#include static size_t strbase(char *dest, uint32_t nb, size_t size, int base) { uint32_t tmp; if (base == 10){ if ((int32_t)nb < 0){ *(dest++) = '-'; nb = -nb; } } if (size == 0){ tmp = nb; while (tmp != 0){ tmp /= base; size += 1; } if (size == 0) size = 1; } tmp = size; while ((int)(--size) >= 0){ *(dest + size) = ((nb % base) + '0') + (39 * ((nb % base) > 9)); nb /= base; } *(dest + tmp) = '\0'; return (tmp); } static size_t strndump(char *dest, char const *str, size_t size) { size_t i; if (str == NULL || dest == NULL) return (0); i = -1; while (++i < size && str[i] != '\0') dest[i] = str[i]; dest[i] = '\0'; return (i); } __attribute__((weak)) void vsprintf(char *str, char const *format, va_list ap) { size_t size; size_t len; if (format == NULL) return; while (*format != '\0'){ if (*format != '%'){ *(str++) = *(format++); continue; } /* get size informations */ size = 0; len = -1; format += 1; while (format[++len] >= '0' && format[len] <= '9') size = size * 10 + format[len] - '0'; if (format[len] == '%'){ *(str++) = '%'; format += 1; continue; } if (format[len] == 'c'){ *(str++) = (char)va_arg(ap, int); format += len + 1; continue; } if (format[len] == 's'){ char const *tmp = va_arg(ap, char const *); /* TODO: find better way to do the job */ str += strndump(str, tmp, (size == 0) ? 1024 : size); format += len + 1; continue; } if (format[len] == 'd'){ int nb = va_arg(ap, int); str += strbase(str, nb, size, 10); format += len + 1; continue; } if (format[len] == 'x'){ int nb = va_arg(ap, int); str += strbase(str, nb, size, 16); format += len + 1; continue; } if (format[len] == '#' && format[len + 1] == 'x'){ int nb = va_arg(ap, int); *(str++) = '0'; *(str++) = 'x'; str += strbase(str, nb, 8, 16); format += len + 2; continue; } *(str++) = '%'; } *str = '\0'; } __attribute__((weak)) void sprintf(char *str, char const *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); vsprintf(str, format, ap); va_end(ap); }