2020-01-10 17:21:44 +01:00

157 lines
2.5 KiB

** bootram is the RAM physical location for global variable
** during the bootloader step.
** This location is realy important because no Casio's OS data
** should be overwrite (specially TLB information stored by Casio).
ram (WX) : o = 0x88040000, l = 252k
rom (RX) : o = 0x00300200, l = 512k
ilram (WX) : o = 0xe5200000, l = 4k
xram (WX) : o = 0xe5007000, l = 8k
text PT_LOAD ;
data PT_LOAD ;
bss PT_NULL ;
ubc PT_LOAD ;
vbr PT_LOAD ;
** ROM sections
. = ORIGIN(rom);
_brom = ABSOLUTE (0x00300000) ;
_srom = ABSOLUTE (0x200 +
SIZEOF(.text) +
SIZEOF(.data) +
SIZEOF(.vhex) +
SIZEOF(.ubc)) ;
.text : {
/* Source Code */
/* Read-Only data */
. = ALIGN(4);
/* Constructors, destructors */
_bctors = ALIGN(4) ;
_ectors = . ;
_bdtors = ALIGN(4) ;
_edtors = . ;
/* File System */
_bfilesystem_section = ALIGN(4) ;
_efilesystem_section = . ;
/* Device */
_bdevice_section = ALIGN(4);
_edevice_section = . ;
} > rom : text
** RAM sctions
. = ORIGIN(ram);
/* BootStrap Stack: should be wiped later ! */
/* (we force the section to be non loadable when the program is run) */
.bss (NOLOAD) : {
_bbss = . ;
. = ALIGN(4);
} > ram : bss
_sbss = SIZEOF(.bss);
/* Read-write data going to RAM */
.data ALIGN(4) : ALIGN(4) {
_bdata_rom = LOADADDR(.data) ;
_bdata_ram = . ;
_ram_start = ALIGN(1024);
} > ram AT> rom : data
_sdata = SIZEOF(.data);
** VBR space !
. = ORIGIN(xram);
/* Interrupt / exception handlers */
.vhex ALIGN(4) : SUBALIGN(4) {
_bvhex_rom = LOADADDR(.vhex) ;
_bvhex_ram = . ;
_vhex_vbr = . - 0x100;
*(.vhex.exception) ;
. = _vhex_vbr + 0x400 ;
*(.vhex.tlb) ;
. = _vhex_vbr + 0x600 ;
*(.vhex.interrupt) ;
. = ALIGN(4);
} > xram AT> rom : vbr
_svhex = SIZEOF(.vhex);
** DBR space !
. = ORIGIN(ilram);
.ubc ALIGN(4) : ALIGN(4) {
_bubc_rom = LOADADDR(.ubc) ;
_bubc_ram = . ;
. = ALIGN(4);
} > ilram AT> rom : ubc
_subc = SIZEOF(.ubc);
/* unwanted section */