Commit Graph

4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Darks 7cad3d4345
Correction préférence de newsletter
À l'inscription, la préférence de la newsletter n'était pas prise en 
compte. Merci Hackcell pour la remontée du bug.
2019-09-08 11:38:26 +02:00
Darks ff21d89c23
Small modifications 2019-08-09 23:20:53 +02:00
Darks 1d638689c6
Modifications on trophies and titles #10 (and more)
- remove `title` attribute
- do the migration of db
- add initialization routine in ``
- add default trophies and titles in `data/trophies.yaml`
- add `add_trophy` method in `Member` class
- add `update_trophies` method in `Member` class
- add form in admin panel to give a trophy to a member
- same to remove a trophy
- change `if request.method == "POST"` to `if`
2019-06-11 00:15:23 +02:00
Darks d6e8f7d4d8
Split routes to folders 2019-06-06 02:13:28 +02:00
Renamed from app/routes/ (Browse further)