#!/usr/bin/make -f # --- # Project: FIXME WRITE DOC !! # Author: yann.magnin@epitech.eu # --- include global.mk NAME := dump EXEC := $(NAME).g1a HEADER := -Iinclude DEBUG := link_map.txt LDFLAG := -T bootstrap.ld ICON := icon.bmp BUILD := build/ SRC := DIRECTORY := src/ $(sort $(dir $(wildcard src/*/*/))) $(foreach path,$(DIRECTORY),$(eval \ SRC += $(wildcard $(path)*.c) \ $(wildcard $(path)*.s) \ $(wildcard $(path)*.S)) \ ) OBJ := $(patsubst src_%,$(BUILD)%.o,$(subst /,_,$(basename $(SRC)))) #all: ;@echo $(SRC) $(OBJ) all: | $(BUILD) $(EXEC) install: $(EXEC) sudo p7 send $< $(EXEC): $(OBJ) @ printf "$(green)/-------\n/ Link files\n/-------$(nocolor)\n" $(CC) -Wl,-M $(LDFLAG) $(CFLAGS) -o $(BUILD)$(NAME).elf $^ $(HEADER) -lgcc > $(DEBUG) $(OBJCPY) -R .comment -R .bss -O binary $(BUILD)$(NAME).elf $(BUILD)$(NAME).bin $(WRAPPER) $(BUILD)$(NAME).bin -o $@ -i $(ICON) $(BUILD): @ printf "Create $(blue)$@$(nocolor) directory\n" @ mkdir -p $@ # # TODO: find better way to do the job # Units tests part. # tests: gcc -std=c11 -Wall -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-deprecated-declarations \ -Werror -D DEBUG -o unit_tests $(HEADER) -I. src/history.c src/string/strtotab.c \ src/string/atoi_base.c $(wildcard tests/*.c) --coverage -lcriterion ./unit_tests gcovr --exclude tests/ --branches rm *.gc* rm ./unit_tests define rule-src $(patsubst src_%,$(BUILD)%.o,$(subst /,_,$(basename $1))): $1 @ printf "compiling $(white)$$<$(nocolor)..." @ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $$@ -c $$< $(HEADER) -lgcc @ printf "$(green)[ok]$(nocolor)\n" endef $(foreach source,$(SRC),$(eval \ $(call rule-src,$(source))) \ ) #--- # Clean rules #--- clean: @ printf "$(red)Delete objects files$(nocolor)\n" rm -rf $(BUILD) rm -f *.gc* rm -f $(DEBUG) fclean: clean @ printf "$(red)Delete binary files$(nocolor)\n" rm -f $(EXEC) rm -f $(NAME).bin rm -f $(NAME).elf re: fclean all install .PHONY: clean re fclean install tests