#!/usr/bin/env python3 #****************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2018 Thomas "Cakeisalie5" Touhey # This file is part of the textoutpc project, which is MIT-licensed. #****************************************************************************** import urllib.parse as _urlparse from html import escape as _htmlescape from .. import BlockTag as _BlockTag __all__ = ["VideoTag", "YoutubeTag"] _defaultratio_w = 16 _defaultratio_h = 9 class VideoTag(_BlockTag): """ The video tag, puts a preview of the video whose URL is given. Only a few 'big' services are supported for now. Example uses: [video]video_url[/video] [video=4:3]video_url[/video] [video tiny]video_url[/video tiny] [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhXpV8hRKxQ[/video] """ aliases = ('[video]', '[video tiny]') raw = True def prepare(self, name, value): """ Prepare the video tag. """ _align = { 'center': ('center', False), 'centre': ('center', False), 'left': ('left', False), 'right': ('right', False), 'float': (None, True), 'floating': (None, True), 'float-left': ('left', True), 'float-center': ('center', True), 'float-centre': ('center', True), 'float-right': ('right', True), } self._sizeclass = "video-tiny" if "tiny" in name \ else None self._align = None self._float = False self._ratio = None for arg in map(str.strip, (value or "").split('|')): if not arg: pass elif arg[0] in '0123456789:': rx, ry = _defaultratio_w, _defaultratio_h rn = 0 rat = arg.split(':') try: rx = int(rat[0]); rn += 1 except: pass try: ry = int(rat[1]); rn += 1 except: pass if rn: self._ratio = round(ry / rx, 4) elif arg in _align: al, fl = _align[arg] if al != None: self._align = al if fl: self._float = True def preprocess(self, content): try: self._video = self.video(content) except: url = _urlparse.urlparse(content) if url.scheme not in ('http', 'https'): raise Exception("No allowed prefix!") self._video = content def content_html(self): """ Produce the embed code for the given type. """ if isinstance(self._video, str): url = _htmlescape(self._video) return '


'.format(url, url) align = "float-" + (self._align or "left") if self._align \ else self._align if self._ratio: ratio = self._ratio * 100 elif hasattr(self._video, 'ratio'): ratio = self._video.ratio * 100 else: ratio = round(_defaultratio_h / _defaultratio_w, 4) * 100 iratio = int(ratio) if ratio == iratio: ratio = iratio ratio = str(ratio) code = '
' \ .format(f" {self._sizeclass}" if self._sizeclass else "", f' img-{align}' if align else "", f' style="padding-bottom: {ratio}%"') code += ''.format(self._video.embed) return code + '
' def content_lightscript(self): url = self._url.replace('[', '%5B').replace(']', '%5D') return '[[image:{}]]'.format(url) class YoutubeTag(VideoTag): """ Alias for the video tag with only the Youtube possibility. Example uses: [youtube]okMK1NYRySI[/youtube] """ aliases = ('[youtube]',) def preprocess(self, content): super().preprocess(f'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={content}') # End of file.