Lephe 8a0ba309e0
forum: restructure models and add topic creation
This changes fixes #25 by restructuring the forum models in a way
compatible with the polymorphic behavior of SQLAlchemy. Incidentally,
the new form turns out to be more appropriate for our use than the
polymorphic one originally used.

The migration for this task is non-trivial because the Thread class was
created with a foreign-key id which thus had no auto-increment or
associated sequence. The most reliable way of getting it back was to
recreate the table because SQLAlchemy ony performs automated sequence
introduction at table creation time. Four separate migration files
perform the whole change.

This commit also adds views and forms to create topics, and the
boilerplate for an advanced markup editor that can be used as a widget.
2019-09-09 08:11:38 +02:00

39 lines
944 B

{% extends "base/base.html" %}
{# This macro will allow us to perform recursive HTML generation #}
{% macro forumtree(f, level) %}
<td><code>{{ f.url }}</code></td>
<td style='padding-left: {{ 6+24*level }}px'>
<a href='/forum{{ f.url }}'>{{ f.name }}</a>
<td>{{ f.topics | length }}</td>
<td>{{ f.post_count() }}</td>
{% for subf in f.sub_forums %}
{{ forumtree(subf, level+1) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% block title %}
<a href="{{ url_for('adm') }}">Panneau d'administration</a> » <h1>Forums</h1>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<p>Cette page permet de gérer l'arbre des forums.</p>
<h2>Arbre des forums</h2>
{% if main_forum == None %}
<p>Il n'y a aucun forum.</p>
{% else %}
<table style='width: 90%; margin: auto'>
{{ forumtree(main_forum, 0) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}