from functools import wraps import logging from irc_bot_api.secrets import USER, PASSWORD from irc_bot_api.irc import IRC from irc_bot_api.v5 import V5 PREFIX = "" def command(name, event=None): """Decorate a function and return a Command instance.""" def decorator(func): desc = name if func.__doc__: desc = func.__doc__ return Command( name=name, desc=desc, func=func, event=event ) return decorator class Command: def __init__(self, name, desc, func, event=None): = name self.desc = desc self.func = func if not event: self.event = lambda m: m.text.startswith(PREFIX + name) else: self.event = event self.cmnd_pack = None def __call__(self, msg): return self.func(self.cmnd_pack, msg) class CommandsPack: def __init__(self, bot): = bot class Bot: """Run the connexion between IRC's server and V5 one. Attributes ---------- irc : IRC, public IRC wrapper which handle communication with IRC server. v5 : V5, public V5 wrapper which handle communication with V5 server. channels : list, public The channels the bot will listen. Methods ------- start : NoneType, public Runs the bot and connects it to IRC and V5 servers. """ def __init__(self, irc_params: tuple, v5_params: tuple, channels: list, prefix: str=""): """Initialize the Bot instance. Parameters ---------- irc_params : tuple Contains the IRC server informations (host, port) v5_params : tuple Contains the V5 server informations (host, port) channels : list Contains the names of the channels on which the bot will connect. prefix : str, optionnal The prefix on which the bot will react. """ global PREFIX PREFIX = prefix self.irc = IRC(*irc_params) self.v5 = V5(v5_params, self.irc) self.channels = channels def start(self): """Starts the bot and connect it to the given IRC and V5 servers.""" # Start IRC self.irc.start(USER, PASSWORD) # Join channels for channel in self.channels: self.irc.join(channel) # Start V5 hadndler self.v5.start() # Run IRC def add_help(self): help_callback = Command( "aide", "Affiche la liste des commandes disponibles.", help_cmnd ) help_callback.cmnd_pack = self self.irc.callbacks.append(help_callback) def add_commands_pack(self, commands_pack): """Add a package of commands to the bot. Parameters ---------- commands_pack : CommandsPack A commands pack which contains command's instances. """ cmnd_pack = commands_pack(self) for cmnd_name in dir(commands_pack): if not cmnd_name.startswith("__") and not cmnd_name.endswith("__"): cmnd = getattr(commands_pack, cmnd_name) cmnd.cmnd_pack = cmnd_pack self.irc.callbacks.append(cmnd) def help_cmnd(bot, msg): """Documentation des fonctions disponibles.""" bot.irc.send(, f"Aide des commandes") for cmnd in bot.irc.callbacks: bot.irc.send(, f" – {} : {cmnd.desc}")