
358 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <azur/gint/render.h>
#include <gint/rtc.h>
#include <num/num.h>
#include <num/vec.h>
#include <random>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "settings.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "util.h"
using namespace libnum;
static azrp_shader_t bosonx_shader_ptrace;
static void register_shader(void)
BOSONX_SHADER_PTRACE = azrp_register_shader(bosonx_shader_ptrace, NULL);
struct command {
uint8_t shader_id;
uint8_t y;
int16_t x;
int16_t pty, height;
uint16_t bgcolor;
num t;
/* Nested circles */
#define CLIGHT_R1 10
#define CLIGHT_R2 15
#define CDARK_R1 36
#define CBEAMS1_R 41
#define CDARK_R2 45
#define CMAIN_R 48
#define CBEAMS2_R 52
#define CMAX_R 55
/* Ticks */
#define TICK_SIZE 7
#define TICK_COUNT 17 /* > 1 */
/* Traces */
#define TRACES_NUM_THREADS 24 /* < 255*/
#define TRACES_TURN_MIN num(0.02)
/* Precomputed and preallocated data */
/* Concentric circles pattern */
static uint8_t circles[CMAIN_R+1][CMAIN_R+1];
/* Trace image palette */
static uint16_t palette[TRACES_PALETTE_SIZE] = { 0 };
/* Trace turn vectors */
static vec2 trace_turns[TRACES_TURN_RATIO * TRACES_R];
/* Ticks tileset */
static image_t *img_ticks = NULL;
/* Trace image (regenerated every frame */
static image_t *img_trace = NULL;
/* Random seed for the entire animation */
static int seed = 0;
static void add_circle(int r, int value)
int x = -r;
int y = 0;
int err = 2 - 2 * r;
do {
for(int i = x + CMAIN_R; i <= CMAIN_R; i++)
circles[CMAIN_R - y][i] = value;
r = err;
if(r <= y)
err += ++y * 2 + 1;
if(r > x || err > y)
err += ++x * 2 + 1;
while(x <= 0);
static void precompute_circles(void)
memset(circles, 0, sizeof circles);
add_circle(CMAIN_R, 1);
add_circle(CDARK_R2, 2);
add_circle(CDARK_R1, 1);
add_circle(CLIGHT_R2, 3);
add_circle(CLIGHT_R1, 1);
static void precompute_ticks(void)
img_ticks = image_alloc(TICK_SIZE*TICK_COUNT, TICK_SIZE, IMAGE_P8_RGB565A);
static uint16_t img_ticks_palette[2] = { 0x5555, C_WHITE };
image_set_palette(img_ticks, img_ticks_palette, 2, false);
num angle_step = num(1.57080) / (TICK_COUNT - 1);
for(int i = 0; i < TICK_COUNT; i++) {
num alpha = i * angle_step;
vec2 D(num_cos(alpha), num_sin(alpha));
/* num_cos / num_sin rounding... */
if(i == 0)
D = vec2(1, 0);
else if(i == TICK_COUNT - 1)
D = vec2(0, 1);
vec2 norm_D(-D.y, D.x);
/* Render the segment that goes through the center with slope alpha,
rendering with width 1 and length TICK_SIZE / 2 on both sides. */
for(int y = 0; y < TICK_SIZE; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < TICK_SIZE; x++) {
vec2 p(+num(x) - num(TICK_SIZE - 1) / 2,
-num(y) + num(TICK_SIZE - 1) / 2);
if( <= TICK_SIZE / 2 && <= 1)
image_set_pixel(img_ticks, i * TICK_SIZE + x, y, 0x81);
image_set_pixel(img_ticks, i * TICK_SIZE + x, y, 0x80);
static void render_tick(int cx, int cy, int radius, num angle)
num c = num_cos(angle);
num s = num_sin(angle);
bool flip = false;
/* Normalize to 0..π/2 */
if(angle < 0) {
angle = -angle;
flip = !flip;
angle = angle % num(3.14159);
if(angle > num(1.57080)) {
angle = num(3.14159) - angle;
flip = !flip;
int n = (angle * TICK_COUNT / num(1.57080)).ifloor();
if(n < 0)
n = 0;
if(n >= TICK_COUNT)
n = TICK_COUNT - 1;
cx + int(c * radius) - TICK_SIZE / 2,
cy - int(s * radius) - TICK_SIZE / 2,
img_ticks, n * TICK_SIZE, 0, TICK_SIZE, TICK_SIZE,
flip ? IMAGE_HFLIP : 0);
static void bosonx_shader_ptrace(void *, void *cmd0, void *frag0)
struct command *cmd = (struct command *)cmd0;
uint16_t *frag = (uint16_t *)frag0;
frag += azrp_width * cmd->y + cmd->x;
int pty = cmd->pty;
int h = azrp_frag_height - cmd->y;
if(h > cmd->height)
h = cmd->height;
cmd->height -= h;
cmd->y = 0;
cmd->pty += h;
uint16_t palette[4] = { 0,
render_blend(cmd->bgcolor, C_BLACK, 10),
render_blend(cmd->bgcolor, C_BLACK, 16),
render_blend(cmd->bgcolor, C_BLACK, 4),
do {
int ly = pty - CMAX_R;
uint16_t *fragc = frag + CMAX_R;
if(ly >= -CMAIN_R && ly <= CMAIN_R) {
int data_y = (ly <= 0) ? ly + CMAIN_R : CMAIN_R - ly;
for(int lx = -CMAIN_R; lx <= 0; lx++) {
int8_t c = circles[data_y][lx + CMAIN_R];
fragc[lx] = palette[c];
for(int lx = 1; lx <= CMAIN_R; lx++) {
int8_t c = circles[data_y][CMAIN_R - lx];
fragc[lx] = palette[c];
frag += azrp_width;
while(--h > 0);
/* Cannot use a constructor here because compiler schedules the global object
constructor (which sets everything to 0) to run after global constructors */
static void precompute_turn_vectors(void)
static bool computed = false;
for(int i = 0; i < TRACES_TURN_RATIO * TRACES_R; i++) {
trace_turns[i].x = num_cos(i * TRACES_TURN_MIN);
trace_turns[i].y = num_sin(i * TRACES_TURN_MIN);
computed = true;
void generate_traces(uint16_t color, bool successful, num t)
int const N = 2 * TRACES_R;
if(!img_trace) {
img_trace = image_alloc(N, N, IMAGE_P8_RGB565A);
image_set_palette(img_trace, palette, TRACES_PALETTE_SIZE, false);
/* Clear out the entire image */
uint8_t *px = (uint8_t *)img_trace->data;
memset(px, 0x80, N * N);
/* Generate the palette */
int R5 = (color >> 11);
int G6 = (color >> 5) & 0x3f;
int B5 = (color & 0x1f);
for(int i = 1; i < TRACES_PALETTE_SIZE; i++) {
/* alpha=31: color, alpha=0: white */
int alpha = (i >= TRACES_NUM_THREADS / 4) ? 0 :
31 - (i * 31) / (TRACES_NUM_THREADS / 4);
int R = ((alpha * R5) + (31 - alpha) * 0x1f) / 31;
int G = ((alpha * G6) + (31 - alpha) * 0x3f) / 31;
int B = ((alpha * B5) + (31 - alpha) * 0x1f) / 31;
palette[i] = (R << 11) | (G << 5) | B;
std::minstd_rand r(seed);
std::minstd_rand r2(seed+1);
int steps = (t * TRACES_R / TIME_PTRACE_ANIMATION).ifloor();
if(steps > TRACES_R)
steps = TRACES_R;
for(int i = 0; i < TRACES_NUM_THREADS; i++) {
vec2 dir = num_rand_vec2_std(r);
int turn_factor = 1 + (r2() % 4);
for(int s = 0; s < steps; s++) {
vec2 straight = dir * s;
vec2 rotated = straight;
if(successful) {
vec2 const &turn = trace_turns[s * turn_factor];
rotated.x = straight.x * turn.x - straight.y * turn.y;
rotated.y = straight.x * turn.y + straight.y * turn.x;
int x = (N / 2 + rotated.x.ifloor());
int y = (N / 2 - rotated.y.ifloor());
/* "Increase" the color of the pixel. The palette is a gradient so
this will imitate an overlay effect */
if((unsigned)y < N) {
if((unsigned)x < N)
px[N * y + x]++;
if((unsigned)x+1 < N)
px[N * y + x+1]++;
if((unsigned)y+1 < N) {
if((unsigned)x < N)
px[N * (y+1) + x]++;
if((unsigned)x+1 < N)
px[N * (y+1) + x+1]++;
/* Make sure every value is within the palette range */
for(int i = 0; i < N * N; i++) {
if((uint8_t)(px[i] - 0x80) > TRACES_PALETTE_SIZE)
px[i] = 0x80 + TRACES_PALETTE_SIZE - 1;
void shader_ptrace_reset(void)
seed = rtc_ticks();
void shader_ptrace(int x, int y, uint16_t color, uint16_t bgcolor,
bool successful, num t)
t = num_clamp(t, 0, TIME_PTRACE_ANIMATION);
int frag_first, frag_offset, frag_count;
int height = 2 * CMAX_R + 1;
azrp_config_get_lines(y, height, &frag_first, &frag_offset, &frag_count);
struct command *cmd = (struct command *)
azrp_new_command(sizeof *cmd, frag_first, frag_count);
if(cmd) {
cmd->shader_id = BOSONX_SHADER_PTRACE;
cmd->y = frag_offset;
cmd->x = x;
cmd->pty = 0;
cmd->height = height;
cmd->bgcolor = bgcolor;
cmd->t = t;
/* Start with 4/8 ticks and go up to 12/20 if un/successful */
int N1 = successful ? 8 : 4, N2 = successful ? 20 : 12;
int N = N1 +(N2 * t / TIME_PTRACE_ANIMATION).ifloor();
std::minstd_rand r(seed);
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
num speed = num_rand_between_std(r, -1, 1);
num orig = num_rand_between_std(r, 0, num(6.28));
render_tick(x + CMAX_R, y + CMAX_R, CBEAMS1_R, orig + t * speed);
render_tick(x + CMAX_R, y + CMAX_R, CBEAMS2_R, -orig - t * speed);
generate_traces(color, successful, t);
if(img_trace) {
azrp_image(x + CMAX_R - img_trace->width / 2,
y + CMAX_R - img_trace->height / 2,