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2018-01-26 15:52:59 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Tag helpers.
As we ought to be able to make separate tag modules, this tag is
from inspect import ismodule as _ismod, isclass as _isclass
from .base import TextoutTag as _TextoutTag, TextoutBlockTag, TextoutInlineTag
from .paragraph import TextoutParagraphTag
__all__ = ["TextoutParagraphTag", "TextoutBlockTag", "TextoutInlineTag",
# ---
# Gathering of the tags.
# ---
def _extract_tags(module):
""" Load all tags from a module. """
tags = []
# Obtain the list of properties from the module.
ds = module.__all__
ds = dir(module)
# Get the submodules from the module (usually different files in the
# tags module folder).
for submodule in (obj for name, obj in ((nm, getattr(module, nm)) \
for nm in ds) if (name == '__init__' or name[0] != '_') \
and _ismod(obj)):
obtained = _extract_tags(submodule)
tags += [tag for tag in obtained if not any(tag is x for x in tags)]
del obtained
# Extract the tags from the current module.
for tag in (obj for name, obj in ((nm, getattr(module, nm)) for nm in ds) \
if name[0] != '_' and _isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, _TextoutTag)):
return tags
_tags = _extract_tags(__import__("builtin", \
{'__name__': __name__ + '.__init__'}, level=1))
_aliases = {alias: tag for alias, tag in \
[(alias, tag) for tag in _tags for alias in tag.aliases]}
# ---
# Function to get a tag.
# ---
def get_tag(name, value, output_type = 'html'):
""" Find a tag using its name. """
als = _aliases[name]
als = als(name, value, output_type)
return als
return None
# End of file.