
973 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

function assertNonEmptyString (str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string' || !str) {
throw new Error('expected a non-empty string, got: ' + str)
function assertNumber (number) {
if (typeof number !== 'number') {
throw new Error('expected a number, got: ' + number)
const STORE_EMOJI = 'emoji';
const STORE_KEYVALUE = 'keyvalue';
const STORE_FAVORITES = 'favorites';
const FIELD_TOKENS = 'tokens';
const INDEX_TOKENS = 'tokens';
const FIELD_UNICODE = 'unicode';
const INDEX_COUNT = 'count';
const FIELD_GROUP = 'group';
const FIELD_ORDER = 'order';
const INDEX_GROUP_AND_ORDER = 'group-order';
const KEY_ETAG = 'eTag';
const KEY_URL = 'url';
const KEY_PREFERRED_SKINTONE = 'skinTone';
const MODE_READONLY = 'readonly';
const MODE_READWRITE = 'readwrite';
const INDEX_SKIN_UNICODE = 'skinUnicodes';
const FIELD_SKIN_UNICODE = 'skinUnicodes';
const DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/emoji-picker-element-data@^1/en/emojibase/data.json';
const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en';
// like lodash's uniqBy but much smaller
function uniqBy (arr, func) {
const set = new Set();
const res = [];
for (const item of arr) {
const key = func(item);
if (!set.has(key)) {
return res
function uniqEmoji (emojis) {
return uniqBy(emojis, _ => _.unicode)
function initialMigration (db) {
function createObjectStore (name, keyPath, indexes) {
const store = keyPath
? db.createObjectStore(name, { keyPath })
: db.createObjectStore(name);
if (indexes) {
for (const [indexName, [keyPath, multiEntry]] of Object.entries(indexes)) {
store.createIndex(indexName, keyPath, { multiEntry });
return store
createObjectStore(STORE_EMOJI, /* keyPath */ FIELD_UNICODE, {
[INDEX_TOKENS]: [FIELD_TOKENS, /* multiEntry */ true],
createObjectStore(STORE_FAVORITES, undefined, {
const openIndexedDBRequests = {};
const databaseCache = {};
const onCloseListeners = {};
function handleOpenOrDeleteReq (resolve, reject, req) {
// These things are almost impossible to test with fakeIndexedDB sadly
/* istanbul ignore next */
req.onerror = () => reject(req.error);
/* istanbul ignore next */
req.onblocked = () => reject(new Error('IDB blocked'));
req.onsuccess = () => resolve(req.result);
async function createDatabase (dbName) {
const db = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const req = indexedDB.open(dbName, DB_VERSION_CURRENT);
openIndexedDBRequests[dbName] = req;
req.onupgradeneeded = e => {
// Technically there is only one version, so we don't need this `if` check
// But if an old version of the JS is in another browser tab
// and it gets upgraded in the future and we have a new DB version, well...
// better safe than sorry.
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (e.oldVersion < DB_VERSION_INITIAL) {
handleOpenOrDeleteReq(resolve, reject, req);
// Handle abnormal closes, e.g. "delete database" in chrome dev tools.
// No need for removeEventListener, because once the DB can no longer
// fire "close" events, it will auto-GC.
// Unfortunately cannot test in fakeIndexedDB: https://github.com/dumbmatter/fakeIndexedDB/issues/50
/* istanbul ignore next */
db.onclose = () => closeDatabase(dbName);
return db
function openDatabase (dbName) {
if (!databaseCache[dbName]) {
databaseCache[dbName] = createDatabase(dbName);
return databaseCache[dbName]
function dbPromise (db, storeName, readOnlyOrReadWrite, cb) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Use relaxed durability because neither the emoji data nor the favorites/preferred skin tone
// are really irreplaceable data. IndexedDB is just a cache in this case.
const txn = db.transaction(storeName, readOnlyOrReadWrite, { durability: 'relaxed' });
const store = typeof storeName === 'string'
? txn.objectStore(storeName)
: storeName.map(name => txn.objectStore(name));
let res;
cb(store, txn, (result) => {
res = result;
txn.oncomplete = () => resolve(res);
/* istanbul ignore next */
txn.onerror = () => reject(txn.error);
function closeDatabase (dbName) {
// close any open requests
const req = openIndexedDBRequests[dbName];
const db = req && req.result;
if (db) {
const listeners = onCloseListeners[dbName];
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (listeners) {
for (const listener of listeners) {
delete openIndexedDBRequests[dbName];
delete databaseCache[dbName];
delete onCloseListeners[dbName];
function deleteDatabase (dbName) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// close any open requests
const req = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(dbName);
handleOpenOrDeleteReq(resolve, reject, req);
// The "close" event occurs during an abnormal shutdown, e.g. a user clearing their browser data.
// However, it doesn't occur with the normal "close" event, so we handle that separately.
// https://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/#close-a-database-connection
function addOnCloseListener (dbName, listener) {
let listeners = onCloseListeners[dbName];
if (!listeners) {
listeners = onCloseListeners[dbName] = [];
// list of emoticons that don't match a simple \W+ regex
// extracted using:
// require('emoji-picker-element-data/en/emojibase/data.json').map(_ => _.emoticon).filter(Boolean).filter(_ => !/^\W+$/.test(_))
const irregularEmoticons = new Set([
':D', 'XD', ":'D", 'O:)',
':X', ':P', ';P', 'XP',
':L', ':Z', ':j', '8D',
'XO', '8)', ':B', ':O',
':S', ":'o", 'Dx', 'X(',
'D:', ':C', '>0)', ':3',
'</3', '<3', '\\M/', ':E',
function extractTokens (str) {
return str
.map(word => {
if (!word.match(/\w/) || irregularEmoticons.has(word)) {
// for pure emoticons like :) or :-), just leave them as-is
return word.toLowerCase()
return word
.replace(/[)(:,]/g, '')
.replace(//g, "'")
// This is an extra step in addition to extractTokens(). The difference here is that we expect
// the input to have already been run through extractTokens(). This is useful for cases like
// emoticons, where we don't want to do any tokenization (because it makes no sense to split up
// ">:)" by the colon) but we do want to lowercase it to have consistent search results, so that
// the user can type ':P' or ':p' and still get the same result.
function normalizeTokens (str) {
return str
.map(_ => _.toLowerCase())
.filter(_ => _.length >= MIN_SEARCH_TEXT_LENGTH)
// Transform emoji data for storage in IDB
function transformEmojiData (emojiData) {
const res = emojiData.map(({ annotation, emoticon, group, order, shortcodes, skins, tags, emoji, version }) => {
const tokens = [...new Set(
...(shortcodes || []).map(extractTokens).flat(),
const res = {
unicode: emoji,
if (emoticon) {
res.emoticon = emoticon;
if (shortcodes) {
res.shortcodes = shortcodes;
if (skins) {
res.skinTones = [];
res.skinUnicodes = [];
res.skinVersions = [];
for (const { tone, emoji, version } of skins) {
return res
return res
// helper functions that help compress the code better
function callStore (store, method, key, cb) {
store[method](key).onsuccess = e => (cb && cb(e.target.result));
function getIDB (store, key, cb) {
callStore(store, 'get', key, cb);
function getAllIDB (store, key, cb) {
callStore(store, 'getAll', key, cb);
function commit (txn) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (txn.commit) {
// like lodash's minBy
function minBy (array, func) {
let minItem = array[0];
for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
const item = array[i];
if (func(minItem) > func(item)) {
minItem = item;
return minItem
// return an array of results representing all items that are found in each one of the arrays
function findCommonMembers (arrays, uniqByFunc) {
const shortestArray = minBy(arrays, _ => _.length);
const results = [];
for (const item of shortestArray) {
// if this item is included in every array in the intermediate results, add it to the final results
if (!arrays.some(array => array.findIndex(_ => uniqByFunc(_) === uniqByFunc(item)) === -1)) {
return results
async function isEmpty (db) {
return !(await get(db, STORE_KEYVALUE, KEY_URL))
async function hasData (db, url, eTag) {
const [oldETag, oldUrl] = await Promise.all([KEY_ETAG, KEY_URL]
.map(key => get(db, STORE_KEYVALUE, key)));
return (oldETag === eTag && oldUrl === url)
async function doFullDatabaseScanForSingleResult (db, predicate) {
// This batching algorithm is just a perf improvement over a basic
// cursor. The BATCH_SIZE is an estimate of what would give the best
// perf for doing a full DB scan (worst case).
// Mini-benchmark for determining the best batch size:
// PERF=1 yarn build:rollup && yarn test:adhoc
// (async () => {
// performance.mark('start')
// await $('emoji-picker').database.getEmojiByShortcode('doesnotexist')
// performance.measure('total', 'start')
// console.log(performance.getEntriesByName('total').slice(-1)[0].duration)
// })()
const BATCH_SIZE = 50; // Typically around 150ms for 6x slowdown in Chrome for above benchmark
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => {
let lastKey;
const processNextBatch = () => {
emojiStore.getAll(lastKey && IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(lastKey, true), BATCH_SIZE).onsuccess = e => {
const results = e.target.result;
for (const result of results) {
lastKey = result.unicode;
if (predicate(result)) {
return cb(result)
if (results.length < BATCH_SIZE) {
return cb()
async function loadData (db, emojiData, url, eTag) {
try {
const transformedData = transformEmojiData(emojiData);
await dbPromise(db, [STORE_EMOJI, STORE_KEYVALUE], MODE_READWRITE, ([emojiStore, metaStore], txn) => {
let oldETag;
let oldUrl;
let todo = 0;
function checkFetched () {
if (++todo === 2) { // 2 requests made
function onFetched () {
if (oldETag === eTag && oldUrl === url) {
// check again within the transaction to guard against concurrency, e.g. multiple browser tabs
// delete old data
// insert new data
for (const data of transformedData) {
metaStore.put(eTag, KEY_ETAG);
metaStore.put(url, KEY_URL);
getIDB(metaStore, KEY_ETAG, result => {
oldETag = result;
getIDB(metaStore, KEY_URL, result => {
oldUrl = result;
} finally {
async function getEmojiByGroup (db, group) {
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => {
const range = IDBKeyRange.bound([group, 0], [group + 1, 0], false, true);
getAllIDB(emojiStore.index(INDEX_GROUP_AND_ORDER), range, cb);
async function getEmojiBySearchQuery (db, query) {
const tokens = normalizeTokens(extractTokens(query));
if (!tokens.length) {
return []
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => {
// get all results that contain all tokens (i.e. an AND query)
const intermediateResults = [];
const checkDone = () => {
if (intermediateResults.length === tokens.length) {
const onDone = () => {
const results = findCommonMembers(intermediateResults, _ => _.unicode);
cb(results.sort((a, b) => a.order < b.order ? -1 : 1));
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i];
const range = i === tokens.length - 1
? IDBKeyRange.bound(token, token + '\uffff', false, true) // treat last token as a prefix search
: IDBKeyRange.only(token); // treat all other tokens as an exact match
getAllIDB(emojiStore.index(INDEX_TOKENS), range, result => {
// This could have been implemented as an IDB index on shortcodes, but it seemed wasteful to do that
// when we can already query by tokens and this will give us what we're looking for 99.9% of the time
async function getEmojiByShortcode (db, shortcode) {
const emojis = await getEmojiBySearchQuery(db, shortcode);
// In very rare cases (e.g. the shortcode "v" as in "v for victory"), we cannot search because
// there are no usable tokens (too short in this case). In that case, we have to do an inefficient
// full-database scan, which I believe is an acceptable tradeoff for not having to have an extra
// index on shortcodes.
if (!emojis.length) {
const predicate = _ => ((_.shortcodes || []).includes(shortcode.toLowerCase()));
return (await doFullDatabaseScanForSingleResult(db, predicate)) || null
return emojis.filter(_ => {
const lowerShortcodes = (_.shortcodes || []).map(_ => _.toLowerCase());
return lowerShortcodes.includes(shortcode.toLowerCase())
})[0] || null
async function getEmojiByUnicode (db, unicode) {
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => (
getIDB(emojiStore, unicode, result => {
if (result) {
return cb(result)
getIDB(emojiStore.index(INDEX_SKIN_UNICODE), unicode, result => cb(result || null));
function get (db, storeName, key) {
return dbPromise(db, storeName, MODE_READONLY, (store, txn, cb) => (
getIDB(store, key, cb)
function set (db, storeName, key, value) {
return dbPromise(db, storeName, MODE_READWRITE, (store, txn) => {
store.put(value, key);
function incrementFavoriteEmojiCount (db, unicode) {
return dbPromise(db, STORE_FAVORITES, MODE_READWRITE, (store, txn) => (
getIDB(store, unicode, result => {
store.put((result || 0) + 1, unicode);
function getTopFavoriteEmoji (db, customEmojiIndex, limit) {
if (limit === 0) {
return []
return dbPromise(db, [STORE_FAVORITES, STORE_EMOJI], MODE_READONLY, ([favoritesStore, emojiStore], txn, cb) => {
const results = [];
favoritesStore.index(INDEX_COUNT).openCursor(undefined, 'prev').onsuccess = e => {
const cursor = e.target.result;
if (!cursor) { // no more results
return cb(results)
function addResult (result) {
if (results.length === limit) {
return cb(results) // done, reached the limit
const unicodeOrName = cursor.primaryKey;
const custom = customEmojiIndex.byName(unicodeOrName);
if (custom) {
return addResult(custom)
// This could be done in parallel (i.e. make the cursor and the get()s parallelized),
// but my testing suggests it's not actually faster.
getIDB(emojiStore, unicodeOrName, emoji => {
if (emoji) {
return addResult(emoji)
// emoji not found somehow, ignore (may happen if custom emoji change)
// trie data structure for prefix searches
// loosely based on https://github.com/nolanlawson/substring-trie
const CODA_MARKER = ''; // marks the end of the string
function trie (arr, itemToTokens) {
const map = new Map();
for (const item of arr) {
const tokens = itemToTokens(item);
for (const token of tokens) {
let currentMap = map;
for (let i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {
const char = token.charAt(i);
let nextMap = currentMap.get(char);
if (!nextMap) {
nextMap = new Map();
currentMap.set(char, nextMap);
currentMap = nextMap;
let valuesAtCoda = currentMap.get(CODA_MARKER);
if (!valuesAtCoda) {
valuesAtCoda = [];
currentMap.set(CODA_MARKER, valuesAtCoda);
const search = (query, exact) => {
let currentMap = map;
for (let i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
const char = query.charAt(i);
const nextMap = currentMap.get(char);
if (nextMap) {
currentMap = nextMap;
} else {
return []
if (exact) {
const results = currentMap.get(CODA_MARKER);
return results || []
const results = [];
// traverse
const queue = [currentMap];
while (queue.length) {
const currentMap = queue.shift();
const entriesSortedByKey = [...currentMap.entries()].sort((a, b) => a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 1);
for (const [key, value] of entriesSortedByKey) {
if (key === CODA_MARKER) { // CODA_MARKER always comes first; it's the empty string
} else {
return results
return search
const requiredKeys$1 = [
function assertCustomEmojis (customEmojis) {
const isArray = customEmojis && Array.isArray(customEmojis);
const firstItemIsFaulty = isArray &&
customEmojis.length &&
(!customEmojis[0] || requiredKeys$1.some(key => !(key in customEmojis[0])));
if (!isArray || firstItemIsFaulty) {
throw new Error('Custom emojis are in the wrong format')
function customEmojiIndex (customEmojis) {
const sortByName = (a, b) => a.name.toLowerCase() < b.name.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1;
// all()
const all = customEmojis.sort(sortByName);
// search()
const emojiToTokens = emoji => (
[...new Set((emoji.shortcodes || []).map(shortcode => extractTokens(shortcode)).flat())]
const searchTrie = trie(customEmojis, emojiToTokens);
const searchByExactMatch = _ => searchTrie(_, true);
const searchByPrefix = _ => searchTrie(_, false);
// Search by query for custom emoji. Similar to how we do this in IDB, the last token
// is treated as a prefix search, but every other one is treated as an exact match.
// Then we AND the results together
const search = query => {
const tokens = extractTokens(query);
const intermediateResults = tokens.map((token, i) => (
(i < tokens.length - 1 ? searchByExactMatch : searchByPrefix)(token)
return findCommonMembers(intermediateResults, _ => _.name).sort(sortByName)
// byShortcode, byName
const shortcodeToEmoji = new Map();
const nameToEmoji = new Map();
for (const customEmoji of customEmojis) {
nameToEmoji.set(customEmoji.name.toLowerCase(), customEmoji);
for (const shortcode of (customEmoji.shortcodes || [])) {
shortcodeToEmoji.set(shortcode.toLowerCase(), customEmoji);
const byShortcode = shortcode => shortcodeToEmoji.get(shortcode.toLowerCase());
const byName = name => nameToEmoji.get(name.toLowerCase());
return {
// remove some internal implementation details, i.e. the "tokens" array on the emoji object
// essentially, convert the emoji from the version stored in IDB to the version used in-memory
function cleanEmoji (emoji) {
if (!emoji) {
return emoji
delete emoji.tokens;
if (emoji.skinTones) {
const len = emoji.skinTones.length;
emoji.skins = Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
emoji.skins[i] = {
tone: emoji.skinTones[i],
unicode: emoji.skinUnicodes[i],
version: emoji.skinVersions[i]
delete emoji.skinTones;
delete emoji.skinUnicodes;
delete emoji.skinVersions;
return emoji
function warnETag (eTag) {
if (!eTag) {
console.warn('emoji-picker-element is more efficient if the dataSource server exposes an ETag header.');
const requiredKeys = [
function assertEmojiData (emojiData) {
if (!emojiData ||
!Array.isArray(emojiData) ||
!emojiData[0] ||
(typeof emojiData[0] !== 'object') ||
requiredKeys.some(key => (!(key in emojiData[0])))) {
throw new Error('Emoji data is in the wrong format')
function assertStatus (response, dataSource) {
if (Math.floor(response.status / 100) !== 2) {
throw new Error('Failed to fetch: ' + dataSource + ': ' + response.status)
async function getETag (dataSource) {
const response = await fetch(dataSource, { method: 'HEAD' });
assertStatus(response, dataSource);
const eTag = response.headers.get('etag');
return eTag
async function getETagAndData (dataSource) {
const response = await fetch(dataSource);
assertStatus(response, dataSource);
const eTag = response.headers.get('etag');
const emojiData = await response.json();
return [eTag, emojiData]
// TODO: including these in blob-util.ts causes typedoc to generate docs for them,
* Convert an `ArrayBuffer` to a binary string.
* Example:
* ```js
* var myString = blobUtil.arrayBufferToBinaryString(arrayBuff)
* ```
* @param buffer - array buffer
* @returns binary string
function arrayBufferToBinaryString(buffer) {
var binary = '';
var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
var length = bytes.byteLength;
var i = -1;
while (++i < length) {
binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]);
return binary;
* Convert a binary string to an `ArrayBuffer`.
* ```js
* var myBuffer = blobUtil.binaryStringToArrayBuffer(binaryString)
* ```
* @param binary - binary string
* @returns array buffer
function binaryStringToArrayBuffer(binary) {
var length = binary.length;
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(length);
var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
var i = -1;
while (++i < length) {
arr[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i);
return buf;
// generate a checksum based on the stringified JSON
async function jsonChecksum (object) {
const inString = JSON.stringify(object);
const inBuffer = binaryStringToArrayBuffer(inString);
// this does not need to be cryptographically secure, SHA-1 is fine
const outBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-1', inBuffer);
const outBinString = arrayBufferToBinaryString(outBuffer);
const res = btoa(outBinString);
return res
async function checkForUpdates (db, dataSource) {
// just do a simple HEAD request first to see if the eTags match
let emojiData;
let eTag = await getETag(dataSource);
if (!eTag) { // work around lack of ETag/Access-Control-Expose-Headers
const eTagAndData = await getETagAndData(dataSource);
eTag = eTagAndData[0];
emojiData = eTagAndData[1];
if (!eTag) {
eTag = await jsonChecksum(emojiData);
if (await hasData(db, dataSource, eTag)) ; else {
if (!emojiData) {
const eTagAndData = await getETagAndData(dataSource);
emojiData = eTagAndData[1];
await loadData(db, emojiData, dataSource, eTag);
async function loadDataForFirstTime (db, dataSource) {
let [eTag, emojiData] = await getETagAndData(dataSource);
if (!eTag) {
// Handle lack of support for ETag or Access-Control-Expose-Headers
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Expose-Headers#Browser_compatibility
eTag = await jsonChecksum(emojiData);
await loadData(db, emojiData, dataSource, eTag);
class Database {
constructor ({ dataSource = DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE, locale = DEFAULT_LOCALE, customEmoji = [] } = {}) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.locale = locale;
this._dbName = `emoji-picker-element-${this.locale}`;
this._db = undefined;
this._lazyUpdate = undefined;
this._custom = customEmojiIndex(customEmoji);
this._clear = this._clear.bind(this);
this._ready = this._init();
async _init () {
const db = this._db = await openDatabase(this._dbName);
addOnCloseListener(this._dbName, this._clear);
const dataSource = this.dataSource;
const empty = await isEmpty(db);
if (empty) {
await loadDataForFirstTime(db, dataSource);
} else { // offline-first - do an update asynchronously
this._lazyUpdate = checkForUpdates(db, dataSource);
async ready () {
const checkReady = async () => {
if (!this._ready) {
this._ready = this._init();
return this._ready
await checkReady();
// There's a possibility of a race condition where the element gets added, removed, and then added again
// with a particular timing, which would set the _db to undefined.
// We *could* do a while loop here, but that seems excessive and could lead to an infinite loop.
if (!this._db) {
await checkReady();
async getEmojiByGroup (group) {
await this.ready();
return uniqEmoji(await getEmojiByGroup(this._db, group)).map(cleanEmoji)
async getEmojiBySearchQuery (query) {
await this.ready();
const customs = this._custom.search(query);
const natives = uniqEmoji(await getEmojiBySearchQuery(this._db, query)).map(cleanEmoji);
return [
async getEmojiByShortcode (shortcode) {
await this.ready();
const custom = this._custom.byShortcode(shortcode);
if (custom) {
return custom
return cleanEmoji(await getEmojiByShortcode(this._db, shortcode))
async getEmojiByUnicodeOrName (unicodeOrName) {
await this.ready();
const custom = this._custom.byName(unicodeOrName);
if (custom) {
return custom
return cleanEmoji(await getEmojiByUnicode(this._db, unicodeOrName))
async getPreferredSkinTone () {
await this.ready();
return (await get(this._db, STORE_KEYVALUE, KEY_PREFERRED_SKINTONE)) || 0
async setPreferredSkinTone (skinTone) {
await this.ready();
return set(this._db, STORE_KEYVALUE, KEY_PREFERRED_SKINTONE, skinTone)
async incrementFavoriteEmojiCount (unicodeOrName) {
await this.ready();
return incrementFavoriteEmojiCount(this._db, unicodeOrName)
async getTopFavoriteEmoji (limit) {
await this.ready();
return (await getTopFavoriteEmoji(this._db, this._custom, limit)).map(cleanEmoji)
set customEmoji (customEmojis) {
this._custom = customEmojiIndex(customEmojis);
get customEmoji () {
return this._custom.all
async _shutdown () {
await this.ready(); // reopen if we've already been closed/deleted
try {
await this._lazyUpdate; // allow any lazy updates to process before closing/deleting
} catch (err) { /* ignore network errors (offline-first) */ }
// clear references to IDB, e.g. during a close event
_clear () {
// We don't need to call removeEventListener or remove the manual "close" listeners.
// The memory leak tests prove this is unnecessary. It's because:
// 1) IDBDatabases that can no longer fire "close" automatically have listeners GCed
// 2) we clear the manual close listeners in databaseLifecycle.js.
this._db = this._ready = this._lazyUpdate = undefined;
async close () {
await this._shutdown();
await closeDatabase(this._dbName);
async delete () {
await this._shutdown();
await deleteDatabase(this._dbName);
export { Database as default };