Text styling ============ The following tags can be used to style the textual content of the messages. .. _markup-align: Alignment --------- In order to align text, one can either use ``[]`` or ``[align=]`` with any of the following modes: ``left`` The text is left-aligned. ``right`` The text is right-aligned. ``center`` The text is aligned at the horizontal middle of the document; ``justify`` The text is justified, i.e. the text spaces are optimized for the right'n'word to end at the right of the line. For example, to right-align some text, one can do the following:: [right]some text[/] [align=right]some more text[/] .. _markup-strong: Font weight ----------- In order to have text with more weight, the ``[b]`` tag can be used. For example:: [b]Some bold text[/] .. _markup-italic: Font style ---------- In order to set the font as italic, the ``[i]`` tag can be used. For example:: [i]Some italic text[/] .. _markup-decoration: Font decoration --------------- The following decorations can be applied to text using the following tags: ``[u]`` The text will be underlined. ``[o]`` The text will be overlined. ``[s]`` or ``[strike]`` The text will have a line through. For example:: [u]This text is underlined.[/] [o]This text is overlined.[/] [s]This text is striked through.[/] .. _markup-font: Text font --------- The text font can be set using the ``[font=xxx]`` (or ``[xxx]`` directly, where ``xxx`` represents the font identifier) tag. The following fonts are available: ``arial`` Arial. ``comic`` Comic MS. ``tahoma`` Tahoma. ``courier`` Courier. ``haettenschweiler`` Haettenschweiler. ``mono`` or ``monospace`` Monospace. For example:: [comic]This text is in comic font![/] .. _markup-color: Text color ---------- The color of the text can be set using the ``[color=xxx]`` (or ``[xxx]`` directly for simple colors, where ``xxx`` represents the color) tag. This tag accepts several types of values: - Simple color names (`inspired from CSS `_) such as ``red``, ``blue``, ``green``, ``transparent``; - Color hex codes using a hash (``#``) followed by hex digits, e.g. ``#01020F``, where the first group of hex digits represents the red component from 0 to 255, the second group of hex digits represents the green component from 0 to 255, and the third group of hex digits represents the blue component from 0 to 255. Incomplete composites will be filled by zero on the left (e.g. ``#0000F`` is equivalent to ``#00000F``), invalid characters such as ``A`` will be replaced by 0s; - Three hex digits codes using ``#`` followed by three hex digits, e.g. ``#123`` which will be translated to ``#112233``; - ``rgb(, , )``, where the red, green and blue components are represented using decimal digits and are between 0 and 255 included; - ``rgba(, , , )``, where the red, green and blue components are expressed as said before and the alpha component is either expressed as a percentage (e.g. ``12.34%``) or as a proportion between ``0.0`` and ``1.0``; - ``hsl(, , )`` or ``hls(, ,)``; - ``hsl(, , , )`` or ``hls(, , , )``; - ``hwb(, , )``. Some examples are:: [blue]I'm blue![/] [color=#ff69b4]That color is called “Cuisse de Nymphe émue”![/] [color=rgb(255, 255,255,0.4)]I'm black![/] [color=hsl(0,100%, 0.5)]I'm red![/] .. _CSS named colors: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#named-colors