
439 lines
14 KiB

/* Add callbacks on text formatting buttons */
/* Locate the editor associated to an edition event.
event: Global event emitted by one of the editor buttons
Returns [the div.editor, the button, the textarea] */
function editor_event_source(event)
let button = undefined;
let editor = undefined;
/* Grab the button and the parent editor block. The onclick event itself
usually reports the SVG in the button as the source */
let node = event.currentTarget || event.srcElement;
while (node != document.body) {
if (node.tagName == "BUTTON" && !button) {
button = node;
if (node.classList.contains("editor") && !editor) {
editor = node;
// Hack to use keybinds
if (!button) {
button = node.firstElementChild.firstElementChild
node = node.parentNode;
if (!button || !editor) return;
const ta = editor.querySelector(".editor textarea");
return [editor, button, ta];
/* Replace the range [start:end) with the new contents, and returns the new
interval [start:end) (ie. the range where the contents are now located). */
function editor_replace_range(textarea, start, end, contents)
textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start)
+ contents
+ textarea.value.substring(end);
return [start, start + contents.length];
/* Event handler that inserts specified tokens around the selection.
after token is the same as before if not specified */
function editor_insert_around(event, before="", after=null)
const [editor, button, ta] = editor_event_source(event);
let indexStart = ta.selectionStart;
let indexEnd = ta.selectionEnd;
if (after === null) {
after = before;
let [start, end] = editor_replace_range(ta, indexStart, indexEnd,
before + ta.value.substring(indexStart, indexEnd) + after);
/* Restore selection */
if (indexStart != indexEnd) {
ta.selectionStart = start;
ta.selectionEnd = end;
else {
ta.selectionStart = ta.selectionEnd = start + before.length;
/* Event handler that modifies each line within the selection through a
generic function. */
function editor_act_on_lines(event, fn)
const [editor, button, ta] = editor_event_source(event);
let indexStart = ta.selectionStart;
let indexEnd = ta.selectionEnd;
let firstLineIndex = ta.value.substring(0, indexStart).lastIndexOf('\n');
if (firstLineIndex < 0)
firstLineIndex = 0;
firstLineIndex += 1;
let lastLineIndex = ta.value.substring(indexEnd).indexOf('\n');
if (lastLineIndex < 0)
lastLineIndex = ta.value.length;
lastLineIndex += indexEnd;
let lines = ta.value.substring(firstLineIndex, lastLineIndex).split('\n');
for(let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
lines[i] = fn(lines[i], i);
let [start, end] = editor_replace_range(ta, firstLineIndex, lastLineIndex,
ta.selectionStart = start;
ta.selectionEnd = end;
function editor_clear_modals(event, close = true)
// Stop the propagation of the event
const [editor, button, ta] = editor_event_source(event);
// Reset all modal inputs
editor.getElementsByClassName('media-alt-input')[0].value = '';
editor.getElementsByClassName('media-link-input')[0].value = '';
editor.getElementsByClassName('link-desc-input')[0].value = '';
editor.getElementsByClassName('link-link-input')[0].value = '';
const media_type = editor.getElementsByClassName("media-type")[0];
for(i = 0; i < media_type.length; i++) {
media_type[i].checked = false;
// Close all modal if requested
if (!close) { return }
const modals = editor.getElementsByClassName('modal');
for (const i of modals) {i.style.display = 'none'};
/* End-user functions */
function editor_inline(event, type, enable_preview = true)
tokens = {
bold: "**",
italic: "*",
underline: "__",
strike: "~~",
inlinecode: "`",
if (type in tokens) {
editor_insert_around(event, tokens[type]);
if (enable_preview) {
const [editor, button, ta] = editor_event_source(event);
function editor_display_link_modal(event) {
const [editor, button, ta] = editor_event_source(event);
let indexStart = ta.selectionStart;
let indexEnd = ta.selectionEnd;
let selection = ta.value.substring(indexStart, indexEnd);
// Assuming it's a link
if (selection.match(/^https?:\/\/\S+/)) {
event.currentTarget.querySelector("#link-link-input").value = selection;
// Or text
else if (selection != "") {
event.currentTarget.querySelector("#link-desc-input").value = selection;
function editor_insert_link(event, link_id, text_id, media = false)
const [editor, button, ta] = editor_event_source(event);
let indexStart = ta.selectionStart;
let indexEnd = ta.selectionEnd;
const link = editor.getElementsByClassName(link_id)[0].value;
const text = editor.getElementsByClassName(text_id)[0].value;
let media_type = "";
const media_selector = editor.getElementsByClassName("media-type")[0];
for(i = 0; i < media_selector.length; i++) {
if (media_selector[i].checked) {
media_type = `{type=${media_selector[i].value}}`;
let [start, end] = editor_replace_range(ta, indexStart, indexEnd,
`${media ? "!" : ""}[${text.length === 0 ? ta.value.substring(indexStart, indexEnd) : text}](${link})${media ? media_type : ""}`);
/* Restore selection */
if (indexStart != indexEnd) {
ta.selectionStart = start;
ta.selectionEnd = end;
else {
ta.selectionStart = ta.selectionEnd = start + 1;
function editor_title(event, level, diff)
editor_act_on_lines(event, function(line, _) {
/* Strip all the initial # (and count them) */
let count = 0;
while(count < line.length && line[count] == '#') count++;
let contents_index = count;
if (count < line.length && line[count] == ' ') contents_index++;
let contents = line.slice(contents_index);
if (level > 0 || count == 1 && diff == -1) {
/* Remove the title if the corresponding level is re-requested */
if (count == level || count == 1 && diff == -1)
return contents;
/* Otherwise, add it */
return '#'.repeat(level) + ' ' + contents;
else if (count > 0) {
/* Apply the difference */
let new_level = Math.max(1, Math.min(6, count + diff));
return '#'.repeat(new_level) + ' ' + contents;
return line;
function editor_quote(event)
editor_act_on_lines(event, function(line, _) {
/* Strip all the initial > (and count them) */
let count = 0;
while(count < line.length && line[count] == '>') count++;
let contents_index = count;
if (count < line.length && line[count] == ' ') contents_index++;
let contents = line.slice(contents_index);
/* Apply the difference */
return '>'.repeat(count + 1) + ' ' + contents;
function editor_bullet_list(event)
editor_act_on_lines(event, function(line, _) {
let ident_match = line.match(/^[\t]+/m) ?? [''];
let ident = ident_match[0];
let count = ident.length;
const contents = line.slice(count);
if ((count < line.length || count == 0) && line[count] != '-') return '- ' + contents;
return ident + "\t" + contents;
function editor_numbered_list(event)
editor_act_on_lines(event, function(line, number) {
let ident_match = line.match(/^[\t]+/m) ?? [''];
let ident = ident_match[0];
let count = ident.length;
const contents = line.slice(count);
if ((count < line.length || count == 0) && isNaN(line[count])) return `${number + 1}. ` + contents;
return ident + "\t" + contents;
function editor_table(event) {
let table = `| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Text | Text | Text |`;
editor_insert_around(event, "", table);
function editor_separator(event) {
editor_insert_around(event, "", "\n---\n");
function editor_display_child_modal(event) {
event.currentTarget.children[1].style = {'display': 'block'};
const DISABLE_PREVIEW_ICON = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-eye-slash" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M13.359 11.238C15.06 9.72 16 8 16 8s-3-5.5-8-5.5a7.028 7.028 0 0 0-2.79.588l.77.771A5.944 5.944 0 0 1 8 3.5c2.12 0 3.879 1.168 5.168 2.457A13.134 13.134 0 0 1 14.828 8c-.058.087-.122.183-.195.288-.335.48-.83 1.12-1.465 1.755-.165.165-.337.328-.517.486l.708.709z"/><path d="M11.297 9.176a3.5 3.5 0 0 0-4.474-4.474l.823.823a2.5 2.5 0 0 1 2.829 2.829l.822.822zm-2.943 1.299.822.822a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.474-4.474l.823.823a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.829 2.829z"/><path d="M3.35 5.47c-.18.16-.353.322-.518.487A13.134 13.134 0 0 0 1.172 8l.195.288c.335.48.83 1.12 1.465 1.755C4.121 11.332 5.881 12.5 8 12.5c.716 0 1.39-.133 2.02-.36l.77.772A7.029 7.029 0 0 1 8 13.5C3 13.5 0 8 0 8s.939-1.721 2.641-3.238l.708.709zm10.296 8.884-12-12 .708-.708 12 12-.708.708z"/></svg>';
const ENABLE_PREVIEW_ICON = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-eye" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M16 8s-3-5.5-8-5.5S0 8 0 8s3 5.5 8 5.5S16 8 16 8zM1.173 8a13.133 13.133 0 0 1 1.66-2.043C4.12 4.668 5.88 3.5 8 3.5c2.12 0 3.879 1.168 5.168 2.457A13.133 13.133 0 0 1 14.828 8c-.058.087-.122.183-.195.288-.335.48-.83 1.12-1.465 1.755C11.879 11.332 10.119 12.5 8 12.5c-2.12 0-3.879-1.168-5.168-2.457A13.134 13.134 0 0 1 1.172 8z"/><path d="M8 5.5a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0 5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0-5zM4.5 8a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 7 0 3.5 3.5 0 0 1-7 0z"/></svg>';
function toggle_auto_preview() {
const [editor, button, ta] = editor_event_source(event);
let auto_preview;
if (document.cookie.split(";").some((item) => item.trim().startsWith("auto-preview="))) {
auto_preview = document.cookie.split(";").some((item) => item.includes("auto-preview=true"));
} else {
auto_preview = true;
document.cookie = `auto-preview=${!auto_preview}; max-age=31536000; SameSite=Strict; Secure`
if (!auto_preview) {
editor.getElementsByClassName("toggle_preview")[0].title = "Désactiver la prévisualisation";
editor.getElementsByClassName("toggle_preview")[0].innerHTML = DISABLE_PREVIEW_ICON;
editor.getElementsByClassName("manual_preview")[0].style = "display: none";
} else {
editor.getElementsByClassName("toggle_preview")[0].title = "Activer la prévisualisation";
editor.getElementsByClassName("toggle_preview")[0].innerHTML = ENABLE_PREVIEW_ICON;
editor.getElementsByClassName("manual_preview")[0].style = "display: block";
/* This request the server to get a complete render of the current text in the textarea */
function preview(editor, manual=false) {
// If auto-preview is disabled and the preview is not manually requested by the user
if (document.cookie.split(";").some((item) => item.includes("auto-preview=false")) && !manual) {
const previewArea = editor.querySelector(".editor_content_preview");
const ta = editor.querySelector("textarea");
const payload = {text: ta.value};
const headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
const params = {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
fetch("/api/markdown", params).then(
(response) => {
(text) => {
previewArea.innerHTML = text;
/* Wrapper for user-requested preview refresh */
function manual_preview(editor_id) {
const editor = document.getElementById("editor_" + editor_id);
preview(editor, manual = true);
/* Add the event listener for the textarea hotkeys and auto-preview */
function editor_setup(editor_id) {
const editor = document.getElementById("editor_" + editor_id);
if (document.cookie.split(";").some((item) => item.trim().startsWith("auto-preview="))) {
if (document.cookie.split(";").some((item) => item.includes("auto-preview=false"))) {
editor.getElementsByClassName("toggle_preview")[0].title = "Activer la prévisualisation";
editor.getElementsByClassName("toggle_preview")[0].innerHTML = ENABLE_PREVIEW_ICON;
editor.getElementsByClassName("manual_preview")[0].style = "display: block";
let previewTimeout = null;
let ta = editor.querySelector(".editor textarea");
ta.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
// Tab insert some spaces
let keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (keyCode == 9) {
// TODO Add one tab to selected text without replacing it
let start = e.target.selectionStart;
let end = e.target.selectionEnd;
// set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
e.target.value = e.target.value.substring(0, start) + "\t" + e.target.value.substring(end);
e.target.selectionEnd = start + 1;
* Keybindings for buttons. The default action of the keybinding is prevented.
* Ctrl+B adds bold
* Ctrl+I adds italic
* Ctrl+U adds underline
* Ctrl+S adds strikethrough
* Ctrl+H adds Header +1
* Ctrl+Enter send the form
if (e.ctrlKey) {
switch (keyCode) {
case 13:
let t = e.target;
while(! (t instanceof HTMLFormElement)) {
t = t.parentNode;
try {
} catch(exception) {
case 66: // B
editor_inline(e, "bold", false);
case 72: // H
editor_title(e, 0, +1);
case 73: // I
editor_inline(e, "italic", false);
case 83: // S
editor_inline(e, "strike", false);
case 85: // U
editor_inline(e, "underline", false);
// Set a timeout for refreshing the preview
previewTimeout = setTimeout(() => { preview(editor) }, 3000);
editor.querySelector('emoji-picker').addEventListener('emoji-click', event => {
editor_insert_around(event, "", event.detail.unicode)