
404 lines
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core.conv.type.image - Vhex image converter
import os
from PIL import Image
from core.logger import log
from core.conv.pixel import pixel_rgb24to16
__all__ = [
# Internals
## Profile handling
def _profile_gen(profile, name, palette=None, alpha=None):
r""" Internal image profile class
================================== ========================================
Property Description
================================== ========================================
id (int) profile ID
names (array of str) list all profile names
format (str) profile format name (vhex API)
has_alpha (bool) indicate if the profil has alpha
alpha (int) alpha index in the palette (or mask)
is_indexed (bool) indicate if it should be indexed
palette_base (int) indicate base index for color inserting
palette_color_count (int) indicate the number of color (palette)
palette_trim (bool) indicate if the palette should be trimed
================================== ========================================
profile = {
'profile' : profile,
'name' : name,
'has_alpha' : (alpha is not None),
'alpha' : alpha,
'is_indexed': (palette is not None),
'palette' : None
if palette is not None:
profile['palette_base'] = palette[0]
profile['palette_color_count'] = palette[1]
profile['palette_trim'] = palette[2]
return profile
# all supported profile information
_profile_gen('IMAGE_RGB565', "p16"),
_profile_gen('IMAGE_RGB565A', "p16a", alpha=0x0001),
_profile_gen('IMAGE_P8_RGB565', "p8", palette=(0,256,True)),
_profile_gen('IMAGE_P8_RGB565A', "p8a", palette=(1,256,True), alpha=0),
_profile_gen('IMAGE_P4_RGB565', "p4", palette=(0,16,False)),
_profile_gen('IMAGE_P4_RGB565A', "p4a", palette=(1,16,False), alpha=0),
def _profile_find(name):
"""Find a profile by name."""
for profile in VX_PROFILES:
if name == profile['name']:
return profile
return None
## Image manipulation
def _image_isolate_alpha(info):
""" Isolate alpha corlor of the image
Vhex use a particular handling for alpha color and this information should
use a strict encoding way. Things that Pillow don't do properly. So, lets
manually setup our alpha isolation and patch Pillow alpha palette handling.
> info (dict) - contains all needed information (image, data, ...)
> Nothing
# fetch needed information
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
# Save the alpha channel and make it 1-bit. We need to do this because
# the alpha value is handled specialy in Vhex and the image conversion
# to palette-oriented image is weird : the alpha colors is also converted
# in the palette
if profile['has_alpha']:
alpha_channel = img.getchannel("A").convert("1", dither=Image.NONE)
alpha_channel = Image.new("1", img.size, 1)
alpha_pixels = alpha_channel.load()
img = img.convert("RGB")
# Transparent pixels have random values on the RGB channels, causing
# them to use up palette entries during quantization. To avoid that, set
# their RGB data to a color used somewhere else in the image.
pixels = img.load()
bg_color = next(
for x in range(img.width)
for y in range(img.height)
if alpha_pixels[x,y] > 0
for _y in range(img.height):
for _x in range(img.width):
if alpha_pixels[_x, _y] == 0:
pixels[_x, _y] = bg_color
# update external information
info['img'] = img
info['img_pixel_list_alpha'] = alpha_pixels
info['img_pixel_list_clean'] = pixels
def _image_encode_palette(info):
""" Generate palette information
This routine is involved only if the targeted profile is indexed. We need
to generate (and isolate) color palette.
> info (dict) - contains all needed information (image, data, ...)
> Nothing
# fetch needed information
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
# convert image into palette format
# note: we remove one color slot in the palette for the alpha one
color_count = profile['palette_color_count'] - int(profile['has_alpha'])
img = img.convert(
# The palette format is a list of N triplets ([r, g, b, ...]). But,
# sometimes, colors after img.convert() are not numbered 0 to
# `color_count`, because the palette don't need to be that big. So,
# we calculate the "palette size" by walking throuth the bitmap and
# by saving the biggest index used.
pixels = img.load()
nb_triplet = 1 + max(
for y in range(img.height)
for x in range(img.width)
palette = img.getpalette()[:3 * nb_triplet]
palette = list(zip(palette[::3], palette[1::3], palette[2::3]))
# For formats with transparency, add an "unused" palette slot which
# will used has pink/purple in case of a bad application try to use
# this value anyway
if profile['has_alpha']:
palette = [(255, 0, 255)] + palette
nb_triplet += 1
# Also keep track of how to remap indices from the values generated
# by img.convert() into the palette, which is shifted by 1 due to
# alpha and also starts at profile.palette_base.
# Note: profile.palette_base already starts 1 value later for
# formats with alpha.
palette_map = [
(profile['palette_base'] + i) % profile['palette_color_count']
for i in range(nb_triplet)
# Encode the palette
palette_color_count = nb_triplet
if not profile['palette_trim']:
palette_color_count = profile['palette_color_count']
palette_data = [0] * palette_color_count
for i, rgb24 in enumerate(palette):
palette_data[i] = pixel_rgb24to16(rgb24)
# update internal information
info['palette_map'] = palette_map
info['palette_data'] = palette_data
info['palette_color_count'] = palette_color_count
info['nb_triplet'] = nb_triplet
info['img_pixel_list_clean'] = pixels
def _image_encode_bitmap(info):
""" Encode the bitmap
This routine will generate the main data list which will contains the
bitmap using Vhex-specific encoding.
> info (dict) - contains all needed information (image, data, ...)
> Nothing
# fetch needed information
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
alpha_pixels = info['img_pixel_list_alpha']
pixels = info['img_pixel_list_clean']
palette_map = info['palette_map']
# generate profile-specific geometry information
if profile['name'] in ['p16', 'p16a']:
# Preserve alignment between rows by padding to 4 bytes
nb_stride = ((img.width + 1) // 2) * 4
data_size = (nb_stride * img.height) * 2
elif profile['name'] in ['p8', 'p8a']:
nb_stride = img.width
data_size = img.width * img.height
# Pad whole bytes
nb_stride = (img.width + 1) // 2
data_size = nb_stride * img.height
# Generate the real data map
data = [0] * data_size
# encode the bitmap
for _y in range(img.height):
for _x in range(img.width):
# get alpha information about this pixel
_a = alpha_pixels[_x, _y]
if profile['name'] in ['p16', 'p16a']:
# If c lands on the alpha value, flip its lowest bit to avoid
# ambiguity with alpha
_c = profile['alpha']
if not _a:
_c = pixel_rgb24to16(pixels[_x, _y]) & ~1
data[(img.width * _y) + _x] = _c
elif profile['name'] in ['p8', 'p8a']:
_c = palette_map[pixels[_x,_y]] if _a > 0 else profile['alpha']
data[(img.width * _y) + _x] = _c
_c = palette_map[pixels[_x,_y]] if _a > 0 else profile['alpha']
offset = (nb_stride * _y) + (_x // 2)
if _x % 2 == 0:
data[offset] |= (_c << 4)
data[offset] |= _c
# update external information
info['data'] = data
info['data_size'] = data_size
info['nb_stride'] = nb_stride
info['data_size'] = data_size
def _image_convert(asset, profile_name):
""" Image asset convertion
> asset (_VxAsset) - asset information
> profile_name (str) - profile name information
> a dictionary with all image information
# generate critical information and check posible error
img_info = {
'img' : Image.open(asset.path),
'profile' : _profile_find(profile_name)
if not img_info['img']:
log.error(f"unable to open the asset '{asset.path}', abord")
return None
if not img_info['profile']:
log.error(f"unable to find the color profile '{profile_name}', abord")
return None
# convert the bitmap and generate critical information
if img_info['profile']['is_indexed']:
# return generated information
return img_info
## source file content generation
def _display_array(array, prefix='\t\t'):
""" Display array information (only for p16* profile) """
line = 0
content = ''
for pixels in array:
if line == 0:
content += prefix
if line >= 1:
content += ' '
content += f'{pixels:#06x},'
if (line := line + 1) >= 8:
content += '\n'
line = 0
if line != 0:
content += '\n'
return content
def _image_generate_source_file(asset, info):
"""Generate image source file
> asset (VxAsset) - asset information
> info (dict) - hold image information
> file C content string
img = info['img']
profile = info['profile']
# generate basic header
content = "#include <vhex/display/image/types.h>\n"
content += "\n"
content += f"/* {asset.name} - Vhex asset\n"
content += " This object has been converted by using the vxSDK "
content += "converter */\n"
content += "const image_t " + f"{asset.name} = " + "{\n"
content += f"\t.format = {profile['profile']},\n"
content += "\t.flags = IMAGE_FLAGS_RO | IMAGE_FLAGS_OWN,\n"
content += f"\t.color_count = {profile['palette_color_count']},\n"
content += f"\t.width = {img.width},\n"
content += f"\t.height = {img.height},\n"
content += f"\t.stride = {info['nb_stride']},\n"
# encode bitmap table
encode = 16 if profile['profile'] in ['p16', 'p16a'] else 8
content += f"\t.data = (void*)(const uint{encode}_t [])" + "{\n"
for _y in range(img.height):
content += '\t\t'
for _x in range(info['nb_stride']):
pixel = info['data'][(_y * info['nb_stride']) + _x]
if profile['profile'] in ['p16', 'p16a']:
content += f'{pixel:#06x},'
elif profile['profile'] in ['p8', 'p8a']:
content += f'{pixel:#04x},'
content += f'{pixel:3},'
content += '\n'
content += '\t},\n'
# add palette information
if 'palette_data' in info:
content += "\t.palette = (void*)(const uint16_t []){\n"
content += _display_array(info['palette_data'])
content += "\t},\n"
content += "\t.palette = NULL,\n"
# closure and return
content += '};'
return content
# Public
def image_generate(asset, prefix_output, force_generate):
""" Convert an image asset to a C source file
> asset (_VxAsset) - minimal asset information
> prefix_output (str) - prefix for source file generation
> force_generate (bool) - force generate the source file
> pathname of the generated file
# check critical requirement
if 'profile' not in asset.meta:
log.error(f"[{asset.name}] missing profile information!")
return ''
# check if the file already exists
asset_src = f'{prefix_output}/{asset.name}_vximage.c'
if not force_generate and os.path.exists(asset_src):
return asset_src
#generate the source file content
if not (img_info := _image_convert(asset, asset.meta['profile'])):
return ''
content = _image_generate_source_file(asset, img_info)
# generate the source file
with open(asset_src, "w", encoding='utf8') as file:
return asset_src