VxSDK - 0.12.0-27 : fix configuration file + preparation for CMake build-system

> [common]
  ¦ rename all log.warning() in log.warn()
> [core/build]
  ¦ [compile] support explicit extra environment variables setup
  ¦ [rules] support explicit extra environment variables setup

> [__main__]
  ¦ fix error log print
> [core/config]
  ¦ fix exception raising if the configuration file does not exists
This commit is contained in:
Yann MAGNIN 2022-11-27 11:24:40 +01:00
commit b708cf6cc1
47 changed files with 4637 additions and 0 deletions

README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# vxSDK
## Description
vxSDK is a tool which aims to help the user to work well by using multiple commands.
### Usage
vxsdk [+toolchain] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]
### Options
-v, --version Print version info and exit
--list List installed command
-h, --help Print helps information
Default sub-commands used:
p, project project abstraction
g, gitea package manager for Vhex's forge Gitea
l, link USB abstraction
d, doctor vxSDK inspector
# Commands
## vxsdk project
### Description
Abstract project manipulation
### Usage
vxsdk project <COMMAND> [OPTIONS]
### Options
--list List installed command
-h, --help Print helps information
### Common used commands:
n, new Create a new project
b, build Build a project
d, doctor Display all project information
a, add Add project dependency
## vxsdk gitea
### Description
Package manager for the Vhex's forge Gitea
### Usage
vxsdk gitea [OPTIONS]
### Common used commands:
s, search [NAME] Search project
i, install [NAME] Try to install a project
r, remove <NAME> Remove a project
u, update [NAME] Try to update a project
## vxsdk link
### Description
### Usage
### Options
### Common used commands:

assets/project/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Build files
# Python bytecode
# Common IDE files

assets/project/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#! /usr/bin/make -f
# variable definition
# color definition, for swagg :D
red := \033[1;31m
green := \033[1;32m
blue := \033[1;34m
white := \033[1;37m
nocolor := \033[1;0m
src := $(foreach path,\
$(shell find src -not -path "*/\.*" -type d), \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.c) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.S) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.s))
obj := $(patsubst src_%,$(VXSDK_PREFIX_BUILD)/%.o,$(subst /,_,$(src)))
obj += $(patsubst \
$(wildcard $(VXSDK_ASSETS_SRC)/*.c) \
cflags := -ffreestanding -nostdlib -m4-nofpu -fPIE -O1
cflags += -mb -fstrict-volatile-bitfields
cflags += $(VXSDK_CFLAGS_INCLUDE) -I.. -Iinclude
# debug vars
VERBOSE ?= false
# build rules
vxaddin: $(obj)
@ printf "$(blue)Create $(red)$@$(nocolor)\n"
sh-elf-vhex-gcc \
-T $(VXSDK_PREFIX_LIB)/fxcg50-dynamic.ld -Wl,-q -Wl,-M \
-o $@ $^ \
-lvhex-fxcg50 -lc -lgcc \
vxsdk conv addin -b $@ -n vxaddin -o /tmp/vxaddin
@ echo 'Rules listing:'
@ echo '... all the default, if no target is provided'
@ echo '... clean remove build object'
@ echo '... fclean remove all generated object'
@ echo '... re same as `make fclean all`'
@ echo '... version display version'
@ echo '... install install the library'
@ echo '... uninstall uninstall the library'
.PHONY: help version
# Object rules
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),true)
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
sh-elf-vhex-gcc \
$(cflags) -D FXCG50 \
-o $@ \
-c $(addprefix src/,$(subst _,/,$(notdir $(basename $@))))
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@ printf "$(green)>$(nocolor) $(white)$@$(nocolor)\n"
@ sh-elf-vhex-gcc \
$(cflags) -D FXCG50 \
-o $@ \
-c $(addprefix src/,$(subst _,/,$(notdir $(basename $@))))
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),true)
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
sh-elf-vhex-gcc $(cflags) -D FXCG50 -o $@ -c $<
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@ printf "$(green)>$(nocolor) $(white)$@$(nocolor)\n"
@ sh-elf-vhex-gcc $(cflags) -D FXCG50 -o $@ -c $<

assets/project/src/main.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include <vhex/display.h>
#include <vhex/keyboard.h>
int main(void)
dtext(1, 1, C_BLACK, "Sample fxSDK add-in.");
while (1) { __asm__("sleep"); }
return 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name = 'vxaddin'
vxKernel = 'dev'
build = 'make'

install.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# Help screen
help() {
cat << OEF
Script used to manipulate the VxSDK, a set of tools for the Vhex Operating
System project.
Usage $0 [ACTION]
bootstrap Try to bootstrap the vxSDK itself [default]
install Try to install the VsSDK
uninstall Try to uninstall the VsSDK
--prefix=<PREFIX> Installation prefix (default is ~/.local)
-h, --help Display this help
exit 0
# Parse arguments
for arg; do case "$arg" in
--help | -h)
-v | --version)
echo "$VERSION"
exit 0;;
echo "error: unreconized argument '$arg', giving up." >&2
exit 1
esac; done
# Process
if [[ "$target" = "install" ]]
if [[ -d "$prefix/lib/vxsdk/vxsdk" ]]; then
echo 'warning : vxsdk is already installed !' >&2
read -n 1 -p 'Do you whant to re-install the vxSDK (package will not be removed) [y/N] ? ' reinstall
[[ "$reinstall" != 'y' ]] && exit 1
echo ''
./install.sh uninstall
install -d $prefix/lib/vxsdk/vxsdk
cp -r requirements.txt assets vxsdk $prefix/lib/vxsdk/vxsdk
install -d $prefix/bin
echo '#! /usr/bin/env bash' > $prefix/bin/vxsdk
echo '' >> $prefix/bin/vxsdk
echo "source $prefix/lib/vxsdk/vxsdk/venv/bin/activate" >> $prefix/bin/vxsdk
echo "python3 $prefix/lib/vxsdk/vxsdk/vxsdk \$@" >> $prefix/bin/vxsdk
echo 'deactivate' >> $prefix/bin/vxsdk
chmod +x $prefix/bin/vxsdk
build_date=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
build_hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
sed -e "s*%VERSION%*$VERSION*; s*%BUILD_HASH%*$build_hash*; s*%BUILD_DATE%*$build_date*" vxsdk/__main__.py > $f
mkdir -p $prefix/share/vxsdk
cd $prefix/lib/vxsdk/vxsdk
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip 2>&1 > /dev/null
pip install -r requirements.txt
exit 0
if [[ "$target" = "update" ]]
git clone git@github.com:Vhex-org/vxSDK.git --depth=1 /tmp/vxSDK > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit 84
cd /tmp/vxSDK
if [[ "$(./install.sh --version)" == "$VERSION" ]]
rm -rf /tmp/vxSDK
echo 'already up to date !'
exit 0
_check=$(echo -e "$(./install.sh --version)\n$VERSION" | sort -V | head -n1)
if [[ "$_check" != "$VERSION" ]]; then
rm -rf /tmp/vxSDK
echo 'already up to date !'
exit 0
echo "update $VERSION -> $(./install.sh --version)"
./install.sh uninstall
./install.sh install
rm -rf /tmp/vxSDK
if [[ "$target" = "uninstall" ]]
rm $prefix/bin/vxsdk
rm -rf $prefix/lib/vxsdk
rmdir $prefix/share/vxsdk 2>/dev/null || exit 0
echo 'note: repositories cloned by vxSDK have not been removed'
exit 0

requirements.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

vxsdk/__main__.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
vxSDK is a suitable of tools used in conjunction with the Vhex Operating System
to develop game, add-in, abstract build step with dependencies resolver and
import sys
import os
from core.logger import log
# Program version (inserted at compile-time)
__VXSDK_HELP__ = r"""
Vhex' Software Developement Kit
vxsdk [+toolchain] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]
-v, --version Print version info and exit
--list List installed command
--update Try to update the ymtools
-h, --help Print helps information
Default sub-commands used:
project Project abstraction
pkg Package manager
build Build abstraction
See `vxsdk <sub-command> --help` for more information on a specific command
def _list_modules():
for name in os.listdir(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/cli"):
mod = __import__(f"cli.{name.split('.')[0]}", fromlist=[
if not hasattr(mod, 'cli_validate'):
if not hasattr(mod, 'cli_parse'):
if not hasattr(mod, '__VXSDK_MODULE_META__'):
yield mod
except ImportError as err:
log.warn(f"[vxsdk] module '{name}' cannot be imported")
def _subcommand_parse(argv):
for mod in _list_modules():
if mod.cli_validate(argv[0]):
return mod.cli_parse(argv)
log.emergency(f"vxsdk: '{argv[0]}' command not found :(")
return 84
def _subcommand_list():
for mod in _list_modules():
mod_info = mod.__VXSDK_MODULE_META__[1]
args = str(mod.__VXSDK_MODULE_META__[0]).strip('[]')
log.user(f" {args}".ljust(32) + f"{mod_info}")
def _main(argv):
if not argv:
if argv[0] in ['-h', '--help']:
if argv[0] == '--version':
_ver = __VXSDK_VERSION__
_hash = __VXSDK_BUILD_HASH__
_date = __VXSDK_BUILD_DATE__
log.user(f"vxSDK {_ver} ({_hash} {_date})")
if argv[0] == '--update':
return os.system(
os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../install.sh update'
if argv[0] in ['-v', '-vv', '-vvv']:
log.level += len(argv[0]) - 1
argv = argv[1:]
if not argv:
if len(argv) == 1 and argv[0] == '--list':
return _subcommand_list()
return _subcommand_parse(argv)

vxsdk/cli/__init__.py Normal file
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vxsdk/cli/build/__init__.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
"""vxsdk-build modules
This module provides package abstraction and build core function for the Vhex
Operating system project.
from core.logger import log
from cli.build.default import build_default_cli
from cli.build.doctor import build_doctor_cli
__all__ = [
"Build a project",
Build System Abstraction
vxsdk build(-<platform>) [OPTIONS]
Compile Vhex project.
The Vex build system is extremely powerful and polyvalent. It allows the
user to totally ignore the build part and the dependencies management.
All Vhex projects use a <.vxsdk.toml> file wich should be stored at the root
of the project directory (you cam generate a project template using the
`vxsdk project new <project>`). This file uses the TOML language to control
the build step of a project.
# Default meta-data information for the pacakge manager.
name = 'myaddin' # required
version = '1.0.0' # required
type = 'addin' # optional ('addin' or 'app')
description = ''' # optional
An old-school demo-scene !
Written by Yatis :)
# Dependencies information for the build manager. (optional)
# The version can target <tag> or branch name.
# Note that you can use a powerfull operations for managing version of
# dependencies if the 'version' is detected to respect the correct
# semantic versioning like caret (^), tilde (~) and wildcard (*):
# Caret requirements (^)
# ^1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <2.0.0
# ^1.2 := >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
# ^1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
# ^0.2.3 := >=0.2.3, <0.3.0
# ^0.2 := >=0.2.0, <0.3.0
# ^0.0.3 := >=0.0.3, <0.0.4
# ^0.0 := >=0.0.0, <0.1.0
# ^0 := >=0.0.0, <1.0.0
# Tilde requirements (~)
# ~1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <1.3.0
# ~1.2 := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
# ~1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
# Wildcard requirements (*)
# * := >=0.0.0
# 1.* := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
# 1.2.* := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
# Note that it's possible that a package can have two same versions (one
# for branch name and another for a tag), by default, the tag is always
# selected, but here the display information will explicitly describe if
# the version is a tag and / or a branch.
vxkernel = 'master' # recommanded
sh-elf-vhex = 'master' # recommanded
custom-lib = '^1.5' # exemple of carret (^) operation
# Manual build indication (option)
# Note that if this section is specified then only this build indication
# will be executed, no default step will be used
# All building steop are, in order:
# > configure
# > build
# > install
# And during all of theses building step, the vxSDk setup some
# environment variable:
# > VXSDK_PKG_NAME - project name
# > VXSDK_PKG_VERSION - project version
# > VXSDK_PREFIX_BUILD - project build prefix (for object files)
# > VXSDK_PREFIX_INSTALL - project installation prefix
# > VXSDK_PREFIX_LIB - prefix for all stored librairy
# > VXSDK_CFLAGS_INCLUDE - Include flags for GCC
# > VXSDK_CFLAGS_LINK - Linker flags for GCC
# > VXSDK_ASSETS_SRC - Assets sources file directory
# > VXSDK_ASSETS_BUILD - Assets build directory (for object)
configure = 'mkdir -p build && cd build && ../configure --verbose'
build = 'cd build && make'
# Dependencies Hook (optional)
# You need to create a section wich is named like [extra.<package_name>]
# and you can "hook" some step of particular dependencies (here
# vxkernel for exemple).
# A hook is simply additional string that will be send to the
# appropriate step of the build.
configure = '--static --verbose'
Above is a exemple of a defaut project configuration file that can be used
for a new project.
-v, --verbose Disable threading and display log information
-r, --rebuild Force rebuild the project
-u, --update Update dependencies
--extra-conf [ARG]... Add extra configuration flags
--extra-build [ARG]... Add extra build flags
doctor Display all information about one package
# Public
def cli_validate(name):
""" validate the module name """
return name.find('build') == 0
def cli_parse(argv):
""" Build subcommand entry """
if len(argv) > 2:
if '--help' in argv or '-h' in argv:
return 0
if argv[1] == 'doctor':
return build_doctor_cli(argv[2:])
return build_default_cli(argv)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Vhex default build management
import sys
from core.build.project import VxProject
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
def build_default_cli(argv):
"""Parse CLI arguments"""
board_target = None
if argv[0].find('build-') == 0:
board_target = argv[0][6:]
path = None
verbose = False
extra_conf = {
'configure' : '',
'build' : '',
for arg in argv[1:]:
# if arg in ['-r', '--rebuild']:
# force_rebuild = True
# continue
# if arg in ['-u', '--update']:
# update_dependencies = True
# continue
if arg in ['-v', '--verbose']:
verbose = True
if arg.find('--extra-conf=') == 0:
extra_conf['configure'] += ' ' + arg[13:]
if arg.find('--extra-build=') == 0:
extra_conf['build'] += ' ' + arg[14:]
if path:
log.error(f"argument '{arg}' not recognized")
path = arg
return VxProject(path, extra_conf=extra_conf).build(

vxsdk/cli/build/doctor.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Display pacakge build information
from core.logger import log
from core.build.project import VxProject
__all__ = [
def build_doctor_cli(argv):
r""" Package doctor
This function will display all package information (path, name, ...) and it
will try to display the dependencies information (if dependencies have been
found, dependencies graph, ...).
log.user(VxProject(None if len(argv) <= 0 else argv[0]))
return 0

vxsdk/cli/config.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
from core.config import config_set, config_get
__all__ = [
"vxSDK configuration module",
VxSDK configuration and options
vxsdk config [<options>]
Change / customise the vxSDK behaviour
# TODO: list all key available
# TODO: level selection : 'local', 'global'
def cli_validate(name):
return name in __VXSDK_MODULE_META__[0]
def cli_parse(argv):
""" Config subcommand entry """
if '--help' in argv or '-h' in argv:
return 0
if len(argv) == 2:
logger(LOG_USER, config_get(argv[1]))
return 0
if len(argv) == 3:
if old := config_set(argv[1], argv[2]):
logger(LOG_USER, f"previous value = {old}")
return 0
return 84

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"""vxsdk-converter modules
This package provides conversion abstraction (image -> source code, ELF ->
addin, ...) for the Vhex project.
from core.logger import log
from cli.conv.doctor import conv_doctor_cli_parse
from cli.conv.asset import conv_asset_cli_parse
from cli.conv.addin import conv_addin_cli_parse
__all__ = [
'assets converter',
Project assets conv
vxsdk conv(-<ACTION>) [OPTIONS] ...
Convert vhex project assets (or binary) into various form. By default, if no
action is specified, the "asset" conversion is selected.
doctor try to display assets and addin information (debug)
asset convert asset into source file or binary file
addin convert binary into addin file for vxOS
See `vxsdk conv <action> --help` for more information on a specific action
def cli_validate(name):
""" validate the module name """
return name.find('conv') == 0
def cli_parse(argv):
""" Build subcommand entry """
if '--help' in argv or '-h' in argv:
return 0
if argv[0].find('conv-') != 0:
argv[0] = 'conv-asset'
action = argv[0][5:]
if action == 'doctor':
return conv_doctor_cli_parse(argv[1:])
if action == 'asset':
return conv_asset_cli_parse(argv[1:])
if action == 'addin':
return conv_addin_cli_parse(argv[1:])
log.error(f"unable to find action '{action}'")
return 84

vxsdk/cli/conv/addin.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
from core.conv.addin import generate_addin
__all__ = [
__HELP__ = r"""vxsdk-converter-addin
Converte binary file into Vhex OS addin.
vxsdk conv addin -b BINARY ...
Convert a binary file into an application for the Vhex operating system.
-b <binary path> ELF binary file (no check is performed in this file)
-i <icon path> 92x62 pixel image path
-o <output path> output path for the generated addin
-n <internal name> internal addin name
-v <internal version> internal addin version
def conv_addin_cli_parse(argv):
"""Process CLI arguments"""
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv:
logger(LOG_USER, __HELP__, exit=0)
action = None
info = [None, None, None, None, None]
for arg in argv:
if action == '-b': info[0] = arg
if action == '-i': info[1] = arg
if action == '-n': info[2] = arg
if action == '-o': info[3] = arg
if action == '-v': info[4] = arg
if action:
action = None
if arg in ['-b', '-i', '-n', '-o', '-v']:
action = arg
if info[0] == None:
logger(LOG_ERR, 'converter: need binary path !', exit=84)
return generate_addin(info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4])

vxsdk/cli/conv/asset.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
Vhex asset converter user interface
import os
from core.logger import log
from core.conv import assets_generate
__all__ = [
__HELP__ = r"""vxsdk-converter-asset
Convert all assets file in the project directory.
vxsdk conv-asset [project path] [OPTIONS]
Convert all assets file in the asset directory. This part of the converter
module will scan the provided folder (or the current working directory) and
will try to find all `vxconv.txt` file, which describe all assets that
should be converted.
If no argument is provided, then the current working directory is used as
asset prefix and a storag for all generated source file. You can modify this
behaviour using OPTIONS.
The vxconv.txt file is structured like basic key/value file:
type: <image type> (font, bitmap) - required
path: <image path> - required
Each asset file description should have at least type and name information,
and each type have potentially its own requierements.
type = bitmap:
================================== =========================================
Keys name and value type Description
================================== =========================================
profile: <name> Select the bitmap pixel profile
| rgb4 | RGB 4 (indexed)
| rgb4a | RGBA 4 (indexed)
| rgb8 | RGB 8 (indexed)
| rgb8a | RGBA 8 (indexed)
| rgb16 | RGB 16 (5:R, 6:G, 5:B)
| rgb16a | RGBA 16 (5:R, 5:G, 5:B, 1:A)
================================== =========================================
type = font:
================================== =========================================
Keys name and value type Description
================================== =========================================
grid_size: 8x9 (widthxheight) caracter size in pixel
grid_padding: <pixel> space between caracter
grig_border: <pixel> space around grid
proportional: <true,false> caracter are cropped
line_height: <pixel> caracter line alignement
charset: <default,unicode> charset specification
char_spacing <pixel> space between character
================================== =========================================
-o <output prefix> The prefix for source file that will be generated
-h, --help Display this help
def conv_asset_cli_parse(argv):
"""Process CLI arguments"""
# check obvious flags
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv:
return 0
# fetch user indication
manual_output = False
prefix_output = None
prefix_asset = None
for arg in argv:
if arg == '-o':
manual_output = True
if manual_output:
prefix_output = arg
if prefix_asset:
log.warn(f"warning: previous path ({prefix_asset}) dropped")
prefix_asset = arg
# check indication
if not prefix_asset:
prefix_asset = os.getcwd()
if not prefix_output:
prefix_output = os.getcwd()
prefix_asset = os.path.abspath(prefix_asset)
prefix_output = os.path.abspath(prefix_output)
# generate asset information
return assets_generate(prefix_asset, prefix_output)

vxsdk/cli/conv/doctor.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
__all__ = [
def conv_doctor_cli_parse(argv):
"""Process CLI handling
> give asset file description to check error
> try to display asset and addin information based on the project type
logger(LOG_WARN, 'conv: doctor action not implemented yet')
return 0

vxsdk/cli/pkg/__init__.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
"""vxsdk-pkg modules
This module provides package management utilities that track installed Vhex
packages. It features : dependency support, package groups, install and
uninstall scripts, and syncs your local Vhex instance with remote repositories
to automatically upgrade packages.
from core.logger import log
from cli.pkg.search import pkg_search_cli_parse
from cli.pkg.update import pkg_update_cli_parse
from cli.pkg.clone import pkg_clone_cli_parse
"package manager for Vhex's project",
r"""vxsdk package
Package manager for Vhex
vxsdk pkg [ COMMAND ] [ OPTIONS ]... [ ARGS ]...
search [ ARGS ]... Search project
clone [ ARGS ]... Try to clone project
update [ ARGS ]... Try to update project
For more information about a specific command, try 'vxsdk pkg <command> -h'
def cli_validate(name):
""" validate or not the subcommand name """
return name in __VXSDK_MODULE_META__[0]
def cli_parse(argv):
""" Vhex pacakge CLI parser entry """
if len(argv) > 2:
if argv[1] == 'search':
return pkg_search_cli_parse(argv[2:])
if argv[1] == 'clone':
return pkg_clone_cli_parse(argv[2:])
if argv[1] == 'update':
return pkg_update_cli_parse(argv[2:])
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv:
return 0
return 84

vxsdk/cli/pkg/clone.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Vhex package cloning user interface
import os
import sys
from core.logger import log
import core.pkg
__all__ = [
__HELP__ = r"""
Package manager cloning part
vxsdk pkg clone [ OPTIONS ] [ targets[, ...]]
The installation part is simple, you juste need to refer the repository
name and, optionally, the version information. Like this:
<NAME@version> (ex: vxKernel@1.2.3)
This will allow the searching to try to match package with specific version
information. This part is very powerfull because If the 'version' is
detected to respect the correct semantic versioning, you can perform version
operations in the version target:
Caret requirements (^)
^1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <2.0.0
^1.2 := >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
^1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
^0.2.3 := >=0.2.3, <0.3.0
^0.2 := >=0.2.0, <0.3.0
^0.0.3 := >=0.0.3, <0.0.4
^0.0 := >=0.0.0, <0.1.0
^0 := >=0.0.0, <1.0.0
Tilde requirements (~)
~1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <1.3.0
~1.2 := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
~1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
Wildcard requirements (*)
* := >=0.0.0
1.* := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
1.2.* := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
Note that it's possible that a package can have two same version (one for
branch name and another for a tag), by default, the tag is always selected,
but here the display information will explicitly describe if the version is
a tag and / or a branch.
-y, --yes Do not ask for interactive confirmation
-n, --no-build Do not build the project, just clone
-h, --help Print this help and exit
# Entry point of the module
def pkg_clone_cli_parse(argv):
""" Clone a particular package """
if not argv:
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv:
confirm = True
for arg in argv:
if arg in ['-y', '--yes', '-c', '--confirm']:
confirm = arg in ['-c', '--confirm']
None if len(arg.split('@')) != 2 else arg.split('@')[1],
return 0

vxsdk/cli/pkg/search.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
Vhex package searching user interface
import sys
from core.logger import log
import core.pkg
__all__ = [
__HELP__ = r"""
Package manager : search commands
vxsdk pkg search [ OPTIONS ] [ targets[, ...] ]
This part of the vxSDK will performs search queries in remote and local
arena (see <OPTIONS> to change this default behaviour). Each "target" can
be written specificaly like this:
<NAME@version> (ex: vxKernel@1.2.3)
This will allow the searching to try to match package with specific version
information. This part is very powerfull because If the 'version' is
detected to respect the correct semantic versioning, you can perform version
operations in the version target:
Caret requirements (^)
^1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <2.0.0
^1.2 := >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
^1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
^0.2.3 := >=0.2.3, <0.3.0
^0.2 := >=0.2.0, <0.3.0
^0.0.3 := >=0.0.3, <0.0.4
^0.0 := >=0.0.0, <0.1.0
^0 := >=0.0.0, <1.0.0
Tilde requirements (~)
~1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <1.3.0
~1.2 := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
~1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
Wildcard requirements (*)
* := >=0.0.0
1.* := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
1.2.* := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
Note that it's possible that a package can have two same version (one for
branch name and another for a tag), by default, the tag is always selected,
but here the display information will explicitly describe if the version is
a tag and / or a branch.
-a, --all Display all package found
-l, --local Performs search in "local" and local
-L, --local-only Performs search only in "local"
-r, --remote Performs search only in "remote"
-i, --info Print extra information for each repositories
-s, --short Print short information for each repositories (default)
-h, --help Print this help and exit
# Internals
def _pkg_list_display(pkg_list, version, display_extra_info=False):
for pkg in pkg_list:
indent = ' '
# handle special version request
version_available = pkg['versions']
if version:
version_available = []
for ver in pkg['versions']:
if ver.validate(version):
if display_extra_info:
f"- Description : {pkg['description']}\n"
f"- Created at {pkg['created']}\n"
f"- Updated at {pkg['updated']}\n"
f"- Authors : {pkg['author']}\n"
f"- URL : {pkg['url']}\n"
"- Versions:"
if not version_available:
log.user(f"{indent}No version available for '{version}'")
for ver in version_available:
ind = ' '
if len(ver.sources) == 1:
ind = '(r-) ' if ver.sources[0] == 'remote' else '(-l) '
if len(ver.sources) > 1:
ind = '(rl) '
content = f"{indent}{ind}{pkg['name']}@{ver.name}".ljust(32)
content += f"({ver.type})"
log.user(" ")
# Public
def pkg_search_cli_parse(argv):
""" Search command handling """
if not argv:
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv:
local = True
remote = True
display_extra_info = False
for arg in argv:
# handle search arena
if arg in ['-l', '--local', '-r', '--remote']:
local = arg in ['-l', '--local']
remote = arg in ['-r', '--remote']
# handle display mode
if arg in ['-i', '--info', '-s', '--short']:
display_extra_info = arg in ['-i', '--info']
# performs searching operation
# @note
# - handle search exception when all package a requested
if arg in ['-a', '--all']:
pkg_list = core.pkg.find(None, None, local, remote)
pkg_list = core.pkg.find(
if not pkg_list:
log.warn(f"{arg}: package not found, skipped")
# display package information
None if len(arg.split('@')) != 2 else arg.split('@')[1],
return 0

vxsdk/cli/pkg/update.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Vhex's packages updater subcommand
import sys
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
def pkg_update_cli_parse(_):
""" Vhex pacakge CLI parser entry """
log.critical("pacakge updater not implemented yet o(x_x)o")

vxsdk/cli/project.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import sys
from core.project import project_new
['p', 'project'],
"project abstraction",
r"""vxsdk project
Abstract project manipulation
vxsdk project <COMMAND> [OPTIONS]
--list List installed command
-h, --help Print helps information
Common used commands:
n, new Create a new project
See `vxsdk project help <action>` for more information on a specific command
def cli_parse(_, argv):
if argv:
if argv[0] == 'n' or argv[0] == 'new':
for path in argv[1:]:
if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv:

vxsdk/core/__init__.py Normal file
View File

View File

vxsdk/core/build/compile.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
Compilation hadling using the dependency DAG graph
from core.logger import log
from core.build.rules import project_rules_exec
import core.conv
__all__ = [
# Internals
def __dep_generate_assets(dep_info, _, __):
log.user(f"[{dep_info['meta'].name}] generate assets...")
return 0
def __dep_build_sources(dep_info, env_extra, verbose):
log.user(f"[{dep_info['meta'].name}] build sources...")
return project_rules_exec(
['configure', 'build'],
def __dep_install(dep_info, env_extra, verbose):
log.user(f"[{dep_info['meta'].name}] install...")
return project_rules_exec(
def __compile_dependency(dep, env_extra, verbose):
""" Compile dependency
> dep (dict) - dependency information
> verbose (bool) - display extra verbose information
> 0 on success, negative value otherwise
if __dep_generate_assets(dep['info'], env_extra, verbose) != 0:
log.error(f"[{dep['info']['meta'].name}] error during asset generation")
return -1
if __dep_build_sources(dep['info'], env_extra, verbose) != 0:
log.error(f"[{dep['info']['meta'].name}] error during source build")
return -2
if __dep_install(dep['info'], env_extra, verbose) != 0:
log.error(f"[{dep['info']['meta'].name}] error during installation")
return -3
return 0
def __env_extra_fetch(dep_graph):
""" Generate extra environement information
> dep_graph (list) : DAG graph
> a dictionary with all common env export
env_extra = {}
for dep in dep_graph:
dep_meta = dep['info']['meta']
dep_env_extra = dep_meta.get_env_extra(dep['info']['target'])
for key in dep_env_extra:
if key.upper() != key:
log.warn(f"[{dep_meta.name}] : {key} : env key must be upper")
if key in env_extra:
log.warn(f"[{dep_meta.name}] : {key} : already set, overrided")
env_extra[key] = dep_env_extra[key]
return env_extra
# Public
def project_compile(dep_graph, verbose=False):
r""" Build the entire project
> dep_graph (list) : DAG graph
> verbose (bool) : enable or disable verbose mode during build steps
> 0 for succes, negative vale otherwise
# generate "extra" environement configuration
env_extra = __env_extra_fetch(dep_graph)
# main build loop
while True:
completed = True
for dep in dep_graph:
# check if the package as been completed
if dep['completed']:
completed = False
# check that all of its dependencies as been completed
can_run = True
for dep_idx in dep['dependencies']:
if not dep_graph[dep_idx]['completed']:
can_run = False
if not can_run:
# handle verbosity during its building
enable_verbose = verbose
if dep['info']['meta'].type == 'app':
enable_verbose = True
# build the package
error = __compile_dependency(dep, env_extra, enable_verbose)
if error != 0:
return error
# mark as completed
dep['completed'] = True
# if all package as been completed, quit
if completed:
# no error, exit
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
Dependencies resolver
import os
from core.logger import log
from core.build.meta import VxProjectMeta
import core.pkg
__all__ = [
# Internals
def __dep_graph_update(dep_graph, dep_parent_id, pkg_info):
Update dependency graph
# inject new pkg information and gues its ID
dep_id = len(dep_graph)
'info' : pkg_info,
'completed' : False,
'dependencies' : []
# update internal parent ID
if dep_parent_id >= 0:
return dep_id
def __recurs_clone(parent_path, dep_info, pkg_info, prefix, dep_stack):
"""Clone all dependency and generate dependency graph
> dep_graph (list) - list dependencies
> dep_parent_id (int) - parent index in `dep_graph`
> pkg_info (dict) - package information
> prefix (str) - prefix for package cloning
> 0 if success, negative value otherwise
# fetch info
dep_graph = dep_info[0]
dep_parent_id = dep_info[1]
# check circular dependency and update the stack
for dep in dep_stack:
if dep != pkg_info:
log.error(f"circular dependency with '{pkg_info['name']}' detected")
return -1
# try to clone the package
pkg_path = core.pkg.clone(
# check pacakge validity
# @todo
# Find a way to not be dependent of VxProjectMeta to avoid spaghetti code
target = pkg_info['target']
pkg_meta = VxProjectMeta(pkg_path, parent_path, pkg_info['extra_conf'])
if target not in pkg_meta.target_support:
log.error(f"[{pkg_meta.name}] target '{target}' not supported")
return -2
# generate dependency information
pkg_dep_id = __dep_graph_update(
'meta' : pkg_meta,
'target' : pkg_info['target']
for dep in pkg_meta.get_dependencies(target):
(dep_graph, pkg_dep_id),
return 0
# Public
def project_dependency_clone(pkg, target):
r""" Clone dependencies of package and generate a DAG graph
This function will clone all dependency of a package optimised for a
particular target a `Direct Acyclic Graph` (DAG) graph will be generated to
facilitate project compilation later.
> pkg (dict) - first pacakge information
> target (str) - build target
> A list with package and dependency information : [
'meta' : <:obj:VxProjectMeta>
'extra_conf' : <extra configuration information>
'target' : build target
# create the package "storage" folder
# @note
# All dependencies will be cloned in "global" path, only symbolic link will
# be generated here
prefix = f"{pkg.parent_path}/.vxsdk/dependencies"
if not os.path.exists(prefix):
# clone all dependencies and generate a DAG graph
# @note
# we need to manualy bootstrap the current project as a dependency to
# facilitate graph generation with a unified data structure
dep_graph = []
dep_origin_id = __dep_graph_update(
'meta' : pkg,
'target' : target,
for dep in pkg.get_dependencies(target):
(dep_graph, dep_origin_id),
# return the DAG
return dep_graph

vxsdk/core/build/meta.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
vxsdk.toml document parser
import os
import toml
from core.logger import log
from core.pkg.version import version_get
__all__ = [
class VxProjectMeta():
r""" Represente the project meta-information
All meta-information is stored in a file named `vxsdk.toml` at the root
of the project directory.
This class exposes:
================================== =========================================
Property Description
================================== =========================================
name (str) Project name
version (str) Project versions
path (str) Project path
description (str) Project description
type (str) Project type
target_support (list,str) List of all supported target
================================== =========================================
Methods Description
================================== =========================================
get_dependencies (list,dict) List of all dependencies information
get_build_rules (dict) Building rules information
================================== =========================================
For the file to be valid, it should expose *at least* the 'project' section
with the name of the project. Other information like the project type have
default value:
================================== =======================================
Information Default value
================================== =======================================
name (str) Required.
version (str) auto. (see core.pkg.version.version_get)
type (str) 'bin'
description (str) Project description
target_support (list,str) [<empty>] (support all)
================================== =======================================
Also, this class will perform any vxSDK configuration needed described in
the "special" section 'config' which can expose "key/value" which will be
added (if not exist) in the vxSDK's configuration file
Example of a valid 'vxsdk.toml' file:
name = 'project'
type = 'addin'
vxkernel = '^1.0.0'
build = '--static --verbose'
'superh.path.sysroot' = '{path.sysroot}/superh'
'superh.path.sysroot_test' = '{superh.path.sysroot}/test/yes'
def __init__(self, path, parent_path=None, extra_conf=None):
""" Open and parse the vxsdk.toml file
> path (str) : project path which we can find `vxsdk.toml` file
> parent_path (str) : project parent path
> extra_conf (dict) : extra flags information about particular steps
> proper handle exception
# try to open the file
self._path = os.path.abspath(path)
with open(self._path + '/vxsdk.toml', encoding='utf-8') as file:
self._toml = toml.loads(file.read())
# check mandatory information
# @notes
# - 'project' section
# - project name information
if 'project' not in self._toml or 'name' not in self._toml['project']:
raise Exception(f"'{self._path}': missing project name information")
# setup information and cache
self._type = None
self._target_support = None
self._parent_path = parent_path
self._extra_conf = extra_conf
def __str__(self):
""" Display project information """
content = f"project '{self.name}' - {self.version}\n"
content += '\n'
content += 'project meta\n'
content += ' - path:'.ljust(16) + f'{self.path}\n'
content += ' - parent:'.ljust(16) + f'{self.parent_path}\n'
content += ' - type:'.ljust(16) + f'{self.type}\n'
content += '\n'
content += 'Build information\n'
#if not self.build:
# content += ' default building rules used\n'
# content += '\n'
# rule_list = self.get_build_rules()
# for rule in rule_list:
# content += ' - '
# content += f'{rule}:'.ljust(16)
# content += f'{rule_list[rule]}\n'
# content += '\n'
#content += 'Dependencies list\n'
#if not self.dependencies:
# content += ' No dependencies for this project\n'
# for dep in self.dependencies:
# content += ' - ' + f'{dep.name}'.ljust(16) + f'({dep.version})\n'
return content
def __repr__(self):
return f'{self.name}<{self.version}>({self.type})'
# Properties
def name(self):
"""<property> get project name"""
return self._toml['project']['name']
def path(self):
"""<property> get project path"""
return self._path
def description(self):
"""<property> get project description"""
if 'description' in self._toml['project']:
return self._toml['project']['description']
return ''
def parent_path(self):
"""<property> Return project parent path """
return self._parent_path if self._parent_path else self._path
def is_original(self):
"""<property> Return if the project is the target or a dependency"""
return not self._parent_path
def extra_conf(self):
"""<property> Return extra pacakge information """
return self._extra_conf
def type(self):
"""<property> get project build rules"""
if self._type:
return self._type
if 'type' not in self._toml['project']:
return 'bin'
self._type = self._toml['project']['type']
if self._type not in ['app', 'bin', 'lib', 'addin']:
f"{self.path}: project type '{self._type}' is unknown !"
f" Handled like a 'bin' type project"
return self._type
def target_support(self):
"""<property> get supported target list"""
if not self._target_support:
self._target_support = []
if 'target' in self._toml['project']:
self._target_support = self._toml['project']['target']
return self._target_support
def version(self):
"""<property> get current package version"""
return version_get(self.path)
# Methods
def get_dependencies(self, target=None):
""" Get project dependency list for a particular board target
> target (str) - target name
> Return a list of dependencies information : [
'name' : <dep name>,
'version' : <dep target version>,
'target' : <dep build target>,
'extra_conf' : <dep extra configuration>
# check mandatory target requirement
if self.target_support:
if not target or target not in self.target_support:
log.warn(f"[{self.name}] target '{target}' not supported")
return []
# help particular section dump
def section_dep_fetch(section, target):
if 'dependencies' not in section:
return []
dep_list = []
for dep_name in section['dependencies']:
extra = None
if 'extra' in section and dep_name in section['extra']:
extra = section['extra'][dep_name]
pkg_target = target
pkg_version = section['dependencies'][dep_name].split('@')
if len(pkg_version) >= 2:
pkg_target = pkg_version[1]
'name' : dep_name,
'version' : pkg_version[0],
'target' : pkg_target,
'extra_conf' : extra
return dep_list
# fetch dependencies information in common and target-specific section
dep_list = section_dep_fetch(self._toml, target)
if target and target in self._toml:
dep_list += section_dep_fetch(self._toml[target], target)
return dep_list
def get_build_rules(self, target=None):
""" Get project building rules
> target (str) - target name
> a dictionary with all available building step : {
'configure' : <configure rule string>,
'build' : <build rule string>,
'install' : <install rule string>,
'uninstall' : <uninstall rule string>,
def section_rules_fetch(section):
if 'build' not in section:
log.warn(f"[{self.name}] no building rules")
return {}
rules = {}
for rule in section['build']:
if rule in ['configure', 'build', 'install', 'uninstall']:
rules[rule] = section['build'][rule]
f"[{self.name}] building rule '{rule}' doesn't exists"
return rules
# check if we need to fetch common rules or target-specific one
if target:
if self.target_support and target not in self.target_support:
log.error(f"[{self.name}] not supported target '{target}'")
return {}
if target in self._toml:
return section_rules_fetch(self._toml[target])
return section_rules_fetch(self._toml)

vxsdk/core/build/project.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
r""" build.core - Core building function
This module exports:
VxProject - a class representing a "Vhex" project
import os
from core.logger import log
from core.build.meta import VxProjectMeta
from core.build.dependency import project_dependency_clone
from core.build.compile import project_compile
from core.build.rules import project_rules_exec
__all__ = [
# Public object
class VxProject(VxProjectMeta):
r"""Represent a Vhex project
A Vhex project is a folder which contains a 'vxsdk.toml' file. This file
describe information about the project, like its name, version, description,
and many other information.
This class will handle this particular file, and will abstract some complex
tasks like build abstraction, assets conversion, manage project dependencies
and more.
All project information and file generation (file objects, build logs,
assets conversion, ...) will be stored in a '.vxsdk' folder at the root of
the project folder.
The VxProject exposes:
================================== =========================================
Property VxprojectMeta Description
================================== =========================================
name (str) * Holds name
type (str) * Holds type (lib, app or addin)
path (str) * Holds project path
dependencies (list) * Holds project dependencies
description (str) * Holds description
build_rules (dict) * Holds custom build information
board_support (list,str) * List of all supported board (None if all)
extra_conf (dict) Holds extra rules information
parent (str) Holds project parent path
version (str) Holds version
assets (list) Holds project assets paths
is_original (bool) Return True if its the original package
================================== =========================================
================================== =========================================
Method Description
================================== =========================================
update() Try to update project's dependencies
install() Install the project
uninstall() Uninstall the project
build() Build the entiere project (dep, src, ...)
rebuild() Rebuild the entiere project
================================== =========================================
def __init__(self, path=None, parent_path=None, extra_conf=None):
r""" Try to read the TOML project file of a project
This constructor will simply try to read the vxsdk.toml file stored at
the root of the project directory . The project path can be provided by
`path` but if the path is not provided, the vxSDK will select the
current working directory.
The `parent` path is used to know if the project is the original one or
a dependency. If it a dependency, its build genereted files will be done
in the `.vxsdk/*` directory of the original one.
Extra information for each building steps can be provided in the form of
dictionary. Like this:
'configure' : '--static --enable-xana',
'build': '--verbose'
> path (str) - the project path
> parent_path (str) - the project parent path
> extra (dict) - extra flags information about particular steps
> Exception - if the project file cannot be loaded
os.path.abspath(path) if path else os.getcwd(),
# Public methods
def update(self):
r"""Update project's dependencies.
This method will try to bump all dependencies to the possible newest
version, always validating the dependencies versioning match
> display dependency name and tag and "old version -> new version"
> try to update and build the new dependencies before override
log.error('dependencies update not implemented yet')
return -1
def install(self, target, verbose=False):
r""" Install the project.
> target (str) : targeted board for operation (fxcg50, SDL, ...)
> verbose (bool) : display project logs or just strict minimum
> True if no error, False otherwise
if target and self.target_support and target not in self.target_support:
log.error(f"[{self.name}] target '{target}' not supported")
return -1
return project_rules_exec(
def uninstall(self, target, verbose=False):
""" Uninstall the project
> target (str) : targted board for operation (fxcg50, SDL, ...)
> verbose (bool) : display project logs or just strict minimum
> True if no error, False otherwise
if target and self.target_support and target not in self.target_support:
log.error(f"[{self.name}] target '{target}' not supported")
return -1
return project_rules_exec(
def build(self, target=None, verbose=False):
"""Build the entire project
> target (str) : target build operation
> verbose (bool) : display project logs or just strict minimum
> True if success, False otherwise
log.user(f"[{self.name}] start building package...")
# check target availability
if target and self.target_support and target not in self.target_support:
log.error(f"[{self.name}] target '{target}' not supported")
return -1
# check if the project is compatible with the board
build_rules = self.get_build_rules(target)
if not 'config' in build_rules \
and not 'build' in build_rules \
and not 'install' in build_rules:
log.error(f"[{self.name}] project not compatible for '{target}'")
return -2
# clone dependencies
log.debug(f"target test = {target}")
dep_graph = project_dependency_clone(self, target)
if not dep_graph:
log.error(f"[{self.name}] unable to perform dependeincy relovation")
return -3
# compile the entire project
log.debug(f"dep_graph = {dep_graph}")
return project_compile(dep_graph, verbose)

vxsdk/core/build/rules.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
Vhex build shell command abstraction
import os
import subprocess
from core.logger import log
from core.config import config_get
__all__ = [
# Internals
def __project_generate_env(env_extra, pkg_meta, target):
r""" Generate environment variables
================================ =======================================
Type Description
================================ =======================================
VXSDK_PKG_NAME project name
VXSDK_PKG_VERSION project version
VXSDK_PKG_IS_ORIGINAL 'true' if the package is the original
VXSDK_PREFIX_BUILD project build prefix (for object files)
VXSDK_PREFIX_INSTALL project installation prefix
VXSDK_PREFIX_LIB prefix for all stored library
VXSDK_GCC_CFLAGS include flags for GCC
VXSDK_ASSETS_SRC assets sources file directory
VXSDK_ASSETS_BUILD assets build directory
VXSDK_PATH_SYSROOT_LIB sysroot library path
VXSDK_PATH_SYSROOT_INCLUDE sysroot include path
================================ =======================================
> board_target (str) - targeted board
prefix = f"{pkg_meta.parent_path}/.vxsdk"
# generate VXSDK_PREFIX_BUILD information
pkg_prefix_build = f'{prefix}/build/{pkg_meta.name}'
if not os.path.exists(pkg_prefix_build):
# generate VXSDK_PREFIX_INSTALL information
pkg_prefix_install = f'{prefix}/lib'
if pkg_meta.type == 'app':
pkg_prefix_install = os.path.expanduser(config_get('path.bin'))
if not os.path.exists(pkg_prefix_install):
# generate VXSDK_PREFIX_LIB information
pkg_prefix_lib = f'{prefix}/lib'
if not os.path.exists(pkg_prefix_lib):
# generate VXSDK_GCC_CFLAGS information
#@todo : compiler specific !
#pkg_gcc_cflags = f'-L. -Llib/ -L{prefix}/lib/'
#pkg_gcc_cflags += f' -I. -Iinclude/ -I{prefix}/lib/include/'
# generate VXSDK_ASSETS_* information
pkg_assets_src = f'{prefix}/converter/{pkg_meta.name}/src'
pkg_assets_obj = f'{prefix}/converter/{pkg_meta.name}/obj'
# generate VXSDK_PKG_* information
pkg_name = pkg_meta.name
pkg_is_original = str(pkg_meta.is_original)
pkg_version = pkg_meta.version
pkg_target = target
# generate "dependence-specific" env
envp = {
'VXSDK_PKG_NAME' : pkg_name,
'VXSDK_PKG_TARGET' : pkg_target,
'VXSDK_PKG_VERSION' : pkg_version,
'VXSDK_PKG_IS_ORIGINAL' : pkg_is_original,
'VXSDK_PREFIX_BUILD' : pkg_prefix_build,
'VXSDK_PREFIX_INSTALL' : pkg_prefix_install,
'VXSDK_PREFIX_LIB' : pkg_prefix_lib,
'VXSDK_ASSETS_SRC' : pkg_assets_src,
'VXSDK_ASSETS_BUILD' : pkg_assets_obj,
'VXSDK_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR' : pkg_meta.path
# merge extra env configuration
for key in env_extra:
if key in envp:
log.warn(f"[{pkg_name}] extra env key '{key}' already exist")
envp[key] += f' {env_extra[key]}'
# update env
# Public
def project_rules_exec(pkg_meta, target, rule_list, env_extra, verbose):
""" Walk through project rules and performs target operation if needed
This method will build the project source using the custom build
information set by the author in the TOML description.
Sometimes, we need to pass extra flags information in some steps. You
can pass this information using the 'rules_extra' property of this class
(see more information at 'VxProject.extra')
> board_target (str) : targeted board for operation (fxcg50, SDL, ...)
> rules (array,str) : list of wanted operations to performs
> extra (dict,str) : user extra information about operations
> verbose (bool) : capture (verbose=False) or not the operation print
> 0 if success, negative value otherwise
# save env information
saved_pwd = os.getcwd()
saved_env = os.environ.copy()
# move to the project path
# fetch target specific rules
project_rules = pkg_meta.get_build_rules(target)
# main loop. Fetch operation, check if available, generate env
# information, and perform said operation
ret = 0
verbose = not verbose
for rule in rule_list:
if rule not in project_rules:
cmd = project_rules[rule].strip()
if pkg_meta.extra_conf and rule in pkg_meta.extra_conf:
cmd += ' ' + pkg_meta.extra_conf[rule]
__project_generate_env(env_extra, pkg_meta, target)
log.debug(f"[{pkg_meta.name}] rule : {rule} -> cmd : ${cmd}$")
ret = subprocess.run(
if ret.returncode != 0:
if ret.stdout:
if ret.stderr:
ret = ret.returncode
ret = 0
# restore env information
return ret

vxsdk/core/config.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
Configuration file wrapper
import os
import toml
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
('path.config', '~/.config/vxsdk/config.toml'),
('path.sysroot', '~/.local/share/vxsdk/sysroot'),
('path.packages', '~/.local/share/vxsdk/packages'),
('path.assets', '~/.local/share/vxsdk/assets'),
('path.bin', '~/.local/bin'),
('build.default_target', 'superh'),
('pkg.backend.name', 'gitea'),
('pkg.backend.url', 'https://gitea.planet-casio.com'),
('pkg.local_storage', '{path.packages}')
# Internals
def __setitem_dots(dictionary, key, value, path=""):
if "." not in key:
old = dictionary[key] if key in dictionary else None
dictionary[key] = value
return old
group, key = key.split(".", 1)
if group in dictionary and not isinstance(dictionary[group], dict):
raise ValueError(f"cannot assign {value} into value {path+group}")
if group not in dictionary:
dictionary[group] = {}
return __setitem_dots(dictionary[group], key, value, path + group + ".")
def __config_control(name, value=None):
""" Common configuration file manipulation
If the `value` parameter is not set, only read operation will be performed,
otherwise the complete file will be updated.
> name (str) - dot-separated ker (ex : `default.board.name`)
> value (str) - value for the key
# check if config file information are cached
# @notes
# - create the configuration file folder if needed
# - load the TOML content
# - cache pathname to avoid path manipulation
__CACHED_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/vxsdk/config.toml')
cache_basename = os.path.basename(__CACHED_CONFIG_PATH)
if not os.path.exists(cache_basename):
with open(__CACHED_CONFIG_PATH, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as file:
__CACHED_CONFIG_FILE = toml.loads(file.read())
# check "read-only" request (just fetch value)
if not value:
targets = name.split('.')
while targets:
if not targets[0] in conf:
log.debug(f"[config] unable to find target '{name}'")
return None
conf = conf[targets[0]]
targets = targets[1:]
return conf
# perform "write-only" request (update the configuration file)
old = __setitem_dots(__CACHED_CONFIG_FILE, name, value)
with open(__CACHED_CONFIG_PATH, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file:
# return the previous information of the update field (if available)
return old
def _generate_value(name, val):
if not val:
return None
while val.find('{') >= 0:
if val.find('}') < 0:
key = val[val.find('{') + 1: val.find('}')]
res = __config_control(key)
if not res:
log.warn(f"[config] {name} = {val} : unable to find '{key}'")
return None
val = val[:val.find('{')] + res + val[val.find('}') + 1:]
return val
# Public functions
def config_get(key: str, default_value: str = None) -> str:
""" Get configuration key/value
This function will try to find the key value of `key`. If the key doest not
exists then None will be returned. You can specify a default value if the
key doest not exist.
> key: string - the key name
> default_value: string - the key default value if not found
> return the key value or None if not found nor default value set
if ret := __config_control(key):
return _generate_value(key, ret)
default_value = _generate_value(key, default_value)
if default_value:
__config_control(key, default_value)
return default_value
def config_set(key: str, value: str) -> str:
""" Set configuration key = value
This function will try to update the user vxSDK configuration file to add
key / value information. Note that the `value` can have placeholder in its
content like `{path.sysroot}/superh` wich will fetch the 'path.sysroot'
configuration key.
> key: string - the key name
> name: string - the key value
> the old key value or None if new
return __config_control(key, value)
def config_set_default(list_of_keyval: list):
""" Set default key / value
This function will setup all default key value if the key doest not exists.
This is usefull to centralise all default user configuration information in
this file instead of in all project files.
> list_of_keyval: list of tuple - [(key, value), ...]
for key, value in list_of_keyval:
if not __config_control(key):
__config_control(key, value)
# workaround

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
Vhex converter module
from core.conv.asset import conv_assets_generate
__all__ = [
def assets_generate(prefix_assets, prefix_src):
r"""Generate Vhex assets.
This function abstract the asset convertion for the Vhex Operating System.
It will walk througt the `<source_prefix>` folder and will try to find some
files named 'vxconv.txt' wich discribe assets information of a potential
project. Then it will use them to convert assets into an appropriate source
file in C without using any Vhex-specific function (so, you can use this
converter for other project).
The vxconv.txt file is structured like basic key/value file:
type: <image type> (font, bitmap) - required
path: <image path> - required
Each asset file description should have at least type and name information,
and each type have potentially its own requierements.
type = bitmap:
================================== =========================================
Keys name and value type Description
================================== =========================================
profile: <name> Select the bitmap pixel profile
| rgb4 | RGB 4 (indexed)
| rgb4a | RGBA 4 (indexed)
| rgb8 | RGB 8 (indexed)
| rgb8a | RGBA 8 (indexed)
| rgb16 | RGB 16 (5:R, 6:G, 5:B)
| rgb16a | RGBA 16 (5:R, 5:G, 5:B, 1:A)
================================== =========================================
type = font:
================================== =========================================
Keys name and value type Description
================================== =========================================
grid.size: 8x9 (widthxheight) caracter size in pixel
grid.padding: <pixel> space between caracter
grig.border: <pixel> space around grid
proportional: <true,false> caracter are cropped
line_height: <pixel> caracter line alignement
charset: <print,unicode> charset specification
================================== =========================================
> path (str) - the path to find assets
> source_prefix (str) - the path to generate image source file
> a list of string which represents all assets sources files path
return conv_assets_generate(prefix_assets, prefix_src)

vxsdk/core/conv/addin.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
from core.conv.pixel import rgba8conv
from PIL import Image
import os
__all__ = [
def generate_addin(binary, icon=None, name=None, output=None, version=None):
r"""Generate an addin for the Vhex Operating System.
The addin name (passed through the `name` argument) is optional here. In
this case, the name will use the internal name...which can be guessed using
the binary name (e.i '/path/to/the/super_addin.elf' -> internal name =
'super_addin' -> output name = '/path/to/the/super_addin').
The output path for the generated file is, by defautl, the same path that
the binary but the suffix '.vxos' will be added.
if the icon is not specified, a default blank icon will be used.
> binary (str) - binary path
> icon (str) - addin icon path (optional)
> name (str) - addin name (displayed in the menu) (optional)
> output (str) - output path for the generated addin (optional)
> generate default internal name
> change 8-bits icon into rgb565
> add internal addin version in the header
if not os.path.exists(binary):
logger(LOG_ERR, 'binary path is invalid')
if icon and not os.path.exists(icon):
logger(LOG_WARN, f'{icon}: icon does not exists, ignored')
icon = None
if not name:
name = ''
if not output:
output = binary + '.vxos'
if icon:
bitmap = Image.open(icon)
if bitmap.size != (92, 64):
f'{icon}:icon size does not match {bitmap.size} != (92, 64)',
with open(binary, 'rb') as b:
with open(output, 'wb') as a:
if icon:
for pixel in bitmap.getdata():
a.write(rgba8conv(pixel).to_bytes(1, 'big'))
return 0

vxsdk/core/conv/asset.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
Vhex assets converter
import os
import toml
from core.logger import log
from core.conv.type.font import conv_font_generate
from core.conv.type.image import conv_image_generate
__all__ = [
# Private
class _VxAsset():
"""Represent a asset object
This is an internal class which represents assets information with some
methods to abstract conversion and file type manipulation (for asset type
font and asset type bitmap).
Also note that this class is private because we use a tricky optimization to
parse the `vxconv.txt` file, this is why we have no "private" property with
setter and getter, and why this class is "hidden".
Some important methods to note:
================================== =========================================
Name Description
================================== =========================================
generate() Generate the source file (C)
================================== =========================================
def __init__(self, prefix, name, meta):
if 'path' not in meta:
raise Exception(f"[{name}] missing required path information")
if 'type' not in meta:
raise Exception(f"[{name}] missing required type information")
if meta['type'] not in ['font', 'image']:
raise Exception(f"asset type '{meta[type]}' is not known")
self._name = name
self._meta = meta
self._type = meta['type']
self._path = prefix + '/' + meta['path']
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
raise Exception("asset path '{self._path}' cannot be openned")
def __repr__(self):
return f'<_VxAssetObj, {self.name}>'
def __str__(self):
content = f"[{self.name}]\n"
content += f" - type: {self.type}\n"
content += f" - path: {self.path}\n"
return content
# Getter
def path(self):
"""<property> path"""
return self._path
def name(self):
"""<property> name"""
return self._name
def type(self):
"""<property> type"""
return self._type
def meta(self):
"""<property> meta"""
return self._meta
# Public method
def generate_source_file(self, prefix_output):
"""generate source file """
if self.type == 'font':
return conv_font_generate(self, prefix_output)
return conv_image_generate(self, prefix_output)
# Public
def conv_assets_generate(prefix_assets, prefix_output):
""" Walk through the assets prefix and generate all source file
> prefix_asset (str) - prefix used for recursivly search for asset info
> prefix_output (str) - prefix used for the output of generated file
> a list of all generated sources pathname
if not os.path.exists(prefix_output):
generated = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(prefix_assets):
if not 'vxconv.toml' in files:
with open(root + '/vxconv.toml', "r", encoding='utf-8') as inf:
content = toml.loads(inf.read())
for asset_name in content:
log.user(f"converting {asset_name}...")
asset = _VxAsset(root, asset_name, content[asset_name])
generated += asset.generate_source_file(prefix_output)
return generated

vxsdk/core/conv/pixel.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
""" Pixel converter utilities
This file expose many 32 bits RGBA into various pixel format
__all__ = [
def rgb24to16(rgb):
_r = (rgb[0] & 0xff) >> 3
_g = (rgb[1] & 0xff) >> 2
_b = (rgb[2] & 0xff) >> 3
return (_r << 11) | (_g << 5) | _b
def rgb1conv(pixel):
return pixel == (0, 0, 0)
def rgb8conv(pixel):
return int((pixel[0] * 7) / 255) << 5 \
| int((pixel[1] * 4) / 255) << 3 \
| int((pixel[2] * 7) / 255) << 0
def rgba8conv(pixel):
return int((pixel[0] * 4) / 256) << 6 \
| int((pixel[1] * 8) / 256) << 3 \
| int((pixel[2] * 4) / 256) << 1 \
| (len(pixel) >= 4 and pixel[3] == 0)
def rgb16conv(pixel):
return int((pixel[0] * 31) / 255) << 11 \
| int((pixel[1] * 63) / 255) << 5 \
| int((pixel[2] * 31) / 255) << 0
def rgba16conv(pixel):
return int((pixel[0] * 31) / 255) << 11 \
| int((pixel[1] * 63) / 255) << 6 \
| int((pixel[2] * 31) / 255) << 1 \
| (pixel[3] != 0)

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
Vhex font converter
from PIL import Image
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
# Internal vxconv.tmol handling routines
def __font_fetch_info(asset):
""" Check and fetch font information
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> dictionary with font information
# generate font default information
font_info = {
# user can customise
'charset' : 'normal',
'grid_size_x' : 0,
'grid_size_y' : 0,
'grid_padding' : 1,
'grid_border' : 1,
'is_proportional' : False,
'line_height' : 0,
'char_spacing' : 1,
# generated "on-the-fly" by the conversion step
# @notes
# This is mainly to provide cache for the Vhex operating system to
# speed-up render calculation by avoiding recurent caculation.
'glyph_size' : 0,
'glyph_height' : 0,
'font_size' : 0,
'data' : []
# handle user meta-indication
if 'charset' in asset.meta:
if asset.meta['charset'] not in ['default', 'unicode']:
log.error(f"Unknown charset '{asset.meta['charset']}', abord")
return None
font_info['charset'] = asset.meta['charset']
if 'grid_size' not in asset.meta:
log.error("Missing critical grid size information, abord")
return None
grid_size = asset.meta['grid_size'].split('x')
font_info['grid_size_x'] = int(grid_size[0])
font_info['grid_size_y'] = int(grid_size[1])
if 'grid_padding' in asset.meta:
font_info['grid_padding'] = int(asset.meta['grid_padding'])
if 'grid_border' in asset.meta:
font_info['grid_border'] = int(asset.meta['grid_border'])
if 'proportional' in asset.meta:
font_info['is_proportional'] = asset.meta['proportional']
font_info['line_height'] = font_info['grid_size_y']
if 'line_height' in asset.meta:
font_info['line_height'] = asset.meta['line_height']
if 'char_spacing' in asset.meta:
font_info['char_spacing'] = asset.meta['char_spacing']
font_info['glyph_height'] = font_info['grid_size_y']
# return font information
return font_info
# Internal glyph routines
def __glyph_get_wgeometry(geometry_info, img_raw, img_size, pos, grid_size):
""" Generate glyph width geometry information
> geometry_info (dict) - geometry information
> img_raw (list) - list of all pixel of the image
> img_size (tuple) - image width and image height
> pos (tuple) - glyph position information (X and Y in pixel)
> grid_size (tuple) - glyph grid size information (width and height)
> Nothing
geometry_info['wstart'] = -1
geometry_info['wend'] = -1
_px = pos[0]
_py = pos[1]
log.debug(f'[geometry] X:{pos[0]} Y:{int(pos[1]/img_size[0])}')
log.debug(f' - grid_size = {grid_size}')
for _ in range(0, grid_size[1]):
for offx in range(0, grid_size[0]):
if img_raw[_py + (_px + offx)][:3] == (255, 255, 255):
if geometry_info['wstart'] < 0 or offx < geometry_info['wstart']:
geometry_info['wstart'] = offx
if geometry_info['wstart'] < 0 or offx > geometry_info['wend']:
geometry_info['wend'] = offx
_py += img_size[0]
geometry_info['wend'] += 1
log.debug(f' - geometry = {geometry_info}')
def __glyph_encode(data_info, img_info, geometry, posx, posy):
""" Encode glyph bitmap
> data_info (dict) - internal data information (list, index and shift)
> img_info (dict) - image-related information (object and raw content)
> geometry (dict) - geometry information
> posx (int) - X-axis position in pixel
> posy (int) - Y-axis position in pixel
> Nothing
# fetch information
img = img_info['obj']
img_raw = img_info['raw']
data = data_info['table']
data_idx = data_info['idx']
data_shift = data_info['shift']
wstart = geometry['wstart']
wend = geometry['wend']
# encode the glyph
yoff = 0
log.debug(f'[encode] X:{posx} Y:{int(posy/img.size[0])}')
for _h in range(geometry['hstart'], geometry['hend']):
for _w in range(wstart, wend):
if img_raw[(posy + yoff) + (posx + _w)][:3] == (0, 0, 0):
log.debug('#', end='')
data[data_idx] |= 0x80000000 >> data_shift
log.debug('.', end='')
data[data_idx] &= ~(0x80000000 >> data_shift)
if (data_shift := data_shift + 1) >= 32:
data_shift = 0
data_idx += 1
yoff += img.size[0]
# commit modification
data_info['idx'] = data_idx
data_info['shift'] = data_shift
# Intenal font conversion
def __font_convert_proportional(packed_info):
""" Generate proportional font
Proportional font means that each character have its own width size (but
have a common height). We need to performs more complexe handling than the
monospaced one.
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> font_information (dict) - font indication
> 0 if success, negative value otherwise
# unpack information
font_info = packed_info[0]
img_info = packed_info[1]
glyph_info = packed_info[2]
data_info = packed_info[4]
geometry_info = packed_info[5]
# isolate needed information
img = img_info['obj']
img_raw = img_info['raw']
nb_col = packed_info[3][0]
nb_row = packed_info[3][1]
gwidth = glyph_info[0]
gheight = glyph_info[1]
# main loop, walk glyph per glyph
_py = (font_info['grid_border'] + font_info['grid_padding']) * img.size[0]
for _ in range(0, nb_row):
_px = font_info['grid_border'] + font_info['grid_padding']
for _ in range(0, nb_col):
# generate width geometry information
(_px, _py),
(font_info['grid_size_x'], font_info['grid_size_y'])
# save critical glyph geometry information that will be encoded in
# the final C source file
geometry_info['wend'] - geometry_info['wstart'],
# encode glyph information
__glyph_encode(data_info, img_info, geometry_info, _px, _py)
# update loop information
font_info['glyph_count'] += 1
_px += gwidth
_py += gheight * img.size[0]
return 0
def __font_convert_monospaced(packed_info):
""" Generate proportional font
Proportional font means that each character have its own width size (but
have a common height). We need to performs more complexe handling than the
monospaced one.
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> font_information (dict) - font indication
> 0 if success, negative value otherwise
# unpack information
font_info = packed_info[0]
img_info = packed_info[1]
glyph_info = packed_info[2]
grid_info = packed_info[3]
data_info = packed_info[4]
geometry_info = packed_info[5]
# isolate needed information
img = img_info['obj']
nb_row = grid_info[1]
nb_col = grid_info[0]
gwidth = glyph_info[0]
gheight = glyph_info[1]
# main loop, walk glyph per glyph
_py = (font_info['grid_border'] + font_info['grid_padding']) * img.size[0]
for _ in range(0, nb_row):
_px = font_info['grid_border'] + font_info['grid_padding']
for _ in range(0, nb_col):
__glyph_encode(data_info, img_info, geometry_info, _px, _py)
font_info['glyph_count'] += 1
_px += gwidth
_py += gheight * img.size[0]
return 0
def __font_convert(asset, font_info):
""" Generate font information
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> font_info (dict) - font information
> 0 if success, negative value otherwise
# generate image information
img = Image.open(asset.path)
img_raw = img.getdata()
img_info = {
'obj' : img,
'raw' : img_raw
# pre-calculate the "real" glyph width and height using padding information
glyph_info = [0, 0]
glyph_info[0] = font_info['grid_size_x'] + font_info['grid_padding']
glyph_info[1] = font_info['grid_size_y'] + font_info['grid_padding']
gheight = glyph_info[1]
gwidth = glyph_info[0]
log.debug(f"gwidth = {gwidth} && gheight = {gheight}")
# pre-calculate the number of row and column of the font
grid_info = [0, 0]
grid_info[0] = int((img.size[0] - (font_info['grid_border'] * 2)) / gwidth)
grid_info[1] = int((img.size[1] - (font_info['grid_border'] * 2)) / gheight)
nb_col = grid_info[0]
nb_row = grid_info[1]
log.debug(f"nb_row = {nb_row} && nb_col = {nb_col}")
# pre-calculate and prepare per-glyph information
# @note
# The generated data is designed for 4-alignement padding. This to have
# speed-up on drawing function.
font_info['glyph_size'] = font_info['grid_size_x'] * font_info['grid_size_y']
font_info['font_size'] = font_info['glyph_size'] * nb_row * nb_col
font_info['glyph_count'] = 0
font_info['glyph_props'] = []
font_info['data'] = [0] * int((font_info['font_size'] + 31) / 32)
log.debug(f"data original = {id(font_info['data'])}")
# generate data information
data_info = {
'table' : font_info['data'],
'idx' : 0,
'shift' : 0
log.debug(f"data packed = {id(data_info['table'])}")
# generate geometry information
geometry_info = {
'hstart' : 0,
'hend' : font_info['grid_size_y'],
'wstart' : 0,
'wend' : font_info['grid_size_x'],
# select the converter
converter = __font_convert_monospaced
if font_info['is_proportional']:
converter = __font_convert_proportional
# convert font
log.debug(f"data packed end = {id(data_info['table'])}")
return 0
# Source file generation
def __font_generate_unicode_source(_):
"""Unicode special chaset directory"""
log.error("unicode conversion not implemented yet o(x_x)o")
return ''
def __font_generate_normal_source(font_info):
"""Print chaset is a image file
content = "\t.glyph = {\n"
content += f"\t\t.height = {font_info['glyph_height']},\n"
content += f"\t\t.line_height = {font_info['line_height']},\n"
# encode font bitmap
line = 0
log.debug(f"data = {font_info['data']}")
content += "\t\t.data = (uint32_t[]){\n"
for pixel in font_info['data']:
if line == 0:
content += '\t\t\t'
if line >= 1:
content += ' '
content += f"{pixel:#010x},"
if (line := line + 1) == 4:
content += '\n'
line = 0
if line != 0:
content += '\n'
content += '\t\t},\n'
# indicate the number of glyph in the bitmap
content += f"\t\t.count = {font_info['glyph_count']},\n"
# encode proportional information if needed
if font_info['is_proportional']:
content += '\t\t.prop = (struct __workaround[]){\n'
for prop in font_info['glyph_props']:
content += "\t\t\t{\n"
content += f"\t\t\t\t.width = {prop[0]},\n"
content += f"\t\t\t\t.index = {prop[1]},\n"
content += f"\t\t\t\t.shift = {prop[2]},\n"
content += "\t\t\t},\n"
content += "\t\t.mono = {,\n"
content += f"\t\t\t.width = {font_info['glyph_width']},\n"
content += f"\t\t\t.size = {font_info['glyph_size']},\n"
content += "\t\t},\n"
content += "\t},\n"
# skip unicode struct
content += "\t.unicode = {\n"
content += "\t\t.blocks = NULL,\n"
content += "\t\t.block_count = 0,\n"
content += "\t}\n"
return content
def __font_generate_source_file(asset, font_info):
"""Generate font source file content
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> info (dict) - hold font information
> file C content string
# generate basic header
content = "#include <vhex/display/font.h>\n"
content += "\n"
content += f"/* {asset.name} - Vhex asset\n"
content += " This object has been converted by using the vxSDK "
content += "converter */\n"
content += f"struct font const {asset.name} = " + "{\n"
content += f"\t.name = \"{asset.name}\",\n"
# shape information
content += "\t.shape = {\n"
content += "\t\t.bold = 0,\n"
content += "\t\t.italic = 0,\n"
content += "\t\t.serif = 0,\n"
content += "\t\t.mono = 0,\n"
content += f"\t\t.prop = {int(font_info['is_proportional'])},\n"
content += "\t},\n"
# manage display indication
content += f"\t.char_spacing = {font_info['char_spacing']},\n"
# handle special charset behaviour
if font_info['charset'] == 'unicode':
content += __font_generate_unicode_source(font_info)
content += __font_generate_normal_source(font_info)
# closure and return
content += '};\n'
return content
# Public
def conv_font_generate(asset, prefix_output):
""" Convert an image asset to a C source file
> asset (_VxAsset) - minimal asset information
> prefix_output (str) - prefix for source file generation
> pathname of the generated file
# generate font information
if not (font_info := __font_fetch_info(asset)):
return ''
if __font_convert(asset, font_info) != 0:
return ''
content = __font_generate_source_file(asset, font_info)
# create the source file
asset_src = f'{prefix_output}/{asset.name}_vxfont.c'
with open(asset_src, "w", encoding='utf8') as file:
log.debug(f"source file generated at {asset_src}")
return asset_src

View File

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
Vhex image converter
from PIL import Image
from core.logger import log
from core.conv.pixel import rgb24to16
__all__ = [
# Private profile color management
def __profile_gen(profile, name, palette=None, alpha=None):
r""" Internal image profile class
================================== =========================================
Property Description
================================== =========================================
id (int) profile ID
names (array of str) list all profile names
format (str) profile format name (vhex API)
has_alpha (bool) indicate if the profil has alpha
alpha (int) alpha index in the palette (or mask)
is_indexed (bool) indicate if the profile should be indexed
palette_base (int) indicate base index for color inserting
palette_color_count (int) indicate the number of color (palette)
palette_trim (bool) indicate if the palette should be trimed
================================== =========================================
profile = {
'profile' : profile,
'name' : name,
'has_alpha' : (alpha is not None),
'alpha' : alpha,
'is_indexed': (palette is not None),
'palette' : None
if palette is not None:
profile['palette_base'] = palette[0]
profile['palette_color_count'] = palette[1]
profile['palette_trim'] = palette[2]
return profile
# all supported profile information
__profile_gen('IMAGE_RGB565', "p16"),
__profile_gen('IMAGE_RGB565A', "p16a", alpha=0x0001),
__profile_gen('IMAGE_P8_RGB565', "p8", palette=(0,256,True)),
__profile_gen('IMAGE_P8_RGB565A', "p8a", palette=(1,256,True), alpha=0),
__profile_gen('IMAGE_P4_RGB565', "p4", palette=(0,16,False)),
__profile_gen('IMAGE_P4_RGB565A', "p4a", palette=(1,16,False), alpha=0),
def __profile_find(name):
"""Find a profile by name."""
for profile in VX_PROFILES:
if name == profile['name']:
return profile
return None
# Private image manipulation
def __image_isolate_alpha(info):
""" Isolate alpha corlor of the image
Vhex use a particular handling for alpha color and this information should
use a strict encoding way. Things that Pillow don't do properly. So, lets
manually setup our alpha isolation and patch Pillow alpha palette handling.
> info (dict) - contains all needed information (image, data, ...)
> Nothing
# fetch needed information
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
# Save the alpha channel and make it 1-bit. We need to do this because
# the alpha value is handled specialy in Vhex and the image conversion
# to palette-oriented image is weird : the alpha colors is also converted
# in the palette
if profile['has_alpha']:
alpha_channel = img.getchannel("A").convert("1", dither=Image.NONE)
alpha_channel = Image.new("1", img.size, 1)
alpha_pixels = alpha_channel.load()
img = img.convert("RGB")
# Transparent pixels have random values on the RGB channels, causing
# them to use up palette entries during quantization. To avoid that, set
# their RGB data to a color used somewhere else in the image.
pixels = img.load()
bg_color = next(
for x in range(img.width)
for y in range(img.height)
if alpha_pixels[x,y] > 0
for _y in range(img.height):
for _x in range(img.width):
if alpha_pixels[_x, _y] == 0:
pixels[_x, _y] = bg_color
# update external information
info['img'] = img
info['img_pixel_list_alpha'] = alpha_pixels
info['img_pixel_list_clean'] = pixels
def __image_encode_palette(info):
""" Generate palette information
This routine is involved only if the targeted profile is indexed. We need to
generate (and isolate) color palette.
> info (dict) - contains all needed information (image, data, ...)
> Nothing
# fetch needed information
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
# convert image into palette format
# note: we remove one color slot in the palette for the alpha one
color_count = profile['palette_color_count'] - int(profile['has_alpha'])
img = img.convert(
# The palette format is a list of N triplets ([r, g, b, ...]). But,
# sometimes, colors after img.convert() are not numbered 0 to
# `color_count`, because the palette don't need to be that big. So,
# we calculate the "palette size" by walking throuth the bitmap and
# by saving the biggest index used.
pixels = img.load()
nb_triplet = 1 + max(
for y in range(img.height)
for x in range(img.width)
palette = img.getpalette()[:3 * nb_triplet]
palette = list(zip(palette[::3], palette[1::3], palette[2::3]))
# For formats with transparency, add an "unused" palette slot which
# will used has pink/purple in case of a bad application try to use
# this value anyway
if profile['has_alpha']:
palette = [(255, 0, 255)] + palette
nb_triplet += 1
# Also keep track of how to remap indices from the values generated
# by img.convert() into the palette, which is shifted by 1 due to
# alpha and also starts at profile.palette_base.
# Note: profile.palette_base already starts 1 value later for
# formats with alpha.
palette_map = [
(profile['palette_base'] + i) % profile['palette_color_count']
for i in range(nb_triplet)
# Encode the palette
palette_color_count = nb_triplet
if not profile['palette_trim']:
palette_color_count = profile['palette_color_count']
palette_data = [0] * palette_color_count
for i, rgb24 in enumerate(palette):
palette_data[i] = rgb24to16(rgb24)
# update internal information
info['palette_map'] = palette_map
info['palette_data'] = palette_data
info['palette_color_count'] = palette_color_count
info['nb_triplet'] = nb_triplet
info['img_pixel_list_clean'] = pixels
def __image_encode_bitmap(info):
""" Encode the bitmap
This routine will generate the main data list which will contains the bitmap
using Vhex-specific encoding.
> info (dict) - contains all needed information (image, data, ...)
> Nothing
# fetch needed information
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
alpha_pixels = info['img_pixel_list_alpha']
pixels = info['img_pixel_list_clean']
palette_map = info['palette_map']
# generate profile-specific geometry information
if profile['name'] in ['p16', 'p16a']:
# Preserve alignment between rows by padding to 4 bytes
nb_stride = ((img.width + 1) // 2) * 4
data_size = (nb_stride * img.height) * 2
elif profile['name'] in ['p8', 'p8a']:
nb_stride = img.width
data_size = img.width * img.height
# Pad whole bytes
nb_stride = (img.width + 1) // 2
data_size = nb_stride * img.height
# Generate the real data map
data = [0] * data_size
# encode the bitmap
for _y in range(img.height):
for _x in range(img.width):
# get alpha information about this pixel
_a = alpha_pixels[_x, _y]
if profile['name'] in ['p16', 'p16a']:
# If c lands on the alpha value, flip its lowest bit to avoid
# ambiguity with alpha
_c = profile['alpha'] if _a else rgb24to16(pixels[_x, _y]) & ~1
data[(img.width * _y) + _x] = _c
elif profile['name'] in ['p8', 'p8a']:
_c = palette_map[pixels[_x, _y]] if _a > 0 else profile['alpha']
data[(img.width * _y) + _x] = _c
_c = palette_map[pixels[_x, _y]] if _a > 0 else profile['alpha']
offset = (nb_stride * _y) + (_x // 2)
if _x % 2 == 0:
data[offset] |= (_c << 4)
data[offset] |= _c
# update external information
info['data'] = data
info['data_size'] = data_size
info['nb_stride'] = nb_stride
info['data_size'] = data_size
def __image_convert(asset, profile_name):
""" Image asset convertion
> asset (_VxAsset) - asset information
> profile_name (str) - profile name information
> a dictionary with all image information
# generate critical information and check posible error
img_info = {
'img' : Image.open(asset.path),
'profile' : __profile_find(profile_name)
if not img_info['img']:
log.error(f"unable to open the asset '{asset.path}', abord")
return None
if not img_info['profile']:
log.error(f"unable to find the color profile '{profile_name}', abord")
return None
# convert the bitmap and generate critical information
if img_info['profile']['is_indexed']:
# return generated information
return img_info
# Internal source file content generation
def __display_array(array, prefix='\t\t'):
""" Display array information (only for p16* profile) """
line = 0
content = ''
for pixels in array:
if line == 0:
content += prefix
if line >= 1:
content += ' '
content += f'{pixels:#06x},'
if (line := line + 1) >= 8:
content += '\n'
line = 0
if line != 0:
content += '\n'
return content
def __image_generate_source_file(asset, info):
"""Generate image source file
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> info (dict) - hold image information
> file C content string
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
# generate basic header
content = "#include <vhex/display/image/types.h>\n"
content += "\n"
content += f"/* {asset.name} - Vhex asset\n"
content += " This object has been converted by using the vxSDK "
content += "converter */\n"
content += "const image_t " + f"{asset.name} = " + "{\n"
content += f"\t.format = {profile['profile']},\n"
content += "\t.flags = IMAGE_FLAGS_RO | IMAGE_FLAGS_OWN,\n"
content += f"\t.color_count = {profile['palette_color_count']},\n"
content += f"\t.width = {img.width},\n"
content += f"\t.height = {img.height},\n"
content += f"\t.stride = {info['nb_stride']},\n"
# encode bitmap table
encode = 16 if profile['profile'] in ['p16', 'p16a'] else 8
content += f"\t.data = (void*)(const uint{encode}_t [])" + "{\n"
for _y in range(img.height):
content += '\t\t'
for _x in range(info['nb_stride']):
pixel = info['data'][(_y * info['nb_stride']) + _x]
if profile['profile'] in ['p16', 'p16a']:
content += f'{pixel:#06x},'
elif profile['profile'] in ['p8', 'p8a']:
content += f'{pixel:#04x},'
content += f'{pixel:3},'
content += '\n'
content += '\t},\n'
# add palette information
if 'palette_data' in info:
content += "\t.palette = (void*)(const uint16_t []){\n"
content += __display_array(info['palette_data'])
content += "\t},\n"
content += "\t.palette = NULL,\n"
# closure and return
content += '};'
return content
# Public
def conv_image_generate(asset, prefix_output):
""" Convert an image asset to a C source file
> asset (_VxAsset) - minimal asset information
> prefix_output (str) - prefix for source file generation
> pathname of the generated file
# check critical requirement
if 'profile' not in asset.meta:
log.error(f"[{asset.name}] missing profile information!")
return ''
#generate the source file content
if not (img_info := __image_convert(asset, asset.meta['profile'])):
return ''
content = __image_generate_source_file(asset, img_info)
# generate the source file
asset_src = f'{prefix_output}/{asset.name}_vximage.c'
with open(asset_src, "w", encoding='utf8') as file:
return asset_src

vxsdk/core/logger.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
Log wrapper
import sys
__all__ = [
# Internals
class _VxLogger():
def __init__(self, logfile=None):
self._logfile = logfile
self._level = LOG_USER
self._indent = 0
# Internals
def _print(self, level, text, skip_indent, fileno):
if self._level < level:
return 0
if not skip_indent and self._level == LOG_DEBUG and self._indent > 0:
text = ('>>> ' * self._indent) + text
print(text, file=fileno, end='', flush=True)
return len(text) + 1
# Public properties
def level(self):
""" <property> handle print level """
return self._level
def level(self, level):
""" <property> handle print level """
if level < LOG_EMERG or level > LOG_DEBUG:
print(f"[log] level update to {level} is not possible, ignored")
self._level = level
def indent(self):
""" <property> handle indentation level for LOG_DEBUG """
return self._indent
def indent(self, indent):
""" <property> handle indentation level for LOG_DEBUG """
if indent < 0:
print(f"[log] indent update to {indent} is not possible, ignored")
self._indent = indent
# Public methods
def debug(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print debug log """
return self._print(LOG_DEBUG, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stdout)
def info(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print info log """
return self._print(LOG_INFO, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stdout)
def notice(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print notice log """
return self._print(LOG_NOTICE, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stdout)
def user(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print user log """
return self._print(LOG_USER, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stdout)
def warn(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print warning log """
return self._print(LOG_WARN, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stderr)
def error(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print error log """
return self._print(LOG_ERR, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stderr)
def critical(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print critical log """
return self._print(LOG_CRIT, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stderr)
def emergency(self, text, end='\n', skip_indent=False):
""" print emergency log """
return self._print(LOG_EMERG, text + end, skip_indent, sys.stderr)
# Public functions
log = _VxLogger()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Provide package primitives (mainly for syntax sugar)
from core.pkg.find import pkg_find
from core.pkg.clone import pkg_clone
__all__ = [
# Public
def find(name, version=None, local=True, remote=True):
r"""Try to find a particular package.
> name (str) - exact valid package name
> version (str) - version query string
> local (bool) - enable local search
> remote (bool) - enable remote search
> a list of all matched package dictionnary :
'name' : <package name>,
'version' : [
<list of all available (or matched) version>
> None if error
return pkg_find(name, version, local, remote)
def clone(name, version=None, prefix=None, confirm=False):
r""" Clone package with appropriate version
This function will try to find the wanted package with the appropriate
version then clone it into <`prefix`> if provided or in the internal
<config.pkg.home_prefix> configuration key otherwise.
The `name` should be a valid package name. However, the `version` argument
can contains version operation like carret (^), tilde (~) and start (*) as
described in <vxsdk/core/pkg/version.py>
> prefix (str) - clone path prefix
> name (str) - exact valid package name
> version (str) - version query string
> confirm (bool) - display user input to confirm the clone
> the package path if successfully cloned, None otherwise
return pkg_clone(name, version, prefix, confirm)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"""Remote backend constructor
This package will exposes the major important object for the package core remote
part of the vxsdk.
=========================== ============================================
Object name Description
=========================== ============================================
PKG_CORE_BACKEND_REMOTE Remote ackend object
PKG_CORE_BACKEND_LOCAL Local backend object
VxRemoteBackend Abstract class for backend implementation
=========================== ======================================
This part of the vxsdk can be manually configured using a TOML configuration
which need to be located at <~/.config/vxsdk/configure.toml>. A special
section named 'package.remote' can be added to specify backend information:
backend.name = 'gitea'
backend.url = 'https://personal.gitea.instance.gaming'
This is the only configuration that you can set here.
import os
import sys
from core.pkg.backend.local import VxBackendLocal
from core.logger import log
from core.config import config_get
__all__ = [
backend_remote_name = config_get('pkg.backend.name')
backend_remote_url = config_get('pkg.backend.url')
backend_local_url = os.path.expanduser(config_get('pkg.local_storage'))
mod = __import__(
if not hasattr(mod, 'VxBackendRemote'):
raise Exception(
f"backend '{backend_remote_name}' doesn't expose "
"VxBackendRemote class"
PKG_CORE_BACKEND_REMOTE = mod.VxBackendRemote(backend_remote_url)
PKG_CORE_BACKEND_LOCAL = VxBackendLocal(backend_local_url)
except ImportError as err:
log.emergency("[backend] unable to load remote backend, abord")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
Vhex package core abstract class
import abc
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
class VxRemoteBackendCore(abc.ABC):
r"""Represent a remote backend 'core' class.
This class is a simple abstract class that should be used by all internal
'backend' wich should expose some common methods and property:
================================== =========================================
Property Description
================================== =========================================
name (str) Backend name (for debug)
url (str) Backend URL (for internal use)
================================== =========================================
================================== =========================================
Method Description
================================== =========================================
find() find packages
clone() clone a package
================================== =========================================
def __init__(self, url):
self._url = url
self._pkg_list = []
def name(self):
"""<property> hold pacakge name"""
def url(self):
"""<property> hold pacakge URL (or path for local package)"""
def package_list(self):
"""<property> return the pacakge list (cached)"""
def package_fetch_versions(self, pkg):
"""<method> pacakge version fetch (cache)"""
def package_clone(self, pkg, prefix=None):
"""<method> package primtive """
def package_find(self, name, version=None):
r"""Try to find package
This method will try to find a particular package with a specific
version if the `version` argument is provided. Otherwise, the version
argument can holds special version requirement if the package use a
versionning sementic (more information in <vxsdk/core/pkg/version.py>)
If name is empty, all package will be returned
> names (str) - package name
> versions (str) - version pattern
> A list of dictionary with (at least):
'name' (str) : package name
'full_name' (str) : full named package (author+name)
'description' (str) : package description
'versions' (list) : [
List of :obj:VxVersion that match the `version` argument
# check if we need to return the complet list
if not name:
ret = []
for pkg in self.package_list:
if not self.package_fetch_versions(pkg):
pkg_cpy = pkg.copy()
pkg_cpy['version'] = None
return ret
# handle package name and version verification
# @note
# - return on the first matched package
for pkg in self.package_list:
# check package name
if pkg['name'] != name:
# fetch version information
if not self.package_fetch_versions(pkg):
log.warn("[pkg] '{pkg['name']}' unable to fetch versions")
# if the version is None, we just need to fetch available
# versions then return
if not version:
pkg_cpy = pkg.copy()
pkg_cpy['version'] = None
return [pkg_cpy]
# perform version checking and select the best fit
ver_found = None
for ver in pkg['versions']:
if not ver.validate(version):
if not ver_found or ver.compare(ver_found.name) < 0:
ver_found = ver
if not ver_found:
return []
# isolate the best version
pkg_cpy = pkg.copy()
pkg_cpy['version'] = ver_found
return [pkg_cpy]
# not requested package found, return
return None

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
Vhex core backend for Gitea instance
import os
import subprocess
import requests
from core.pkg.backend.core import VxRemoteBackendCore
from core.pkg.version import VxVersion
from core.logger import log
from core.config import config_get
__all__ = [
class VxBackendRemote(VxRemoteBackendCore):
Vhex Gitea backend class
# Public properties
def name(self):
return 'gitea'
def url(self):
return self._url
def package_list(self):
""" Return the list of all repository find in the remote instance.
This property is used to cache request's information and avoid big HTTP
quesring to the remote instance of Gitea.
# if cached, avoid quering operation
if self._pkg_list:
return self._pkg_list
# raw HTTP request
resp = requests.get(
'q' : 'vxsdk',
'topic': 'True'
if not resp.ok:
f'[backend] gitea: remote package requests failed\n'
f'>>> {resp.status_code}'
self._pkg_list = []
return []
# generate the pacakge list
# @note
# - hide private repositories
self._pkg_list = []
for pkg in resp.json()['data']:
if pkg['private']:
'name' : pkg['name'],
'full_name' : pkg['full_name'],
'description' : pkg['description'],
'url' : pkg['clone_url'],
'created' : pkg['created_at'].split('T')[0],
'updated' : pkg['updated_at'].split('T')[0],
'author' : pkg['owner']['login'],
'default_branch' : pkg['default_branch'],
'versions' : []
return self._pkg_list
# Private methods
def package_fetch_versions(self, pkg):
""" Fetch package version information.
Same as the `package_list` property, we using cache to avoid too many
HTTP request.
# if cached information, return it
if pkg['versions']:
return pkg['versions']
# request branches information
pkg['versions'] = []
url = f"{self.url}/api/v1/repos/{pkg['full_name']}"
resp = requests.get(f'{url}/branches')
if not resp.ok:
f'[pkg]: backend: gitea: branches requests error\n'
f'>>> url = {url}/branches\n'
f'>>> status = {resp.status_code}'
for ver in resp.json():
VxVersion(ver['name'], 'branch', 'remote')
# request tag information
resp = requests.get(f'{url}/tags')
if not resp.ok:
f'[pkg]: backend: gitea: tags requests error\n'
f'>>> url = {url}/tags\n'
f'>>> status = {resp.status_code}'
for ver in resp.json():
pkg['versions'].append(VxVersion(ver['name'], 'tag', 'remote'))
return pkg['versions']
# Public methods
def package_clone(self, pkg, _=None):
""" Clone the package in global storage
> pkg (dict) - package information returned by package_find()
> Complet path for the package (str), or None if error
# fetch global storage prefix
# @notes
# - create it if its doesn't exists
prefix = os.path.expanduser(config_get('path.packages'))
if not os.path.exists(prefix):
# generate clone information
# @note
# - create clone folder if not exists
pkg_ver = pkg['version']
pkg_name = f"{pkg['author']}@{pkg['name']}@{pkg_ver.name}@{pkg_ver.type}"
pkg_path = f"{prefix}/{pkg_name}"
if os.path.exists(pkg_path):
log.warn(f"[clone]: {pkg_name} already exists, skipped")
return pkg_path
# perform high-level git clone
cmd = [
'-c', 'advice.detachedHead=false',
'clone', '--branch', pkg_ver.name,
pkg['url'], pkg_path,
log.debug(f"[gitea] {cmd}")
status = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, check=False)
if status.returncode != 0:
log.error(f"[clone] : unable to clone {pkg_name}, abord")
return []
# return the package path
return pkg_path

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Vhex core backend for local package
import os
from core.logger import log
from core.pkg.backend.core import VxRemoteBackendCore
from core.pkg.version import VxVersion
__all__ = [
class VxBackendLocal(VxRemoteBackendCore):
Vhex backend local package class
# Public properties
def name(self):
return 'local'
def url(self):
return self._url
def package_list(self):
if self._pkg_list:
return self._pkg_list
if not os.path.exists(self._url):
return []
self._pkg_list = []
for file in os.listdir(self._url):
if not os.path.isdir(f"{self._url}/{file}"):
exists = False
for pkg in self._pkg_list:
if pkg['name'] == file.split('@')[1]:
exists = True
if exists:
'name' : file.split('@')[1],
'full_name' : f"{self._url}/{file.split('@')[1]}",
'description' : None,
'url' : f"{self._url}/{file}",
'created' : None,
'updated' : None,
'author' : file.split('@')[0],
'default_branch' : None,
'versions' : [
VxVersion(file.split('@')[2], file.split('@')[3], 'local')
return self._pkg_list
# Private methods
def package_fetch_versions(self, pkg):
return pkg['versions']
# Public methods
def package_clone(self, pkg, prefix=None):
if not prefix:
prefix = os.getcwd()
if not os.path.exists(prefix):
if not os.path.exists(f"{prefix}/{pkg['name']}"):
log.debug(f"[local] link '{pkg['url']}' > '{prefix}/{pkg['name']}'")
return f"{prefix}/{pkg['name']}"

vxsdk/core/pkg/clone.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
Package clone backend abstraction
from core.pkg.version import VxVersion
from core.pkg.find import pkg_find
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
# Internals
def _pkg_clone_core(pkg, prefix):
> pkg (dict) - package information
> the package path if successfully cloned, None otherwise
version = pkg['version']
# be sure that the package target is in the global storage
log.user(f"cloning package {pkg['name']}...")
pkg_path = PKG_CORE_BACKEND_REMOTE.package_clone(pkg)
if not pkg_path:
f"{pkg['name']}@{version.name}: unable to clone the package, abord",
return None
# "clone" the package (create a symbolic link)
pkg['url'] = pkg_path
return PKG_CORE_BACKEND_LOCAL.package_clone(pkg, prefix)
# Public
def pkg_clone(name, version, prefix, confirm=False):
r""" Clone the package
This function will try to clone the package with the exact selected
version, with all of its dependencies. See <core/pkg/backend> for more
information about the process.
> name (str) - exact valid package name
> version (str) - version query string
> prefix (str) - clone path prefix
> confirm (bool) - display user input to confirm the clone
> the package path if successfully cloned, None otherwise
# try to find the package anywhere that the vxSDK allow
pkg_list = pkg_find(name, version, local=True, remote=True)
if not pkg_list:
log.error("[pkg] pacakge find error")
return None
if len(pkg_list) != 1:
log.warn("[pkg] multiple package found, other will be ignored")
# check version information
pkg_info = pkg_list[0]
if not pkg_info['version']:
if version:
log.error(f"{name}@{version}: unable to find the version")
return None
pkg_info['version'] = VxVersion(pkg_info['default_branch'], 'branch')
# wait user interaction if needed
if confirm and not 'local' in pkg_info['version'].sources:
f"Do you want to install '{pkg_info['full_name']}'? (Y/n) ",
end = ''
valid = input()
if valid and not valid in ['Y', 'y', 'yes', 'Yes']:
return None
# "real" clone the package
return _pkg_clone_core(pkg_info, prefix)

vxsdk/core/pkg/find.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
Package find backend abstraction
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
# Internals
def _pkg_find_merge_result(pkg_list_remote, pkg_list_local):
""" Merge two custom package information list
> pkg_list_remote (list,dict) - package list
> pkg_list_local (list,dict) - package list
> The first list modified
for pkg_local in pkg_list_local:
pkg_found = False
for pkg_remote in pkg_list_remote:
if pkg_remote['name'] != pkg_local['name']:
pkg_found = True
for pkg_ver_local in pkg_local['versions']:
version_found = False
for pkg_ver_remote in pkg_remote['versions']:
if pkg_ver_remote.name != pkg_ver_local.name:
version_found = True
if not version_found:
if not pkg_found:
return pkg_list_remote
def _pkg_find_select_best(pkg_remote, pkg_local):
""" Select the best version
> pkg_remote (dict) - pacakge information
> pkg_local (dict) - pacakge information
> a list with the best pacakge information version
if not 'version' in pkg_remote or not 'version' in pkg_local:
log.warn("[log] misformed package search result, silently ignored")
return []
if pkg_remote['version'].compare(pkg_local['version'].name) > 0:
pkg_remote['version'] = pkg_local['version']
return [pkg_remote]
# Public
def pkg_find(name, version=None, local=False, remote=True):
r""" Find the most appropriate package information
This function will request to the remote backend the list of all version of
the pacakge, which is basically all tags and branches. Then, we will check
all of these until a version match with the `version` query.
Note that the version query can contains special operation as described in
> name (str) - exact valid package name
> version (str) - version query string
> local (bool) - enable local search
> remote (bool) - enable remote search
> a list of all matched package dictionnary :
'name' : <package name>,
'path' : <paclage path or URL>
'versions' : [
<list of all available (or matched) version (VxVersion)>
> None if error
if not local and not remote:
return []
# perform explicit request for each backend
pkg_list_local = []
pkg_list_remote = []
if remote:
pkg_list_remote = PKG_CORE_BACKEND_REMOTE.package_find(name, version)
if local:
pkg_list_local = PKG_CORE_BACKEND_LOCAL.package_find(name, version)
# verify useless checking and merging operation
if not pkg_list_remote:
return pkg_list_local
if not pkg_list_local:
return pkg_list_remote
# if a version is provided, each backend will return only one dictionary
# with the best match in local and remote one. We will select the best
# between these two.
if version:
return _pkg_find_select_best(
# if no version information as been specified each `pkg_list_remote` and
# `pkg_list_local` will contains a list of all matched package information.
# So, we need to merge these two list.
return _pkg_find_merge_result(pkg_list_remote, pkg_list_local)

vxsdk/core/pkg/version.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
import os
import re
import subprocess
__all__ = [
class VxVersion(object):
r"""Represent a Version object.
This version mecanism is a strong part of the package managing because If
the 'version' is detected to respect the correct semantic versioning, you
can perform version operations: caret (^), tilde (~) and wildcard (*)
Caret requirements (^)
^1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <2.0.0
^1.2 := >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
^1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
^0.2.3 := >=0.2.3, <0.3.0
^0.2 := >=0.2.0, <0.3.0
^0.0.3 := >=0.0.3, <0.0.4
^0.0 := >=0.0.0, <0.1.0
^0 := >=0.0.0, <1.0.0
Tilde requirements (~)
~1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <1.3.0
~1.2 := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
~1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
Wildcard requirements (*)
* := >=0.0.0
1.* := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
1.2.* := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
Note that it's possible that a package can have two same versions (one
for branch name and another for a tag), by default, the tag is always
selected, but here the display information will explicitly describe if
the version is a tag and / or a branch.
> Use 'releases' section too ?
> Define explicitely version type (tag, branch, releases ?)
def __init__(self, name, type=None, source=None):
self._type = type
self._name = name
self._source_list = [source]
def __repr__(self):
return '<' + self._name + ',(' + self._type + ')>'
def name(self):
return self._name
def type(self):
return self._type
def sources(self):
return self._source_list
def validate(self, pattern):
r""" Try to check if the version validate the pattern operation.
As explainned in the class docstring, we can have 3 type of operation,
caret (^), tilde (~) and wildcard (*) and the pattern should follow the
semantic requirement for each operator.
Note that the pattern can be None, in this case, the validation step is
always success. Beside, the pattern can be a non-valid version semantic
request, in this case the version name should match the entiere pattern.
> pattern (None, str) - pattern used to check if the version is valid
> True if the version validate the pattern, False otherwise
return version_is_valid(self.name, pattern)
def compare(self, version):
r"""Compare two version
This methods will compare versionning inforation and return an interger
indicating the result of the comparison, as follow:
> 0 - the two version match
> a negative value - self is less than 'version'
> a positive value - self is greater than 'version'
s1 = tuple([int(d) for d in self.name.split(".") if d] + [0,0,0])[:3]
s2 = tuple([int(d) for d in version.name.split(".") if d] + [0,0,0])[:3]
if s1[0] - s2[0] != 0: return s1[0] - s2[0]
if s1[1] - s2[1] != 0: return s1[1] - s2[1]
return s1[2] - s2[2]
except Exception as _:
return 0
def addSource(self, source):
def version_is_valid(version, pattern):
r"""Check if the version validate a pattern
If the 'version' is detected to respect the correct semantic versioning, you
can perform version operations: caret (^), tilde (~) and wildcard (*)
Caret requirements (^)
^1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <2.0.0
^1.2 := >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
^1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
^0.2.3 := >=0.2.3, <0.3.0
^0.2 := >=0.2.0, <0.3.0
^0.0.3 := >=0.0.3, <0.0.4
^0.0 := >=0.0.0, <0.1.0
^0 := >=0.0.0, <1.0.0
Tilde requirements (~)
~1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, <1.3.0
~1.2 := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
~1 := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
Wildcard requirements (*)
* := >=0.0.0
1.* := >=1.0.0, <2.0.0
1.2.* := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
Note that if the pattern argument is None, then the version is always
validate and the function will return True
> version (str) - version to check
> pattern (str, None) - version pattern
> True if the version validate the pattern, False otherwise
if not pattern:
return True
# Parse a version string of the form "M", "M.m", or "M.m.p" into a triplet
def _parse_version(version_string):
digits = [int(d) for d in version_string.split(".") if d]
return tuple(digits + [0,0,0])[:3]
# Index of first nonzero component
def _first_nonzero(v, default):
return next((i for i, value in enumerate(v) if value), default)
# Increment at specified position
def _increment_at(v, position):
padding = len(v) - position - 1
return tuple(list(v[:position]) + [v[position]+1] + [0] * padding)
# Parse a spec like ^1.2.3, ~1.2 or 1.2.* into a min/max pair
def _parse_spec(spec):
regex = re.compile(r'[~^]?(\d+\.){,2}\d+|(\d+\.){,2}\*')
if not regex.fullmatch(spec):
return None
spec_length = spec.count(".") + 1
v = _parse_version(
M, m, p = v
if spec[0] == '^':
return v, _increment_at(v, _first_nonzero(v, spec_length-1))
elif spec[0] == '~':
return v, _increment_at(v, min(spec_length-1, 1))
elif spec == "*":
return ((0, 0, 0), None)
elif "*" in spec:
return v, _increment_at(v, spec_length-2)
return (M,m,p), (M,m,p+1)
# Check if version is between requested bounds
def _version_is_suitable(version, min_version, max_version):
return (min_version is None or min_version <= version) \
and (max_version is None or version < max_version)
# function entry
pair = _parse_spec(pattern)
if not pair:
return version == pattern
fmt_version = _parse_version(version)
return _version_is_suitable(fmt_version, pair[0], pair[1])
return False
def version_get(path):
saved_pwd = os.getcwd()
ret = subprocess.run(
['git', 'describe', '--tags', '--exact-match'],
capture_output=True, check=False
if ret.returncode != 0:
ret = subprocess.run(
['git', 'branch', '--show-current'],
capture_output=True, check=False
if ret.returncode != 0:
return 'unknown'
return ret.stdout.decode("utf8").strip()

vxsdk/core/project.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import os
import shutil
from core.logger import log
__all__ = [
#TODO: change internal project name
def project_new(project_path):
if os.path.exists(project_path):
logger(LOG_WARN, f'The path {project_path} already exists !')
return True
origin_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
origin_path + '/../../assets/project/',
logger(LOG_USER, f"project '{project_path}' successfully created !")