Gintracer v0.8.0 - Library

* create library instead of an addin
	* before: sources -> addin
	* now:    sources -> library (-> addin (optionnal))
* configuration script that allow format, type and other options
* generate `gintrace-fx.a` for monochrom calculator
* generate `gintrace-cg.a` for prizm calculator
* generate demo addin (same addin that before)

* fix fx9860g compilation (it is not a support !)
This commit is contained in:
Yatis 2021-03-12 11:47:20 +01:00
parent 8dba715297
commit 88bf3b7d29
15 changed files with 587 additions and 269 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -1,208 +1,417 @@
#! /usr/bin/make -f
# Default Makefile for fxSDK add-ins. This file was probably copied there by
# the [fxsdk] program.
# Configuration
# gintrace project Makefile
# Build architecture:
# build/
# |-- libraries/
# | |-- static/
# | | |-- fx/
# | | | |-- gui_display.o
# | | | |-- gui_menu.o
# | | | ...
# | | | `-- ubc_handler.o
# | | `-- cg/
# | | |-- gui_display.o
# | | |-- gui_menu.o
# | | ...
# | | `-- ubc_handler.o
# | `-- dynamic/
# | |-- fx/
# | | |-- gui_display.o
# | | |-- gui_menu.o
# | | ...
# | | `-- ubc_handler.o
# | `-- cg/
# | |-- gui_display.o
# | |-- gui_menu.o
# | ...
# | `-- ubc_handler.o
# `-- demo/
# |-- fx/
# | |-- main.o
# | `-- map (ELF link map informations)
# `-- cg/
# |-- main.o
# `-- map
MAJOR := 0
MINOR := 8
PATCH := 0
include project.cfg
# Compiler flags
# Linker flags
# Dependency list generation flags
depflags = -MMD -MT $@ -MF $(@:.o=.d) -MP
# ELF to binary flags
BINFLAGS := -R .bss -R .gint_bss
# Build rules
# Make selects the first rule set when you type "make" but, in our case, we are
# going to generate most of the rules. So, we set a placeholder to force the
# "all" rule to be the "first" rule
first: all
# G1A and G3A generation flags
G1AF := -i "$(ICON_FX)" -n "$(NAME_G1A)" --internal="$(INTERNAL)"
G3AF := -n basic:"$(NAME_G3A)" -i uns:"$(ICON_CG_UNS)" -i sel:"$(ICON_CG_SEL)"
# display the library version
ifeq "$(TOOLCHAIN_FX)" ""
TOOLCHAIN_FX := sh3eb-elf
# Display helper
@ echo 'Rules listing:'
@ echo '... all the default, if no target is provided'
@ echo '... clean remove build object'
@ echo '... fclean remove all generated object'
@ echo '... re same as `make fclean all`'
@ echo '... version display version'
@ echo '... install install the library'
@ echo '... uninstall uninstall the library'
.PHONY: help version first
# Build configuration
# Require configuration file
CONFIG := gintrace.cfg
ifeq "$(wildcard $(CONFIG))" ""
$(error "config file $(CONFIG) does not exist (you should use `./configure`")
include $(CONFIG)
ifeq "$(TOOLCHAIN_CG)" ""
TOOLCHAIN_CG := sh4eb-elf
# color definition, for swagg :D
red := \033[1;31m
green := \033[1;32m
blue := \033[1;34m
white := \033[1;37m
nocolor := \033[1;0m
# fxconv flags
FXCONVFX := --fx --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN_FX)
FXCONVCG := --cg --toolchain=$(TOOLCHAIN_CG)
# common information for FX platform
FX_INCLUDE := -I include -I .
FX_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Os
# common information for CG platform
CG_INCLUDE := -I include -I .
CG_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Os
# Determine the compiler install and include path
GCC_BASE_FX := $(shell $(TOOLCHAIN_FX)-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //')
GCC_BASE_CG := $(shell $(TOOLCHAIN_CG)-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //')
GCC_BASE_FX := $(shell sh-elf-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //')
GCC_BASE_CG := $(shell sh-elf-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //')
# File listings
TARGET := $(subst $(NULL) $(NULL),-,$(NAME))
# Generate building rules
# This function will generate compilation rule for each sources.
# @params:
# *1 - source file pathname
# *2 - build directory path (output)
# *3 - C flags
# *4 - compiler name
# *5 - variable name (which store generated output filename)
# *6 - workaround to remove unwanted pathname information (src or demo)
# *7 - workaround to avoid undefined behaviour with $(eval $(call ...))
define generate-compilation-rule
# generate the rule name
# @note:
# This is also the object filename, so to avoid multiple object filename
# generation, we save it into one variable that will be added to the given
# variable (arg $5), which list all object name.
object-$7-filename := $(patsubst $6_%,$2/%.o,$(subst /,_,$(basename $1)))
ifeq "$(TARGET_FX)" ""
# generate the rules
$$(object-$7-filename): $1
ifeq ($(CONFIG.VERBOSE),true)
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ echo "$6 - $2 - $1"
$4 $3 -o $$@ -c $$<
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ printf "$(green)>$(nocolor) $(white)$$@$(nocolor)\n"
@ $4 $3 -o $$@ -c $$<
ifeq "$(TARGET_CG)" ""
# update the object fileame list, used by the main rule
$5 += $$(object-$7-filename)
# Function that will generate all rules for building each library.
# @params:
# *1 - format (dynamic/static)
# *2 - platform (fx/cg)
# *3 - source files list
# *4 - library name (without extra information ("gintrace" not "gintrace.a"))
# *5 - variable name (target list)
define generate-target-library
# generate common information
tname := $4-$2
target-$(tname)-build := build/library/$1/$2
target-$(tname)-build-src := build/library/$1/$2
# generate platform specific flags
ifeq ($2,fx)
target-$(tname)-cflags := -D FX9860G -m3
target-$(tname)-cflags += $(FX_INCLUDE) $(FX_CFLAGS)
ifeq ($2,cg)
target-$(tname)-cflags := -D FXCG50 -m4-nofpu
target-$(tname)-cflags += $(CG_INCLUDE) $(CG_CFLAGS)
ELF_FX := build-fx/$(shell basename "$(TARGET_FX)" .g1a).elf
BIN_FX := $(ELF_FX:.elf=.bin)
ELF_CG := build-cg/$(shell basename "$(TARGET_CG)" .g3a).elf
BIN_CG := $(ELF_CG:.elf=.bin)
# Source files
src := $(wildcard src/*.[csS] \
src/*/*.[csS] \
src/*/*/*.[csS] \
assets-fx := $(wildcard assets-fx/*/*)
assets-cg := $(wildcard assets-cg/*/*)
# Object files
obj-fx := $(src:%=build-fx/%.o) \
obj-cg := $(src:%=build-cg/%.o) \
# Additional dependencies
deps-fx := $(ICON_FX)
deps-cg := $(ICON_CG_UNS) $(ICON_CG_SEL)
# All targets
all :=
ifneq "$(wildcard build-fx)" ""
all += all-fx
# generate format-specific flags
ifeq ($1,static)
target-$(tname)-ldflags :=
target-$(tname)-cflags += -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib
target-$(tname)-cflags += -fstrict-volatile-bitfields
target-$(tname)-exec := lib$4-$2.a
target-$(tname)-gcc := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-gcc
target-$(tname)-ar := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-ar
ifneq "$(wildcard build-cg)" ""
all += all-cg
ifeq ($1,dynamic)
target-$(tname)-ldflags := -shared -T dynlib.ld
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -Wl,-Map=$$(target-$(tname)-build)/map
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -Wl,-soname=$4-$2
target-$(tname)-cflags += -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib
target-$(tname)-cflags += -fstrict-volatile-bitfields -fPIC
target-$(tname)-exec := lib$4-$2-$(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(PATCH).so
target-$(tname)-gcc := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-gcc
target-$(tname)-ar := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-ar
# Build rules
# generate compilation rules and generate all object filename into the
# object list variable, this will be used by the `main` rule
target-$(tname)-obj :=
$$(foreach source,$3,$$(eval \
$$(call generate-compilation-rule,$$(source),\
all: $(all)
# Register the library building rule name
# @note:
# This rule list is used by the main compiling rule like a dependency. And it's
# this dependency that will involve all generated rules for building each
# libraries.
$5 += $$(target-$(tname)-exec)
all-fx: $(TARGET_FX)
all-cg: $(TARGET_CG)
# Generate the "linking" rule
$$(target-$(tname)-exec): $$(target-$(tname)-obj)
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ printf "$(blue)Create the library $(red)$$@$(nocolor)\n"
ifeq ($1,dynamic)
$$(target-$(tname)-gcc) $$(target-$(tname)-ldflags) \
-o $$@ $$^ -nostdlib -lgcc
$$(target-$(tname)-ar) crs $$@ $$^
$(TARGET_FX): $(obj-fx) $(deps-fx)
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_FX)-gcc -o $(ELF_FX) $(obj-fx) $(CFLAGSFX) $(LDFLAGSFX)
$(TOOLCHAIN_FX)-objcopy -O binary $(BINFLAGS) $(ELF_FX) $(BIN_FX)
fxg1a $(BIN_FX) -o $@ $(G1AF)
# Function that will generate all rules for building each demo addin
# @params:
# *1 - platform (fx/cg)
# *2 - source files list
# *3 - library name (without extra information ("gintrace" not "gintrace.a"))
# *4 - variable name (target list)
define generate-target-demo
# generate path information
tname := $3-$1
target-$(tname)-build := build/demo/$1
target-$(tname)-build-src := build/demo/$1
$(TARGET_CG): $(obj-cg) $(deps-cg)
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_CG)-gcc -o $(ELF_CG) $(obj-cg) $(CFLAGSCG) $(LDFLAGSCG)
$(TOOLCHAIN_CG)-objcopy -O binary $(BINFLAGS) $(ELF_CG) $(BIN_CG)
mkg3a $(G3AF) $(BIN_CG) $@
# generate common information
target-$(tname)-elf := $$(target-$(tname)-build)/$3-$1.elf
target-$(tname)-bin := $$(target-$(tname)-build)/$3-$1.bin
target-$(tname)-cflags := -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib
target-$(tname)-cflags += -fstrict-volatile-bitfields
target-$(tname)-ldflags := -Wl,-Map=$$(target-$(tname)-build)/map
target-$(tname)-gcc := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-gcc
target-$(tname)-objcopy := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-objcopy
# C sources
build-fx/%.c.o: %.c
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_FX)-gcc -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGSFX) $(depflags)
build-cg/%.c.o: %.c
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_CG)-gcc -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGSCG) $(depflags)
# generate platform specific flags
ifeq ($1,fx)
target-$(tname)-cflags += -D FX9860G -m3
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -T fx9860g.ld
target-$(tname)-libs := -L. -L $(GCC_INCLUDE_FX)
target-$(tname)-libs += -lgintrace-fx -lgint-fx -lgcc
target-$(tname)-exec := $3.g1a
ifeq ($1,cg)
target-$(tname)-cflags += -D FXCG50 -m4-nofpu
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -T fxcg50.ld
target-$(tname)-libs := -L. -L $(GCC_INCLUDE_CG)
target-$(tname)-libs += -lgintrace-cg -lgint-cg -lgcc
target-$(tname)-exec := $3.g3a
# Assembler sources
build-fx/%.s.o: %.s
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_FX)-gcc -c $< -o $@
build-cg/%.s.o: %.s
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_CG)-gcc -c $< -o $@
# generate compilation rules and generate all object filename
target-$(tname)-obj :=
$$(foreach source,$2,$$(eval \
$$(call generate-compilation-rule,$$(source),\
# Preprocessed assembler sources
build-fx/%.S.o: %.S
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_FX)-gcc -c $< -o $@ $(INCLUDE_FX)
build-cg/%.S.o: %.S
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(TOOLCHAIN_CG)-gcc -c $< -o $@ $(INCLUDE_CG)
# Register the demo building rule name
$4 += $$(target-$(tname)-exec)
# Images
build-fx/assets/img/%.o: assets-fx/img/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv --bopti-image $< -o $@ $(FXCONVFX) name:img_$(basename $*) $(IMG.$*)
build-cg/assets/img/%.o: assets-cg/img/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv --bopti-image $< -o $@ $(FXCONVCG) name:img_$(basename $*) $(IMG.$*)
# Generate the addin main rule
$$(target-$(tname)-exec): $$(target-$(tname)-obj)
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ printf "$(blue)Create the demo addin $(red)$$@$(nocolor)\n"
$$(target-$(tname)-gcc) $$(target-$(tname)-cflags) \
$$(target-$(tname)-ldflags) -o $$(target-$(tname)-elf) \
$$(target-$(tname)-obj) $$(target-$(tname)-libs)
$$(target-$(tname)-objcopy) -O binary -R .bss -R .gint_bss \
$$(target-$(tname)-elf) $$(target-$(tname)-bin)
ifeq ($1,fx)
fxg1a $$(target-$(tname)-bin) -o $$@ -i "assets/fx/icon-fx.png"
mkg3a -n basic:"$3" -i uns:"assets/cg/icon-cg-uns.png" \
-i sel:"assets/cg/icon-cg-sel.png" $$(target-$(tname)-bin) $$@
# Fonts
build-fx/assets/fonts/%.o: assets-fx/fonts/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -f $< -o $@ $(FXCONVFX) name:font_$(basename $*) $(FONT.$*)
build-cg/assets/fonts/%.o: assets-cg/fonts/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -f $< -o $@ $(FXCONVCG) name:font_$(basename $*) $(FONT.$*)
# Binaries
build-fx/assets/bin/%.o: assets-fx/bin/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -b $< -o $@ $(FXCONVFX) name:bin_$(basename $*) $(BIN.$*)
build-cg/assets/bin/%.o: assets-cg/bin/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv -b $< -o $@ $(FXCONVCG) name:bin_$(basename $*) $(BIN.$*)
# Custom conversions
build-fx/assets/%.o: assets-fx/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv --custom $< -o $@ $(FXCONVFX) type:$(subst /,,$(dir $*)) name:$(subst /,_,$(basename $*))
build-cg/assets/%.o: assets-cg/%
@ mkdir -p $(dir $@)
fxconv --custom $< -o $@ $(FXCONVCG) type:$(subst /,,$(dir $*)) name:$(subst /,_,$(basename $*))
# Cleaning and utilities
# Generate all building rules for the "library" part
# find sources files
target-lib-directory := $(shell find src -not -path "*/\.*" -type d)
target-lib-src := $(foreach path,$(target-lib-directory), \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.c) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.S) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.s))
# Dependency information
-include $(shell find build* -name *.d 2> /dev/null)
build-fx/%.d: ;
build-cg/%.d: ;
.PRECIOUS: build-fx build-cg build-fx/%.d build-cg/%.d %/
# generate all library rules
target-lib-list :=
$(foreach format,$(CONFIG.FORMAT),\
$(foreach platform,$(CONFIG.PLATFORM),$(eval \
$(call generate-target-library,$(format),$(platform),\
$(target-lib-src),gintrace,target-lib-list) \
@ rm -rf build-fx/
@ rm -rf build-cg/
# Generate all building rules for the "demo" part, if requested
target-demo_list :=
ifeq ($(CONFIG.DEMO),true)
# find source files
target-demo-directory := $(shell find demo -not -path "*/\.*" -type d)
target-demo-src := $(foreach path,$(target-demo-directory), \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.c) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.S) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.s))
distclean-fx: clean-fx
@ rm -f $(TARGET_FX)
distclean-cg: clean-cg
@ rm -f $(TARGET_CG)
# generate all demo rules
target-demo-list :=
$(foreach platform,$(CONFIG.PLATFORM),$(eval \
$(call generate-target-demo,$(platform),\
$(target-demo-src),gintrace,target-demo-list) \
clean: clean-fx clean-cg
distclean: distclean-fx distclean-cg
install-fx: $(TARGET_FX)
p7 send -f $<
install-cg: $(TARGET_CG)
@ while [[ ! -h /dev/Prizm1 ]]; do sleep 0.25; done
@ while ! mount /dev/Prizm1; do sleep 0.25; done
@ rm -f /mnt/prizm/$<
@ cp $< /mnt/prizm
@ umount /dev/Prizm1
@- eject /dev/Prizm1
.PHONY: all all-fx all-cg clean distclean install-fx install-cg
# Build rules
all: $(target-lib-list) $(target-demo-list)
.PHONY: all
# Generate installation rules (library only)
# Common rules generated for the installation of each libraries.
# Basically, it will generate <libname>-install and <libname>-uninstall rules
# @note:
# *1 - library pathname
# *2 - variable name (installation rules list)
# *3 - variable name (uninstallation rules list)
define generate-install-rule
# Generate the installation rule
$(basename $(notdir $1))-install:
install -d $(CONFIG.PREFIX)
install $1 -m 644 $(CONFIG.PREFIX)
# Generate the uninstallation rule
$(basename $(notdir $1))-uninstall:
rm -f $(CONFIG.PREFIX)$(notdir $1)
# Register generated rules into their appropriate list
$2 += $(basename $(notdir $1))-install
$3 += $(basename $(notdir $1))-uninstall
# Generate all installation/uninstallation rules
target-install-rules :=
target-uninstall-rules :=
$(foreach target,$(target-lib-list),$(eval \
$(call generate-install-rule,$(target),\
target-install-rules,target-uninstall-rules) \
# Generate the path where include directory will be installed.
target-install-header-dir := $(CONFIG.PREFIX)include/
ifeq ($(wildcard $(target-install-header-dir)gintrace/.*),)
target-install-header-dir := $(target-install-header-dir)gintrace
# Installation rules
install: $(target-list) $(target-install-rules)
cp -r include/gintrace/ $(target-install-header-dir)
uninstall: $(target-uninstall-rules)
rm -rf $(CONFIG.PREFIX)include/gintrace
# (internal) debug rule
#target-list :=
#DEBUG=$(call generate-target-library,static,fx,src/gui/menu.c,gintrace,target-list)
##DEBUG=$(call generate-install-rule,/output/static/fxlibc.a)
##DEBUG=$(call generate-target-demo,fx,demo/main.c,gintrace,target-list)
##DEBUG=$(call generate-compilation-rule,demo/main.c,build/demo/fx,-Wall,sh-elf-gcc,target-list,demo)
#export DEBUG
# @ echo "$$DEBUG"
# @ echo "target-lib: $(target-libs)"
# @ echo "generated lib: $(lib-generation-rules)"
# @ echo "target format: $(target-formats)"
# @ echo "install-rules: $(lib-installation-rules)"
# @ echo "uninstall-rules: $(lib-uninstallation-rules)"
# cleaning rules
rm -rf build
fclean: clean
rm -rf $(target-lib-list) $(target-demo-list)
re: fclean all
.PHONY: install uninstall clean fclean re all

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
* fix fx9860 support
* makefile: generate the demo
* makefile: handle header dependencies
* makefile: generate the documentation
* context: refacto printXY() !
* hexdump: search commands
* callgraph: improve user interface.
@ -13,5 +16,4 @@
* icon
* transform gintracer into a librairy
* handle session (send the session instead of ucontext !)
* add documentation

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8.2 KiB


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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.3 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.3 KiB

configure vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
#! /bin/bash
# Gint tracing library configuration script
# output file
# Build options
# lib formats
# Help screen
cat << EOF
Configuration script for the Casio calculator tracer library for the Gint
Usage: $0 [OPTION]...
Build options:
--toolchain=TRIPLET Build with a different toolchain (default: sh-elf-gcc)
--prefix=PREFIX Installation prefix path. "PREFIX/lib" and
"PREFIX/include" will be used. (default: we will ask
your compiler)
Select library format:
static Generate static library (default)
dynamic Generate dynamic library
Specific calculator support:
--platform=<target>,<target>, ...
fx Support monochrom caclulator (fx9860g)
cg Support color calculator (fxcg50)
all Same as "--platform=fx,cg"
Other flags:
--help,-h Display this help message.
--version Display the librairy version.
--demo Generate demo addins using the static librairy
--verbose Makefile debug
exit 0
# Check early help options
if [[ $# -eq 1 ]] && [[ "$1" = "-h" ]] || [[ "$1" = "--help" ]]; then
# Parsing arguments
for arg; do case "$arg" in
# Help options
--help | -h)
# build options
# Specific platform
IFS=',' read -ra target_platform <<< "${arg#*=}"
for platform in "${target_platform[@]}"; do case "$platform" in
echo "error: unreconized target '$format', giving up." >&2
exit 1
esac; done;;
# format support
IFS=',' read -ra target_format <<< "${arg#*=}"
for format in "${target_format[@]}"; do case "$format" in
echo "error: unreconized target '$format', giving up." >&2
exit 1
esac; done;;
# other flags
# error part
echo "error: unreconized argument '$arg', giving up." >&2
exit 1
esac; done
# Check error
# If no prefix is specified, install to the GCC's build folder
if [[ -z "$prefix" ]]
# ask the toolchain where is his installation path
echo "No prefix specified, let's ask the compiler:"
echo " Call: \"$toolchain-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //'\""
if ! inst=$("$toolchain"-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //'); then
echo " Call: returned $?, giving up." >&2
exit 1
echo " Got '$inst'".
# check if the directory exist
if [[ ! -d $inst ]]; then
echo "Directory does not exist (or is not a directory), giving up." >&2
exit 1
# if no specific calculator has been specified, set the defaut choice
[ $gen_platform_fx = false ] && [ $gen_platform_cg = false ] && gen_platform_cg=true
# if no format has been specified, set the default format
[ $gen_format_static = false ] && [ $gen_format_dynamic = false ] && gen_format_static=true
# TODO: check if the wanted lib exist (check lib verion too)!
# Generate the configuration file
# build information
echo "CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN := $toolchain"
[[ "$prefix" ]] && echo "CONFIG.PREFIX := $prefix"
# Specific platform
[ $gen_platform_fx = true ] && echo 'CONFIG.PLATFORM += fx'
[ $gen_platform_cg = true ] && echo 'CONFIG.PLATFORM += cg'
# formats
[ $gen_format_static = true ] && echo 'CONFIG.FORMAT += static'
[ $gen_format_dynamic = true ] && echo 'CONFIG.FORMAT += dynamic'
# other
[ $gen_demo = true ] && echo 'CONFIG.DEMO := true'
[ $gen_verbose = true ] && echo 'CONFIG.VERBOSE := true'
generate_config > $confile
echo "Configuration saved in $confile, ready to make!"
exit 0

Binary file not shown.

libgintrace-cg.a Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
# fxSDK project configuration file for GINTRACE
# Project name, should be at most 8 bytes long.
# (You can also specify NAME_G1A or NAME_G3A to override individually.)
NAME := gintrace
# Internal name, should be '@' followed by at most 7 uppercase letters.
# WARNING: If this convention is not followed, the add-in might not appear in
# the main menu of the calculator!
# Output file name. The default is to take <NAME>, replace spaces with dashes,
# and add .g1a (or .g3a). You can specify a different folder if you want.
# fx-9860G icon location
ICON_FX = assets-fx/icon-fx.png
# fx-CG 50 icon locations
ICON_CG_UNS = assets-cg/icon-cg-uns.png
ICON_CG_SEL = assets-cg/icon-cg-sel.png
# Toolchain selection
# Toolchain for fx9860g. Please see also CFLAGS_FX below.
TOOLCHAIN_FX := sh-elf
# Toolchain for fxcg50. Please see also CFLAGS_CG below.
TOOLCHAIN_CG := sh-elf
# Compiler flags
# Base compiler flags for the fxSDK, you usually want to keep these.
CFLAGS := -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib -fstrict-volatile-bitfields
# Platform-specific compiler flags.
# <> If you are using sh3eb-elf, use -m3. (You can do this on both FX and CG.)
# <> If you are using sh4eb-elf, use -m4-nofpu. (Not ideal on FX but works.)
# <> If you are using sh4eb-nofpu-elf, then your compiler will likely use the
# FPU and cause problems on the calculator. Consider another configuration.
# <> If you are using an sh-elf with several targets, specify whichever you
# support. I recommend -m3 on FX and -m4-nofpu on CG.
# Please see also TOOLCHAIN_FX and TOOLCHAIN_CG above.
CFLAGS_FX := -D FX9860G -m3
CFLAGS_CG := -D FXCG50 -m4-nofpu
# Additional compiler flags, change to your own taste!
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Os
# Include paths. Add one -I option for each folder from which you want to
# be able to include files with #include<>. The Makefile provides a variable
# GCC_INCLUDE_FX/GCC_INCLUDE_CG that represents the default include folder,
# which is useful for some libraries such as OpenLibm.
INCLUDE_FX = -I include -I .
INCLUDE_CG = -I include -I .
# Libraries. Add one -l option for each library you are using, and also
# suitable -L options if you have library files in custom folders. To use
# fxlib, add libfx.a to the project directory and use "-L . -lfx".
# Base linker flags for the fxSDK, you usually want to keep these.
LDFLAGS_FX := -T fx9860g.ld -lgint-fx $(LIBS_FX) -lgint-fx -lgcc
LDFLAGS_CG := -T fxcg50.ld -lgint-cg $(LIBS_CG) -lgint-cg -lgcc
# Additional linker flags, if you need any.
# Additional platform-specific linker flags.
LDFLAGS_FX += -Wl,-Map=build-fx/map
LDFLAGS_CG += -Wl,-Map=build-cg/map
# File conversion parameters
# Here you can add fxconv options for each converted file, individually.
# The syntax is "<type>.<file>". For example, to specify the parameters for a
# font named "hexa.png", you might write:
# FONT.hexa.png = charset:print grid.size:3x5 grid.padding:1

View File

@ -246,9 +246,6 @@ static int input_key_buffer_update(key_event_t key_event)
int input_read(char *buffer, size_t size, const char *prefix, ...)
key_event_t key;
uint16_t *secondary;
uint16_t *main;
void *tmp;
int spe;
/* check obvious error */
@ -272,13 +269,17 @@ int input_read(char *buffer, size_t size, const char *prefix, ...)
/* Gint workaround to freeze the current display */
#ifdef FXCG50
uint16_t *secondary;
uint16_t *main;
dgetvram(&main, &secondary);
if (gint_vram == main) {
tmp = main;
void *tmp = main;
main = secondary;
secondary = tmp;
memcpy(secondary, main, 2*396*224);
/* keyboard handling */
@ -304,10 +305,7 @@ int input_write(const char *format, ...)
char buffer[512];
va_list _args;
uint16_t *secondary;
uint16_t *main;
size_t size;
void *tmp;
va_start(_args, format);
size = vsnprintf(buffer, 512, format, _args);
@ -322,13 +320,17 @@ int input_write(const char *format, ...)
input_info.buffer.max = 512;
/* Gint workaround to freeze the current display */
#ifdef FXCG50
uint16_t *secondary;
uint16_t *main;
dgetvram(&main, &secondary);
if (gint_vram == main) {
tmp = main;
void *tmp = main;
main = secondary;
secondary = tmp;
memcpy(secondary, main, 2*396*224);
/* display and wait user event */
input_info.config.cursor = 0;
@ -342,10 +344,7 @@ int input_write_noint(const char *format, ...)
char buffer[512];
va_list _args;
uint16_t *secondary;
uint16_t *main;
size_t size;
void *tmp;
va_start(_args, format);
size = vsnprintf(buffer, 512, format, _args);
@ -360,13 +359,17 @@ int input_write_noint(const char *format, ...)
input_info.buffer.max = 512;
/* Gint workaround to freeze the current display */
#ifdef FXCG50
uint16_t *secondary;
uint16_t *main;
dgetvram(&main, &secondary);
if (gint_vram == main) {
tmp = main;
void *tmp = main;
main = secondary;
secondary = tmp;
memcpy(secondary, main, 2*396*224);
/* display and wait user event */
input_info.config.cursor = 0;

View File

@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ static void disasm_command(struct tsession *session, int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef FXCG50
uintptr_t *systab = *(uintptr_t **)0x8002007c;
#ifdef FX9860
#ifdef FX9860G
uintptr_t *systab = *(uintptr_t **)0x8001007c;
if (idx == 2) {

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static void dictionary_notes_init(void)
#if FXCG50
void (*GetOSVersion)(char *buffer) = (*(void ***)0x8002007c)[0x1406];
#if FX9860
#if FX9860G
void (*GetOSVersion)(char *buffer) = (*(void ***)0x8001007c)[0x2ee];

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const char *dictionary_syscalls_check(void *address)
* switch from user mode to privileged mode. They just jump always at
* 0x80010070 and use the table of syscall addresses to redirect the
* jump. (and the table address is always stored at 0x8001007c). */
#ifdef FX9860
#ifdef FX9860G
systab = *(uint32_t **)0x8001007c;
#ifdef FXCG50
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ const struct sysname casio_syscalls[] = {
#endif /* FXCG50 */
#ifdef FX9860
#ifdef FX9860G
const struct sysname casio_syscalls[] = {
// Simon Lothar