Yann MAGNIN d596c74634 vxGOS - v0.7.0-11 : add fx9860 support
> [vxgos]
  | [fx9860] add vxsdk build entry
  | [fx9860] add G1A file generation
  | [fx9860] add ASLR support
  | [fx9860] add bios primitives
  | [fx9860] add new 3x5 font
  | [fx9860] add custom GCC toolchain dependency for vxSDK
> [sdk]
  | [converter] support assets filter

> [scripts]
  | [vxdev] proper support "per board" assets requirements declaration
> [bootloader]
  | [display] proper font BIOS-dependant (board-specific) interface

> [sdk]
  | [converter] fix default font border size
  | [converter] remove useless core function exposition
> [bootloader]
  | [assets] fix font8x9 to font8x12 (the real size)
> [scripts]
  | [vxdev] convert assets only if needed
2023-06-05 20:57:31 +02:00

73 lines
2.2 KiB

core.font.meta - TOML meta information file abstraction
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
# Public
def font_meta_fetch(asset):
""" Check and fetch font information
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> dictionary with font information
# generate font default information
font_info = {
# user can customise
'charset' : 'normal',
'grid_size_x' : 0,
'grid_size_y' : 0,
'grid_padding' : 1,
'grid_border' : 0,
'is_proportional' : False,
'line_height' : 0,
'char_spacing' : 1,
# generated "on-the-fly" by the conversion step
# @notes
# This is mainly to provide cache for the Vhex operating system to
# speed-up render calculation by avoiding recurent caculation.
'glyph_size' : 0,
'glyph_height' : 0,
'font_size' : 0,
'data' : []
# handle user meta-indication
if 'charset' in asset.meta:
if asset.meta['charset'] not in ['default', 'unicode']:
log.error(f"Unknown charset '{asset.meta['charset']}', abord")
return None
font_info['charset'] = asset.meta['charset']
if 'grid_size' not in asset.meta:
log.error("Missing critical grid size information, abord")
return None
grid_size = asset.meta['grid_size'].split('x')
font_info['grid_size_x'] = int(grid_size[0])
font_info['grid_size_y'] = int(grid_size[1])
if 'grid_padding' in asset.meta:
font_info['grid_padding'] = int(asset.meta['grid_padding'])
if 'grid_border' in asset.meta:
font_info['grid_border'] = int(asset.meta['grid_border'])
if 'proportional' in asset.meta:
font_info['is_proportional'] = asset.meta['proportional']
font_info['line_height'] = font_info['grid_size_y']
if 'line_height' in asset.meta:
font_info['line_height'] = asset.meta['line_height']
if 'char_spacing' in asset.meta:
font_info['char_spacing'] = asset.meta['char_spacing']
font_info['glyph_height'] = font_info['grid_size_y']
# return font information
return font_info