{% extends "base/base.html" %} {% import "widgets/editor.html" as widget_editor %} {% import "widgets/thread.html" as widget_thread with context %} {% import "widgets/user.html" as widget_user %} {% import "widgets/pagination.html" as widget_pagination with context %} {% import "widgets/attachments.html" as widget_attachments %} {% set tabtitle = t.forum.name + " - " + t.title %} {% block title %} Forum de Planète Casio » {{ t.forum.name }} »

{{ t.title }}

{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ t.title }}

{% if t.summary %}
{{ t.summary | md }}
{% endif %} {% if t.thread.top_comment %} {% call widget_thread.thread_leader(t.thread.top_comment) %}
Créé le {{ t.date_created | dyndate }} {% if t.thread.top_comment.date_created | dyndate != t.date_created | dyndate %} (Posté le {{ t.thread.top_comment.date_created | dyndate }}) {% endif %}
{{ widget_thread.post_actions(t) }}
{{ t.thread.top_comment.text | md }} {{ widget_attachments.attachments(t.thread.top_comment) }} {% endcall %} {% endif %} {{ widget_pagination.paginate(comments, 'forum_topic', t, {'f': t.forum}) }} {{ widget_thread.thread(comments.items, t.thread.top_comment) }} {{ widget_pagination.paginate(comments, 'forum_topic', t, {'f': t.forum}) }} {% if outdated %}
Ce topic est sans activité depuis {{ outdated }} jours, êtes-vous sûr de vouloir y poster ?
{% endif %} {% if t.thread.locked %}
Les commentaires sont verrouillés
{% elif V5Config.ENABLE_GUEST_POST or (current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.can_post_in_forum(t.forum)) %}

Commenter le sujet

{{ form.hidden_tag() }} {% if form.pseudo %}
{{ form.pseudo.label }} {{ form.pseudo }} {% for error in form.pseudo.errors %} {{ error }} {% endfor %} {{ form.ab }}
{% endif %} {{ widget_editor.text_editor(form.message, label=False) }}
{{ form.attachments.label }}
{{ form.attachments }} {% for error in form.attachments.errors %} {{ error }} {% endfor %}
{{ form.submit(class_='bg-ok') }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}