
37 lines
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#include <kernel/devices/tty.h>
#include <kernel/devices/earlyterm.h>
#include <kernel/drivers/screen.h>
#include <kernel/drivers/timer.h>
#include <kernel/util/kmem.h>
#include <string.h>
int tty_screen_constructor(struct tty *tty)
// Try to get the font used by the tty.
// @note: we use drawing lib primitives
if (dopen(&tty->screen.private.disp, "default") != 0)
return (-1);
// Try to get hardware timer slot
tty->screen.private.timer.id = timer_install(&tty_screen_display_callback, tty, 16, TIMER_STOP);
if (tty->screen.private.timer.id < 0) {
earlyterm_write("TTY: screen flush timer error\n");
return (-1);
// Generate "visible" informations for the write primitive
tty->screen.winsize.ws_xpixel = screen_get(SCREEN_WIDTH);
tty->screen.winsize.ws_ypixel = screen_get(SCREEN_HEIGHT);
tty->screen.winsize.ws_col = tty->screen.winsize.ws_xpixel / (tty->screen.private.disp.font->font.width + 1);
tty->screen.winsize.ws_row = tty->screen.winsize.ws_ypixel / (tty->screen.private.disp.font->font.height + 1);
// Initialize default TTY screen abstraction cursor position.
tty->screen.cursor.disp.x = 0;
tty->screen.cursor.disp.y = 0;
// Intializei buffer cursor
tty->screen.cursor.flush = 0;
tty->screen.cursor.write = 0;
return (0);