
131 lines
3.7 KiB

#include "fxcg50/asm_utils.h"
.section .bootloader.text, "ax"
/* ___fxcg50_bootloader_start() : real bootstrap entry
Now we are in the URAM we can performs ASLR patching, setup stack and involve
the first high-level C code which will perform kernel setup.
The primary (fake) bootloader (previous operations) have setup some arg:
- r4 = ROM relocation base address
- r5 = RAM relocation base address (physical)
- r6 = image size */
! ---
! prepare alias
! ---
#define rom_reloc_base r4
#define ram_reloc_base r5
#define image_size r6
! ---
! ASLR application
! perform ASLR patch by using the symbols table information injected
! during bootloader build steps at the end of the bootloader code marked
! with ___bootloader_code_end.
! The content of the table has been generated during post-compiling script
! ---
! The table symbol is not aready resolved (its our job), we must manually
! calculate the real address of the symbols table
mov.l bootloader_code_end, r0
mov.l p1_addr_base, r1
mov.l p2_addr_base, r2
or ram_reloc_base, r2
or ram_reloc_base, r1
add r2, r0
! walk trough the symbols table and patch all location
! @note
! - we MUST perform patching using P2 (uncachable) area to avoid
! inconsistancy behaviour with the cache.
! - symbols are relocalize through P1 (cachable) area
mov.l @r0, r8
tst r8, r8
bt aslr_commit
add r2, r8
mov.l @r8, r9
add r1, r9
mov.l r9, @r8
mov.l r8, @r0
add #4, r0
bra aslr_symbol_patch_loop
! Now that ASLR symbols has been updated using uncachable area (P2), we
! need to invalitate all Operands Cache entry that the MPU have possibly
! setup to avoid inconsistant `mov.x` behaviour
! @note
! - CCR.OCI = 1 -> Operand Cache Invalidation (self-cleared to 0)
mov.l ccr_reg_addr, r1
mov.l @r1, r0
or #0x08, r0
mov.l r0, @r1
! TODO : watermark stack area for statistics
! TODO : stack switch
! TODO : stack canary
mov.l p2_addr_base, r2
mov ram_reloc_base, r4
mov image_size, r5
mov.l bootloader_main, r0
jsr @r0
or r2, r4
! ---
! bootloader panic
! As we have probably wierdly restored hadware information, if the
! bootloader main routine return we simply display black screen. You can
! uncomment following instruction to allows getkey() to return to the menu
! (debug only)
! ---
mov.l syscall_trampoline, r8
mov #0x4a, r4
mov #3, r5
mov.l syscall_id, r0
jsr @r8
! add #-4, r15
! mov r15, r4 ! column
! add #-4, r15
! mov r15, r5 ! row
! add #-4, r15
! mov r15, r1 ! keycode
! mov #0, r6 ! type of waiting (KEYWAIT_HALTON_TIMEOFF)
! mov #0, r7 ! timeout period
! mov.l r1, @-r15 ! keycode
! mov #0, r2
! mov.l r2, @-r15 ! [menu] key return to menu
! mov.l getkey_id, r0
! jsr @r8
! nop
bra test1
.balign 4
bootloader_main: .long _bootloader_main
bootloader_code_end: .long ___bootloader_code_end
syscall_trampoline: .long 0x80020070
syscall_id: .long 0x0276
p2_addr_base: .long 0xa0000000
p1_addr_base: .long 0x80000000
getkey_id: .long 0x000012bf ! GetKeyWait_OS syscall ID
ccr_reg_addr: .long 0xff00001c ! SH7305.CACHE.CCR register address