import { readdir, writeFile, readFile, rimraf, mkdirp } from './fs.js' import { optimize } from 'svgo' const categories = [ { name: 'People and activities', set: new Set([ 'assistant', 'businessman', 'businesswoman', 'butting_in', 'customer_support', 'debt', 'night_portrait', 'online_support', 'portrait_mode', 'reading', 'reading_ebook', 'selfie', 'sports_mode', 'voice_presentation', 'podium_with_speaker', 'manager', 'reuse' ]) }, { name: 'Technical and software', set: new Set([ 'add_column', 'add_database', 'address_book', 'add_row', 'audio_file', 'bookmark', 'broken_link', 'capacitor', 'cell_phone', 'charge_battery', 'electrical_sensor', 'electrical_threshold', 'electro_devices', 'electronics', 'empty_battery', 'empty_filter', 'engineering', 'export', 'file', 'folder', 'full_battery', 'high_battery', 'opened_folder', 'parallel_tasks', 'print', 'search', 'circuit', 'command_line', 'crystal_oscillator', 'data_backup', 'database', 'data_configuration', 'data_encryption', 'data_protection', 'data_recovery', 'data_sheet', 'delete_column', 'delete_database', 'delete_row', 'download', 'integrated_webcam', 'landscape', 'lock_landscape', 'lock_portrait', 'multiple_devices', 'multiple_smartphones', 'serial_tasks', 'share', 'sim_card_chip', 'sim_card"', 'smartphone_tablet', 'sms', 'touchscreen_smartphone', 'two_smartphones', 'upload', 'video_call', 'accept_database', 'alphabetical_sorting_az', 'alphabetical_sorting_za', 'clear_filters', 'cursor', 'edit_image', 'filter', 'full_trash', 'empty_trash', 'generic_sorting_asc', 'generic_sorting_desc', 'low_battery', 'mms', 'multiple_inputs', 'numerical_sorting_12', 'numerical_sorting_21', 'settings', 'tree_structure', 'undo', 'redo', 'refresh', 'headset', 'filled_filter', 'genealogy', 'voicemail', 'speaker', 'link', 'feed_in', 'missed_call', 'menu', 'middle_battery', 'phone', 'sim_card', 'lock', 'unlock', 'privacy', 'comments' ]) }, { name: 'Film and Photography', set: new Set([ 'clapperboard', 'photo_reel', 'old_time_camera', 'film', 'film_reel', 'video_projector', 'switch_camera', 'camcorder', 'camcorder_pro', 'camera', 'camera_addon', 'camera_identification', 'compact_camera', 'webcam', 'video_file', 'no_video', 'multiple_cameras', 'rotate_camera', 'rotate_to_landscape', 'rotate_to_portrait', 'portrait_mode', 'landscape_mode', 'flash_auto', 'flash_off', 'flash_on', 'image_file', 'remove_image', 'add_image', 'panorama', 'picture', 'slr_back_side', 'stack_of_photos', 'gallery', 'close_up_mode', 'frame' ]) }, { name: 'Arrows', set: new Set(['advance', 'down', 'down_left', 'down_right', 'left', 'left_down', 'left_down2', 'left_up', 'left_up2', 'right', 'right_down', 'right_down2', 'right_up', 'right_up2', 'up', 'up_left', 'up_right' ]) }, { name: 'Business', set: new Set([ 'area_chart', 'bad_decision', 'bar_chart', 'bearish', 'bullish', 'briefcase', 'business', 'business_contact', 'calculator', 'call_transfer', 'callback', 'collaboration', 'combo_chart', 'conference_call', 'decision', 'department', 'deployment', 'disapprove', 'disclaimer', 'document', 'doughnut_chart', 'end_call', 'external', 'factory', 'factory_breakdown', 'faq', 'filing_cabinet', 'fine_print', 'flow_chart', 'good_decision', 'grid', 'idea', 'import', 'in_transit', 'inspection', 'internal', 'answers', 'line_chart', 'low_priority', 'make_decision', 'medium_priority', 'mind_map', 'negative_dynamic', 'neutral_decision', 'neutral_trading', 'org_unit', 'organization', 'overtime', 'paid', 'pie_chart', 'positive_dynamic', 'process', 'radar_plot', 'sales_performance', 'scatter_plot', 'self_service_kiosk', 'services', 'support', 'statistics', 'survey', 'template', 'timeline', 'vip', 'workflow', 'todo_list', 'expired', 'heat_map', 'donate', 'no_idea', 'feedback', 'safe', 'shipped', 'contacts', 'list', 'package', 'invite', 'money_transfer', 'view_details', 'questions', 'ratings' ]) }, { name: 'Symbols', set: new Set([ 'approval', 'approve', 'automatic', 'biohazard', 'cancel', 'checkmark', 'collapse', 'expand', 'collect', 'copyleft', 'copyright', 'currency_exchange', 'high_priority', 'info', 'ok', 'plus', 'registered_trademark', 'service_mark', 'trademark', 'sound_recording_copyright', 'rating', 'start', 'synchronize', 'about', 'like', 'like_placeholder', 'previous', 'next', 'dislike', 'minus' ]) }, { name: 'Time', set: new Set([ 'alarm_clock', 'clock', 'calendar', 'leave', 'planner' ]) }, { name: 'Academic', set: new Set([ 'diploma_1', 'diploma_2', 'graduation_cap', 'podium_with_audience', 'podium_without_speaker', 'ruler', 'library', 'biotech', 'biomass', 'rules' ]) } ] function getCategory (name) { for (const category of categories) { if (category.set.has(name)) { return } } } function remove (name) { // I don't want to include any brand logos return [ 'dvd_logo', 'reddit', 'wikipedia', 'vlc', 'usb', 'wi-fi_logo', 'steam', 'bbc', 'cd_logo', 'dribbble', 'google', 'linux', 'stumbleupon', 'android_os', 'entering_heaven_alive', 'phone_android', 'debian', 'ipad', 'iphone', 'kindle', 'nfc_sign', 'nook', 'advertising', 'tablet_android', 'icons8_cup', 'cable_release' ].includes(name) } async function main () { await rimraf('./docs/custom') await mkdirp('./docs/custom') const emojis = await readdir('./node_modules/flat-color-icons/svg') const customEmojis = emojis .map(filename => { const name = filename.replace('.svg', '') const category = getCategory(name) const res = { name } if (category) { res.category = category } return res }) .filter(({ name }) => !remove(name)) // use a smaller JSON format to transfer over the wire const categoriesToCustomEmoji = {} for (const { name, category = '' } of customEmojis) { categoriesToCustomEmoji[category] = categoriesToCustomEmoji[category] || [] categoriesToCustomEmoji[category].push(name) } await writeFile('./docs/custom.json', JSON.stringify(categoriesToCustomEmoji), 'utf8') await Promise.all( ({ name }) => { const svg = await readFile(`./node_modules/flat-color-icons/svg/${name}.svg`, 'utf8') const optimized = await optimize(svg, { multipass: true }) await writeFile(`./docs/custom/${name}.svg`,, 'utf8') })) } main().catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })