import fxconv import struct def float_to_bytes(f): return struct.pack('>f', f) def convert(input, output, params, target): if params["custom-type"] == "level": convert_level(input, output, params, target) return 0 else: return 1 def convert_level(input, output, params, target): with open(input, "r") as fp: raw ="\n") lines = [tempo.split(",") for tempo in raw if not tempo.startswith("#") and not tempo.startswith("!")] messages = [l[1:].strip() for l in raw if l.startswith("#")] message = "\n".join(l.replace("\\n", "\n") for l in messages) speed = 1.0 for line in raw: if line.startswith("!"): speed = float(line[1:]) blocks = bytes() block_count = 0 for (tempo, rects) in enumerate(lines): for r in [r for r in rects if r]: r = r.strip().split() shape, action, fadeout, position = -1, 0, 0, -1 # Anti-bad-notation if "middle" in r and "rotate" in r and ("left" in r or "right" in r): raise fxconv.FxconvError("Bad rotation in '" + " ".join(r) + "'") # Shape if "square" in r: shape = 0 if "small" in r: shape = 2 if "medium" in r: shape = 3 if "normal" in r: shape = 4 if "long" in r: shape = 5 if "huge" in r: shape = 6 if "long_vertical" in r: shape = 7 # Position if "left" in r: position = 0 if "right" in r: position = 1 if "middle" in r: position = 2 # Action if "rotate_left" in r: action = 1 if "rotate_right" in r: action = 2 if "fast_1" in r: action = 3 if "outer_rotate_left" in r: action = 5 if "outer_rotate_right" in r: action = 6 if "slide" in r: action = 7 if "fast_2" in r: action = 8 if "fast_3" in r: action = 9 if "slow" in r: action = 10 if "rotate" in r and position == 0: action = 6 if "rotate" in r and position == 1: action = 5 # Fadeout if "fadeout_1" in r: fadeout = 1 if "fadeout_2" in r: fadeout = 2 if "fadeout_3" in r: fadeout = 3 # Implicit rules # Rotating in the middle -> long if shape < 0 and position == 2 and action in [1, 2]: shape = 5 # Rotating on the side -> huge if shape < 0 and position in [0, 1] and action in [5, 6]: shape = 6 # In the middle -> medium if shape < 0 and position == 2: shape = 3 # No special properties -> normal if shape < 0 and action in [0, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10]: shape = 4 if shape < 0 or action < 0 or position < 0: raise fxconv.FxconvError("Incomplete data: '" + " ".join(r) + "'") blocks += fxconv.u32(tempo) blocks += fxconv.u32(shape) blocks += fxconv.u32(position) blocks += fxconv.u32(action) blocks += fxconv.u32(fadeout) block_count += 1 o = fxconv.ObjectData() o += float_to_bytes(speed) o += fxconv.ref(bytes(message, 'utf-8') + bytes(1), padding=4) o += fxconv.u32(block_count) o += fxconv.ref(blocks) fxconv.elf(o, output, "_" + params["name"], **target)