from app import app, db from app.models.program import Program from app.models.thread import Thread from app.models.comment import Comment from app.models.tag import Tag from app.models.attachment import Attachment from app.utils.render import render from app.utils.glados import say, BOLD from app.forms.programs import ProgramCreationForm from flask_login import login_required, current_user from flask import redirect, url_for, flash @app.route('/programmes/soumettre', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def program_submit(): form = ProgramCreationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # First create a new thread # TODO: Reuse a thread when performing topic promotion th = Thread() db.session.add(th) db.session.commit() # Create its top comment c = Comment(current_user,, th) db.session.add(c) db.session.commit() th.set_top_comment(c) db.session.merge(th) # Then build the actual program p = Program(current_user,, th) db.session.add(p) db.session.commit() # Add tags for tag in form.tags.selected_tags(): db.session.add(Tag(p, tag)) db.session.commit() # Manage files attachments = [] for file in if file.filename != "": a = Attachment(file, c) attachments.append((a, file)) db.session.add(a) db.session.commit() for a, file in attachments: a.set_file(file) current_user.add_xp(20) current_user.update_trophies('new-program') flash('Le programme a bien été soumis', 'ok')"<{}> has submitted the program #{}") say(f"Nouveau programme de {} : {BOLD}{}{BOLD}") say(url_for('program_view', page=(p, 1), _external=True)) return redirect(url_for('program_view', page=(p, 1))) return render('/programs/submit.html', form=form)