docs: add docs on usage in meta-frameworks

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Nolan Lawson 2023-12-20 08:12:43 -08:00
parent 20190f9f8b
commit 1f12b981b6
1 changed files with 9 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ A lightweight emoji picker, distributed as a web component.
* [setPreferredSkinTone](#setpreferredskintone)
+ [Custom emoji](#custom-emoji)
+ [Tree-shaking](#tree-shaking)
+ [Within a meta-framework (Next.js, SvelteKit, etc.)](#within-a-meta-framework-nextjs-sveltekit-etc)
+ [Within a Svelte project](#within-a-svelte-project)
* [Data and offline](#data-and-offline)
+ [Data source and JSON format](#data-source-and-json-format)
@ -825,6 +826,14 @@ import Database from 'emoji-picker-element/database';
The reason for this is that `Picker` automatically registers itself as a custom element, following [web component best practices]( But this adds side effects, so bundlers like Webpack and Rollup do not tree-shake as well, unless the modules are imported from completely separate files.
### Within a meta-framework (Next.js, SvelteKit, etc.)
Some meta-frameworks will attempt to server-side render (SSR) any dependencies you `import`. However, `emoji-picker-element` only supports client-side rendering it does not work on the server side. If you attempt to import it on the server side, you will see an error like `requestAnimationFrame is not defined`.
To load `emoji-picker-element` only on the client side, use your meta-framework's technique for client-side-only imports. For example, you can use [dynamic `import()`s]( with [`next/dynamic` in Next.js]( or [`onMount()` in SvelteKit](
`emoji-picker-element` is not designed for SSR. In most apps, an emoji picker should be lazy-loaded upon user interaction (for example, when the user clicks a button).
### Within a Svelte project