asset, font_info, endianness):
""" Generate font source file content
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> info (dict) - hold font information
> endianness (str) - selected endianness encoding
> file C content string
# check font validity (common vxconv.toml parser)
if font_info['is_proportional']:
log.emergency(f"{asset.name}: unsupported proportional font")
if font_info['charset'] == 'unicode':
log.emergency(f"{asset.name}: unsupported unicode font")
# generate file content
return _font_generate_normal_source(asset, font_info, endianness)