# Vhex Kernel Vhex is a kernel which provide retro ingenierie environment for the fx9860g. The Casio's OS code is not open-source, but we can read the binary for understand his working. There are in particular the syscalls, OS's functions that can be called as a library by the add-ins, which are a gold mine of clues about the functioning of the material. ## features * Bootloader * Loader ELF * Scheduler (not prehemptive yet) * Driver (EEPROM (read), screen, keyboard, timers) * Syscall * Virtual File System * File System Ext2 on RAM ## Building Before compiling for the first time, There are few dependencies: * A suitable GCC toolchain in the `PATH`. You can absolutely *not* build Vhex with your system compiler! `sh3eb-elf` is strongly advised. * [g1a wrapper](https://bitbucket.org/Lephenixnoir/add-in-wrapper/src/master/) to generate the Casio header. * [P7](https://p7.planet-casio.com/) communication utilities. To compile the project, you just plug the calculator and execute: % make % make install