
119 lines
5.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{% import "widgets/user.html" as widget_user %}
{% import "widgets/attachments.html" as widget_attachments %}
{# Post actions: this widget expands to a context menu with actions controlling
a post, supporting different types of posts. #}
{% macro post_actions(post) %}
{# TODO (Guest edit): determine permissions in post_actions widget #}
{% set auth = current_user.is_authenticated %}
{% set can_edit = auth and current_user.can_edit_post(post) %}
{% set can_delete = auth and current_user.can_delete_post(post) %}
{% set can_punish = auth and current_user.can_punish_post(post) %}
{% set can_topcomm = auth and current_user.can_set_topcomment(post) %}
{% set can_move = auth and current_user.can_edit_post(post) and post.type == "comment" %}
{% set can_lock = auth and current_user.can_lock_thread(post) %}
{% if post.type == "topic" %}
{% set suffix = " le sujet" %}
{% elif post.type == "program" %}
{% set suffix = " le programme" %}
{% endif %}
{% if can_edit or can_move or can_delete or can_punish or can_topcomm or can_lock %}
<div class='context-menu'>
{% if can_edit %}
<a href="{{ url_for('edit_post', postid=post.id, r=request.path) }}">Modifier{{ suffix }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if can_move %}
<a href="{{ url_for('move_post', postid=post.id) }}">Déplacer</a>
{% endif %}
2023-07-01 12:39:46 +02:00
{% if can_punish and post.author.type == "member"%}
<a href="{{ url_for('delete_post', postid=post.id, penalty=False, csrf_token=csrf_token()) }}" onclick="return confirm('Le post sera supprimé.')">Supprimer{{ suffix }} (normal)</a>
<a href="{{ url_for('delete_post', postid=post.id, penalty=True, csrf_token=csrf_token()) }}" onclick="return confirm('Le post sera supprimé avec pénalité d\'XP.')">Supprimer{{ suffix }} (pénalité)</a>
{% elif can_delete %}
<a href="{{ url_for('delete_post', postid=post.id, penalty=False, csrf_token=csrf_token()) }}" onclick="return confirm('Le post sera supprimé !')">Supprimer{{ suffix }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if can_topcomm %}
<a href="{{ url_for('set_post_topcomment', postid=post.id, csrf_token=csrf_token()) }}">Utiliser comme en-tête</a>
{% endif %}
{% if can_lock %}
{% set prefix = "Déverrouiller" if post.thread.locked else "Verrouiller" %}
<a href="{{ url_for('lock_thread', postid=post.id, csrf_token=csrf_token()) }}">{{ prefix }}{{ suffix }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{# Thread widget: this widget expands to a table that shows a list of comments
from a thread, along with message controls.
comments: List of comments to render
top_comment: Thread's top comment (will be elided if encountered) #}
{% macro thread(comments, top_comment, owner=None) %}
<table class="thread">
{% for c in comments %}
{% if c != top_comment %}
<tr id="{{ c.id }}">
<td class="author">{{ widget_user.profile(c.author) }}</td>
<td class="message">
<div class="info">
<div>Posté le <a href="{{ request.path }}#{{ c.id }}">{{ c.date_created | dyndate }}</a></div>
{% if (c.date_modified - c.date_created).seconds > 120 %}
<div>Modifié le <a href="{{ request.path }}#{{ c.id }}">{{ c.date_modified | dyndate }}</a></div>
{% endif %}
{{ post_actions(c) }}
{{ c.text|md(c.id) }}
{{ widget_attachments.attachments(c) }}
{% if c.author.signature %}
<hr class="signature">
{{ c.author.signature|md }}
{% endif %}
{% elif loop.index0 != 0 %}
<tr class="topcomment-placeholder">
<td><div>Le commentaire à cet endroit est actuellement utilisé comme en-tête.</div></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{# Thread leader widget: this widget expands to a single-message thread which
can show more text when called. This is intended for programs and similar
objects which display metadata before description and comments.
leader: Posts's top comment (actual rendering is delegated to caller) #}
{% macro thread_leader(leader, thread) %}
<table class="thread topcomment">
{# Empty line to get normal background (instead of alternate one) #}
<tr id="{{ leader.id }}">
<td class="author">
{% if thread.author_id != leader.author_id %}
<em>Auteur de la page:</em>
{{ widget_user.profile(thread.author, minimal = True) }}
<em>Auteur du post principal:</em>
{% endif %}
{{ widget_user.profile(leader.author) }}
<td class="message">{{ caller() }}</td>
{% endmacro %}