import ldap from ldap.modlist import addModlist, modifyModlist from local_config import LDAP_PASSWORD, LDAP_ORGANIZATION def get_member(username): """ Get informations about member. Username must be normalized! """ conn = ldap.initialize("ldap://localhost") # Search for user r = conn.search_s(LDAP_ORGANIZATION, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, f'(cn={username})') if len(r) > 0: return r[0] else: return None def edit(user, fields): """ Edit a user. Fields is {'name': ['value'], …} """ conn = ldap.initialize("ldap://localhost") # Connect as root # conn.simple_bind_s(f'cn=ldap-root,{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}', LDAP_PASSWORD) # old_value = {"userPassword": ["my_old_password"]} # new_value = {"userPassword": ["my_new_password"]} modlist = ldap.modlist.modifyModlist(old_value, new_value) con.modify_s(dn, modlist) def set_email(user, email): pass def set_password(user, password): """ Set password for a user. """ conn = ldap.initialize("ldap://localhost") # Connect as root conn.simple_bind_s(f'cn=ldap-root,{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}', LDAP_PASSWORD) conn.passwd_s(f"cn={user.norm},{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}", None, password) def check_password(user, password): """ Try to login a user through LDAP register. """ conn = ldap.initialize("ldap://localhost") try: conn.simple_bind_s(f"cn={user.norm},{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}", password) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS: return False return True def add_member(member): """ Add a member to LDAP register. Fields must have been sanitized! """ if get_member(member.norm) is not None: print("User already exists") return conn = ldap.initialize("ldap://localhost") # Connect as root conn.simple_bind_s(f'cn=ldap-root,{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}', LDAP_PASSWORD) # Create fields dn = f'cn={member.norm},{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}' modlist = addModlist({ 'objectClass': [bytes('inetOrgPerson', 'UTF8')], 'cn': [bytes(member.norm, 'UTF8')], 'sn': [bytes(member.norm, 'UTF8')], 'displayName': [bytes(, 'UTF8')], 'mail': [bytes(, 'UTF8')], 'uid': [bytes(str(, 'UTF8')], 'userPassword': [bytes("", 'UTF8')] }) # Add the member conn.add_s(dn, modlist) def delete_member(member): """ Remove a member from LDAP register """ conn = ldap.initialize("ldap://localhost") # Connect as root conn.simple_bind_s(f'cn=ldap-root,{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}', LDAP_PASSWORD) # Create fields dn = f'cn={member.norm},{LDAP_ORGANIZATION}' # Delete the user conn.delete_s(dn)