
379 lines
13 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
General utilities.
import hmac
from hashlib import sha512
from functools import wraps
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
from werkzeug.security import safe_str_cmp
from werkzeug.urls import url_decode, url_encode
from flask import (_request_ctx_stack, current_app, request, session, url_for,
from ._compat import text_type, urlparse, urlunparse
from .config import COOKIE_NAME, EXEMPT_METHODS
from .signals import user_logged_in, user_logged_out, user_login_confirmed
#: A proxy for the current user. If no user is logged in, this will be an
#: anonymous user
current_user = LocalProxy(lambda: _get_user())
def encode_cookie(payload):
This will encode a ``unicode`` value into a cookie, and sign that cookie
with the app's secret key.
:param payload: The value to encode, as `unicode`.
:type payload: unicode
return u'{0}|{1}'.format(payload, _cookie_digest(payload))
def decode_cookie(cookie):
This decodes a cookie given by `encode_cookie`. If verification of the
cookie fails, ``None`` will be implicitly returned.
:param cookie: An encoded cookie.
:type cookie: str
payload, digest = cookie.rsplit(u'|', 1)
if hasattr(digest, 'decode'):
digest = digest.decode('ascii') # pragma: no cover
except ValueError:
if safe_str_cmp(_cookie_digest(payload), digest):
return payload
def make_next_param(login_url, current_url):
Reduces the scheme and host from a given URL so it can be passed to
the given `login` URL more efficiently.
:param login_url: The login URL being redirected to.
:type login_url: str
:param current_url: The URL to reduce.
:type current_url: str
l = urlparse(login_url)
c = urlparse(current_url)
if (not l.scheme or l.scheme == c.scheme) and \
(not l.netloc or l.netloc == c.netloc):
return urlunparse(('', '', c.path, c.params, c.query, ''))
return current_url
def expand_login_view(login_view):
Returns the url for the login view, expanding the view name to a url if
:param login_view: The name of the login view or a URL for the login view.
:type login_view: str
if login_view.startswith(('https://', 'http://', '/')):
return login_view
return url_for(login_view)
def login_url(login_view, next_url=None, next_field='next'):
Creates a URL for redirecting to a login page. If only `login_view` is
provided, this will just return the URL for it. If `next_url` is provided,
however, this will append a ``next=URL`` parameter to the query string
so that the login view can redirect back to that URL. Flask-Login's default
unauthorized handler uses this function when redirecting to your login url.
To force the host name used, set `FORCE_HOST_FOR_REDIRECTS` to a host. This
prevents from redirecting to external sites if request headers Host or
X-Forwarded-For are present.
:param login_view: The name of the login view. (Alternately, the actual
URL to the login view.)
:type login_view: str
:param next_url: The URL to give the login view for redirection.
:type next_url: str
:param next_field: What field to store the next URL in. (It defaults to
:type next_field: str
base = expand_login_view(login_view)
if next_url is None:
return base
parsed_result = urlparse(base)
md = url_decode(parsed_result.query)
md[next_field] = make_next_param(base, next_url)
netloc = current_app.config.get('FORCE_HOST_FOR_REDIRECTS') or \
parsed_result = parsed_result._replace(netloc=netloc,
query=url_encode(md, sort=True))
return urlunparse(parsed_result)
def login_fresh():
This returns ``True`` if the current login is fresh.
return session.get('_fresh', False)
def login_user(user, remember=False, duration=None, force=False, fresh=True):
Logs a user in. You should pass the actual user object to this. If the
user's `is_active` property is ``False``, they will not be logged in
unless `force` is ``True``.
This will return ``True`` if the log in attempt succeeds, and ``False`` if
it fails (i.e. because the user is inactive).
:param user: The user object to log in.
:type user: object
:param remember: Whether to remember the user after their session expires.
Defaults to ``False``.
:type remember: bool
:param duration: The amount of time before the remember cookie expires. If
``None`` the value set in the settings is used. Defaults to ``None``.
:type duration: :class:`datetime.timedelta`
:param force: If the user is inactive, setting this to ``True`` will log
them in regardless. Defaults to ``False``.
:type force: bool
:param fresh: setting this to ``False`` will log in the user with a session
marked as not "fresh". Defaults to ``True``.
:type fresh: bool
if not force and not user.is_active:
return False
user_id = getattr(user, current_app.login_manager.id_attribute)()
session['user_id'] = user_id
session['_fresh'] = fresh
session['_id'] = current_app.login_manager._session_identifier_generator()
if remember:
session['remember'] = 'set'
if duration is not None:
# equal to timedelta.total_seconds() but works with Python 2.6
session['remember_seconds'] = (duration.microseconds +
(duration.seconds +
duration.days * 24 * 3600) *
10**6) / 10.0**6
except AttributeError:
raise Exception('duration must be a datetime.timedelta, '
'instead got: {0}'.format(duration))
_request_ctx_stack.top.user = user
user_logged_in.send(current_app._get_current_object(), user=_get_user())
return True
def logout_user():
Logs a user out. (You do not need to pass the actual user.) This will
also clean up the remember me cookie if it exists.
user = _get_user()
if 'user_id' in session:
if '_fresh' in session:
cookie_name = current_app.config.get('REMEMBER_COOKIE_NAME', COOKIE_NAME)
if cookie_name in request.cookies:
session['remember'] = 'clear'
if 'remember_seconds' in session:
user_logged_out.send(current_app._get_current_object(), user=user)
return True
def confirm_login():
This sets the current session as fresh. Sessions become stale when they
are reloaded from a cookie.
session['_fresh'] = True
session['_id'] = current_app.login_manager._session_identifier_generator()
def login_required(func):
If you decorate a view with this, it will ensure that the current user is
logged in and authenticated before calling the actual view. (If they are
not, it calls the :attr:`LoginManager.unauthorized` callback.) For
def post():
If there are only certain times you need to require that your user is
logged in, you can do so with::
if not current_user.is_authenticated:
return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized()
...which is essentially the code that this function adds to your views.
It can be convenient to globally turn off authentication when unit testing.
To enable this, if the application configuration variable `LOGIN_DISABLED`
is set to `True`, this decorator will be ignored.
.. Note ::
Per `W3 guidelines for CORS preflight requests
HTTP ``OPTIONS`` requests are exempt from login checks.
:param func: The view function to decorate.
:type func: function
def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs):
if request.method in EXEMPT_METHODS:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif current_app.login_manager._login_disabled:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif not current_user.is_authenticated:
return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized()
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_view
def fresh_login_required(func):
If you decorate a view with this, it will ensure that the current user's
login is fresh - i.e. their session was not restored from a 'remember me'
cookie. Sensitive operations, like changing a password or e-mail, should
be protected with this, to impede the efforts of cookie thieves.
If the user is not authenticated, :meth:`LoginManager.unauthorized` is
called as normal. If they are authenticated, but their session is not
fresh, it will call :meth:`LoginManager.needs_refresh` instead. (In that
case, you will need to provide a :attr:`LoginManager.refresh_view`.)
Behaves identically to the :func:`login_required` decorator with respect
to configutation variables.
.. Note ::
Per `W3 guidelines for CORS preflight requests
HTTP ``OPTIONS`` requests are exempt from login checks.
:param func: The view function to decorate.
:type func: function
def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs):
if request.method in EXEMPT_METHODS:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif current_app.login_manager._login_disabled:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
elif not current_user.is_authenticated:
return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized()
elif not login_fresh():
return current_app.login_manager.needs_refresh()
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_view
def set_login_view(login_view, blueprint=None):
Sets the login view for the app or blueprint. If a blueprint is passed,
the login view is set for this blueprint on ``blueprint_login_views``.
:param login_view: The user object to log in.
:type login_view: str
:param blueprint: The blueprint which this login view should be set on.
Defaults to ``None``.
:type blueprint: object
num_login_views = len(current_app.login_manager.blueprint_login_views)
if blueprint is not None or num_login_views != 0:
.blueprint_login_views[blueprint.name]) = login_view
if (current_app.login_manager.login_view is not None and
None not in current_app.login_manager.blueprint_login_views):
.blueprint_login_views[None]) = (current_app.login_manager
current_app.login_manager.login_view = None
current_app.login_manager.login_view = login_view
def _get_user():
if has_request_context() and not hasattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, 'user'):
return getattr(_request_ctx_stack.top, 'user', None)
def _cookie_digest(payload, key=None):
key = _secret_key(key)
return hmac.new(key, payload.encode('utf-8'), sha512).hexdigest()
def _get_remote_addr():
address = request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For', request.remote_addr)
if address is not None:
# An 'X-Forwarded-For' header includes a comma separated list of the
# addresses, the first address being the actual remote address.
address = address.encode('utf-8').split(b',')[0].strip()
return address
def _create_identifier():
user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent')
if user_agent is not None:
user_agent = user_agent.encode('utf-8')
base = '{0}|{1}'.format(_get_remote_addr(), user_agent)
if str is bytes:
base = text_type(base, 'utf-8', errors='replace') # pragma: no cover
h = sha512()
return h.hexdigest()
def _user_context_processor():
return dict(current_user=_get_user())
def _secret_key(key=None):
if key is None:
key = current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']
if isinstance(key, text_type): # pragma: no cover
key = key.encode('latin1') # ensure bytes
return key