MCSFILE(1) ========== Thomas "Cakeisalie5" Touhey :Email: :man source: p7utils :man manual: p7utils manual NAME ---- mcsfile - list subfiles in a CASIO MCS archive file SYNOPSIS -------- [source,bash] ---- mcsfile [--help] [--version] ---- DESCRIPTION ----------- mcsfile is a simple utility that looks like *file*(1), excepts it lists subfiles in a CASIO MCS archive file (things with extensions like *g1m* or *g2r*). OPTIONS ------- Options start with one or two dashes. Some of the options require an additional value next to them. *-h, --help*:: Display command/subcommand help page and quit. *-v, --version*:: Display version and quit. SEE ALSO -------- *libg1m*(3)