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/* ************************************************************************** */
/* _____ _ */
/* parse/mcs.c |_ _|__ _ _| |__ ___ _ _ */
/* | Project: libg1m | |/ _ \| | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | | */
/* | | (_) | |_| | | | | __/ |_| | */
/* By: thomas <> |_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__, |.fr */
/* Last updated: 2016/11/02 14:47:49 |___/ */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
#include <libg1m/internals.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Internal functions */
/* ************************************************************************** */
* get_image:
* Allocate space, and convert monochromic image to 0x0RGB.
* @arg stream the stream from which to read.
* @arg img the image to make.
* @arg width the image width.
* @arg height the image height.
static int get_image(FILE *stream, uint32_t ***img,
unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
/* get raw pixels */
size_t linesize = width / 8 + !!(width % 8);
size_t bufsize = height * linesize;
uint8_t buf[bufsize];
READ(buf, bufsize)
/* alloc */
*img = malloc(height * (sizeof(uint32_t*))
+ width * height * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (!*img)
return (g1m_error_alloc);
/* fill */
uint32_t **image = *img;
for (uint_fast16_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
/* setup index */
image[y] = (uint32_t*)&image[height] + y * width;
/* init vars for monochrome with fill bits image browsing */
uint8_t *b = &buf[y * linesize];
int bit = 1 << 7;
/* browse and save pixels! (monochrome to 0x0RGB) */
for (uint_fast16_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
/* set pixel */
image[y][x] = *b & bit ? 0xffffff : 0x000000;
/* go further */
b += bit & 1;
bit = (bit >> 1) | ((bit & 1) << 7);
/* no error */
return (0);
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* MCS file parsing */
/* ************************************************************************** */
* g1m_parse_mcs_program:
* Parse a program.
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg length the data length.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
static int g1m_parse_mcs_program(g1m_mcsfile_t *handle, FILE *stream,
uint_fast32_t length)
/* read header */
DREAD(hd, mcs_programheader)
/* print header data */
log_info("Program password is '%.8s'.", hd.password);
/* store info */
strncpy(handle->password, (char*)hd.password, 8);
handle->password[8] = 0;
/* seek for what's left in the file */
SKIP(length - sizeof(struct mcs_programheader))
/* no error */
return (0);
* g1m_parse_mcs_spreadsheet:
* Parse a spreadsheet.
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg length the data length.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
static int g1m_parse_mcs_spreadsheet(g1m_mcsfile_t *handle, FILE *stream,
uint_fast32_t length)
/* read header */
DREAD(hd, mcs_spreadsheetheader)
/* correct endianess */
uint_fast32_t colcount = hd.column_count;
colcount = be32toh(colcount << 8);
hd.defs_size = be32toh(hd.defs_size);
/* log some info */
log_info("%ld columns to parse!", colcount);
/* get the column directory */
uint32_t column_directory[colcount];
READ(&column_directory, sizeof(uint32_t) * colcount)
/* prepare */
g1m_mcs_cell_t cells[1000 * colcount];
bzero(cells, sizeof(g1m_mcs_cell_t) * 1000 * colcount);
int cells_count = 0;
uint_fast32_t rows = 0;
uint_fast32_t cols = 0;
/* browse columns */
for (uint_fast32_t c = 0; c < colcount; c++) {
/* check if column is empty */
if (!column_directory[c])
/* get the row directory */
uint8_t row_directory[0x80];
READ(&row_directory, (size_t)0x80)
/* initialize loop values */
uint8_t *rd = row_directory;
int bit = 1 << 7;
/* explore each cell */
for (uint_fast32_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
/* check if used */
if (*rd & bit) {
/* get cell */
DREAD(cell, bcd)
/* store it */
cells[c * 1000 + i] = (g1m_mcs_cell_t){
.used = 1,
.real = cell,
.imgn = {}
/* check things (max row, max col, cells count) */
rows = max(rows, i);
cols = c;
/* log it */
char *bcd_string = g1m_bcdtoa(&cell);
log_info("[%ld, %ld] contains '%s'.", c, i, bcd_string);
/* iterate bit and rd */
rd += (bit & 1);
bit = (bit >> 1) | ((bit & 1) << 7);
/* we have max rows and columns, increment to have sizes */
rows++, cols++;
/* create final tab */
handle->cells = NULL;
handle->columns = 0;
handle->rows = 0;
if (cells_count) {
handle->columns = cols;
handle->rows = rows;
/* alloc */
g1m_mcs_cell_t **tab = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_cell_t*) * cols);
if (!tab) return (g1m_error_alloc);
g1m_mcs_cell_t *rws = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_cell_t) * cols * rows);
if (!rws) { free(tab); return (g1m_error_alloc); }
/* main copying loop */
for (uint_fast32_t y = 0; y < cols; y++) {
/* prepare index */
tab[y] = &rws[y * rows];
/* copy each cell */
for (uint_fast32_t x = 0; x < rows; x++)
tab[y][x] = cells[x * 1000 + y];
/* i used to be a cow. */
handle->cells = tab;
/* no error */
return (0);
* g1m_parse_mcs_list:
* Parse an List.
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg size the length.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
static int g1m_parse_mcs_list(g1m_mcsfile_t *handle, FILE *stream,
uint_fast32_t size)
/* read header */
DREAD(hd, mcs_listheader)
/* correct endianess */
uint16_t elcount = hd.element_count;
elcount = be16toh(elcount);
/* prepare browsing */
size -= sizeof(struct mcs_listheader);
/* make tabs */
size_t elsize = sizeof(struct bcd) * elcount;
struct bcd real[elcount];
struct bcd imgn[elcount];
/* browse real elements */
log_info("Browsing %d list elements", elcount);
READ(&real, elsize)
size -= elsize;
/* browse imaginary elements */
if (size) {
log_info("They have complex parts!");
size_t toread = min(size, elsize);
READ(&imgn, toread)
} else
bzero(imgn, elsize);
/* fill final tab */
handle->rows = elcount;
handle->columns = 1;
handle->cells = NULL;
if (elcount) {
/* allocate final tab */
g1m_mcs_cell_t **tab = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_cell_t*) * elcount);
if (!tab) return (g1m_error_alloc);
g1m_mcs_cell_t *rws = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_cell_t) * elcount);
if (!tab) { free(tab); return (g1m_error_alloc); }
/* main copying loop */
for (uint_fast32_t y = 0; y < elcount; y++) {
/* log */
#if LOGLEVEL <= ll_info
char *real_string = g1m_bcdtoa(&real[y]);
if (g1m_bcd_is_zero(&imgn[y]))
log_info("Cell #%ld is %s.", y, real_string);
else {
char *imgn_string = g1m_bcdtoa(&imgn[y]);
log_info("Cell #%ld is %s+%si.", y, real_string, imgn_string);
/* prepare index and store */
tab[y] = &rws[y];
tab[y][0] = (g1m_mcs_cell_t){
.used = 1,
.real = real[y],
.imgn = imgn[y]
/* don't forget your baguette! */
handle->cells = tab;
/* no error */
return (0);
* g1m_parse_mcs_mat:
* Parse a Matrix.
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg length the data length.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
static int g1m_parse_mcs_mat(g1m_mcsfile_t *handle, FILE *stream,
uint_fast32_t length)
g1m_mcs_cell_t **tab, *rws;
int err = g1m_error_alloc;
/* read header */
DREAD(hd, mcs_matheader)
/* correct endianess */
hd.width = be16toh(hd.width);
hd.height = be16toh(hd.height);
/* log info */
uint_fast32_t w = hd.width, h = hd.height;
log_info("Matrix size is %ld*%ld", w, h);
/* store dimensions */
handle->rows = w;
handle->columns = h;
handle->cells = NULL;
if (w && h) {
/* alloc real matrix */
tab = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_cell_t*) * h);
if (!tab) return (g1m_error_alloc);
rws = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_cell_t) * h * w);
if (!rws) { free(tab); return (g1m_error_alloc); }
/* copy */
for (uint_fast32_t y = 0; y < h; y++) {
/* prepare index */
tab[y] = &rws[y * w];
/* read squares */
for (uint_fast32_t x = 0; x < w; x++) {
/* read the cell */
GDREAD(cell, bcd)
/* store it */
tab[y][x] = (g1m_mcs_cell_t){
.real = cell,
.imgn = {},
.used = 1
/* your sandwich, monsieur. */
handle->cells = tab;
/* no error */
return (0);
/* in case of unexpected EOF */
return (err);
* g1m_parse_mcs_capture:
* Parse a capture.
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg length the data length.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
static int g1m_parse_mcs_capture(g1m_mcsfile_t *handle, FILE *stream,
uint_fast32_t length)
/* read header */
DREAD(hd, mcs_captureheader)
/* correct endianess */
hd.width = be16toh(hd.width);
hd.height = be16toh(hd.height);
/* store */
handle->width = hd.width;
handle->height = hd.height;
/* print info */
log_info("capture is %ux%u sized", hd.width, hd.height);
/* get the image and return */
return (get_image(stream, &handle->image, handle->width, handle->height));
* g1m_parse_mcs_picture:
* Parse a picture.
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg length the data length.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
static int g1m_parse_mcs_picture(g1m_mcsfile_t *handle, FILE *stream,
uint_fast32_t length)
int err;
/* store some dimensions, in case. */
handle->width = 128;
handle->height = 64;
/* get the first image */
if ((err = get_image(stream, &handle->image, 128, 64))) {
log_fatal("Failed to get the first image.");
return (err);
/* and the second */
if ((err = get_image(stream, &handle->second_image, 128, 64))) {
log_fatal("Failed to get the second image.");
return (err);
/* no error */
return (0);
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Public API functions */
/* ************************************************************************** */
* g1m_parse_mcsfile:
* Parse MCS file content.
* Part of the public API because of the Protocol 7, where file is sent
* without its header (only with specific subheaders).
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg raw_type the raw file type.
* @arg filename the filename (up to 8 bytes are read).
* @arg dirname the directory name (up to 8 bytes are read).
* @arg filesize the data length.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
int g1m_parse_mcsfile_content(g1m_mcsfile_t **handle, FILE *stream,
int raw_type, const char *filename, const char *dirname,
uint_fast32_t filesize)
/* create handle */
*handle = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcsfile_t));
if (!handle) return (g1m_error_alloc);
/* save data */
g1m_mcsfile_t *h = *handle;
strncpy(h->name, filename, 8);
strncpy(h->dirname, dirname, 8);
/* read that much data */
int err = 0;
h->type = 0x00;
switch (raw_type) {
case mcs_ftype_program:
h->type = g1m_mcstype_program;
err = g1m_parse_mcs_program(h, stream, filesize);
case mcs_ftype_list:
h->type = g1m_mcstype_list;
err = g1m_parse_mcs_list(h, stream, filesize);
case mcs_ftype_mat:
h->type = g1m_mcstype_mat;
err = g1m_parse_mcs_mat(h, stream, filesize);
case mcs_ftype_spreadsheet:
h->type = g1m_mcstype_spreadsheet;
err = g1m_parse_mcs_spreadsheet(h, stream, filesize);
case mcs_ftype_picture:
h->type = g1m_mcstype_pict;
err = g1m_parse_mcs_picture(h, stream, filesize);
case mcs_ftype_capture:
h->type = g1m_mcstype_capt;
err = g1m_parse_mcs_capture(h, stream, filesize);
/* free if error, return */
if (err) {
*handle = NULL;
return (err);
* g1m_parse_mcs:
* Parse an MCS file, after the Standard Header.
* @arg handle the handle.
* @arg stream the stream to parse from.
* @arg num number of sizes.
* @return the error code (0 if ok).
int g1m_parse_mcs(g1m_t *handle, FILE *stream, uint_fast16_t num)
int err = g1m_error_alloc;
/* No "global" header for MCS parts, because this "global header"
* was the standard header. */
/* allocate memory for the subparts */
handle->part_count = 0;
handle->_parts_size = num;
handle->parts = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_t*) * num);
if (!handle->parts) return (g1m_error_alloc);
bzero(handle->parts, sizeof(g1m_mcs_t*) * num);
/* proxy */
g1m_mcs_t **pmcs = handle->parts;
/* read all of the parts */
log_info("%ld parts to browse", num);
for (uint_fast16_t i = 0; i < num; i++) {
/* get the subheader */
GDREAD(hd, mcs_subheader)
/* correct endianess */
hd.subcount = be32toh(hd.subcount);
/* log info about part */
log_info("[%ld] Internal name is '%.16s'", i, hd.intname);
/* allocate tab and proxy */
err = g1m_error_alloc;
pmcs[i] = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcs_t));
if (!pmcs[i]) goto fail;
g1m_mcs_t *mcs = pmcs[i];
/* increment parts count, and remove to num the "extra" subparts */
num -= hd.subcount - 1;
/* prepare it */
mcs->file_count = hd.subcount;
mcs->_files_size = hd.subcount;
if (!hd.subcount) continue;
mcs->files = malloc(sizeof(g1m_mcsfile_t*) * hd.subcount);
if (!mcs->files) goto fail;
bzero(mcs->files, sizeof(g1m_mcsfile_t*) * hd.subcount);
/* foreach subpart */
log_info("[%ld] %d mcs files to browse", i, hd.subcount);
for (uint_fast32_t j = 0; j < hd.subcount; j++) {
/* get the part header */
GDREAD(fhd, mcs_fileheader)
/* correct endianess */
fhd.datalength = be32toh(fhd.datalength);
/* log info about the subpart */
log_info("[%ld,%ld] directory name is '%.8s'", i, j, fhd.dirname);
log_info("[%ld,%ld] filename is '%.8s'", i, j, fhd.filename);
log_info("[%ld,%ld] file type is '%s' (0x%02d)",
i, j, g1m_get_mcs_ftype_string(fhd.filetype), fhd.filetype);
log_info("[%ld,%ld] data length is %u", i, j, fhd.datalength);
/* decode */
int err = g1m_parse_mcsfile_content(&mcs->files[j], stream,
fhd.filetype, (char*)fhd.filename, (char*)fhd.dirname,
if (err) return (err);
/* no error */
return (0);
/* was error! */
return (err);