from flask_login import current_user from flask import request, redirect, url_for, abort, flash from app import app, db from config import V5Config from app.utils.render import render from import TopicCreationForm, AnonymousTopicCreationForm from import Forum from app.models.topic import Topic from app.models.thread import Thread from app.models.comment import Comment from app.models.user import Guest from app.models.attachment import Attachment @app.route('/forum/') def forum_index(): return render('/forum/index.html') @app.route('/forum//', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @app.route('/forum//p/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def forum_page(f, page=1): if not f.is_default_accessible() and not ( current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.can_access_forum(f)): abort(403) if current_user.is_authenticated: form = TopicCreationForm() else: form = AnonymousTopicCreationForm() if form.validate_on_submit() and ( (V5Config.ENABLE_GUEST_POST and f.is_default_postable()) or \ (current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.can_post_in_forum(f))): # Manage author if current_user.is_authenticated: author = current_user else: author = Guest( db.session.add(author) # First create the thread, then the comment, then the topic th = Thread() db.session.add(th) db.session.commit() c = Comment(author,, th) db.session.add(c) db.session.commit() th.set_top_comment(c) db.session.merge(th) t = Topic(f, author,, th) db.session.add(t) db.session.commit() # Manage files attachments = [] for file in if file.filename != "": a = Attachment(file, c) attachments.append((a, file)) db.session.add(a) db.session.commit() for a, file in attachments: a.set_file(file) # Update member's xp and trophies if current_user.is_authenticated: current_user.add_xp(2) # 2 points for a topic current_user.update_trophies('new-post') flash('Le sujet a bien été créé', 'ok') return redirect(url_for('forum_topic', f=f, page=(t,1))) # Paginate topic pages # TODO: order by last comment date topics = f.topics.order_by(Topic.date_created.desc()).paginate( page, Forum.TOPICS_PER_PAGE, True) return render('/forum/forum.html', f=f, topics=topics, form=form)