P7OS(1) ======= Thomas "Cakeisalie5" Touhey :Email: thomas@touhey.fr :man source: p7utils :man manual: p7utils manual NAME ---- p7os - backup and setup CASIO calculator's software components using protocol 7 SYNOPSIS -------- [source,bash] ---- p7os [-h|--help] [-v|--version] [--no-prepare] [--uexe ] [ []] ---- DESCRIPTION ----------- p7os is a command-line utility to get and upload an OS on CASIO fx calculators, using its communication protocol 7.00 and OS update mode. Available submenus are : *prepare-only*:: Sends the update program, but leave it for other programs to interact with it. *get [-o os.bin]*:: Backup the bootcode, CASIOWIN entry and OS. You have to *prepare* before doing any other action. Preparing means sending a P7 server on the calculator that will be able to execute commands required by other subcommands. OPTIONS ------- Options start with one or two dashes. Some of the options require an additional value next to them. *-h, --help*:: Display command/subcommand help page and quit. *-v, --version*:: Display version and quit. *--com *:: The serial device, if you want to communicate with a calculator connected using a USB-to-serial cable. :: If this option isn't used, the program will look for a calculator connected using direct USB. *--no-prepare*:: Use the current environment, instead of uploading one. *--uexe *:: Use a custom update program. *-o OUT, --output=OUT*:: When getting something, where to store. SEE ALSO -------- *libp7*(3)