
58 lines
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{# Import this module with context:
{% import "widgets/tag_selector.html" as widget_tag_selector with context %}
This is necessary because it uses global names from context processors. #}
{% macro tag_selector(field) %}
{% set all_tags = db_all_tags() %}
{# When Javascript is disabled, we use the text field directly #}
{{ field.label }}
{% if field.description %}
<div class="desc">{{ field.description }}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="desc">
Saisie sans Javascript: saisissez directement les noms techniques des
tags, séparés par des virgules (eg. <code>calc.g90+e</code>).
{{ field() }}
{% for error in field.errors %}
<span class="msgerror">{{ error }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{# When Javascript is enabled, use a dynamic system where the user can add
and remove tags with the mouse #}
<div class="dynamic-tag-selector">
<div>{{ field.label }}:
<span class="tags-selected">
{% for ctgy, tags in all_tags.items() %}
{% for tag in tags %}
<span class="tag tag-{{ ctgy }}" data-name="{{ tag.id }}"
onclick="tag_selector_remove(tag_selector_find(this), '{{ tag.id }}')">{{ tag.pretty }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if field.description %}
<div class="desc">{{ field.description }}</div>
{% endif %}
{{ field(oninput="tag_selector_update(tag_selector_find(this))") }}
{% for error in field.errors %}
<span class="msgerror">{{ error }}</span>
{% endfor %}
<div>Tags disponibles :</div>
{% for ctgy, tags in all_tags.items() %}
<div class="tags-pool">
{% for tag in tags %}
<span class="tag tag-{{ ctgy }}" data-name="{{ tag.id }}"
onclick="tag_selector_add(tag_selector_find(this), '{{ tag.id }}')">{{ tag.pretty }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}