from app import db from app.models.poll import Poll, PollAnswer from collections import Counter from itertools import chain class MultiplePoll(Poll): """Poll with many answers allowed""" __tablename__ = 'multiplepoll' # Names of templates template = 'multiplepoll.html' __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': __tablename__, } def __init__(self, author, title, choices, **kwargs): choices = [Choice(i, t) for i, t in enumerate(choices)] super().__init__(author, title, choices, **kwargs) # Mandatory methods def vote(self, user, request): answers_id = [] for c in self.choices: if f"pollanswers-{}" in request.form: answers_id.append( return PollAnswer(self, user, answers_id) @property def results(self): values = {c: 0 for c in self.choices} counter = Counter(values) for a in self.answers: counter.update([self.choice_from_id(id) for id in a.answer]) return counter # Custom method def choice_from_id(self, id): for c in self.choices: if == id: return c return None class Choice(): def __init__(self, id, title): = id self.title = title